Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
More control...
Published on November 8, 2005 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

The relations system in GalCiv 1 was dynamic but hard to understand.  The AI would look at where it currently was in terms of how it felt about you, go through a load of calculations, and then adjust its relations.  The problem was that it was often hard to understand.

So this time, I've started making it so that the AI calculates its relations with you from scratch each turn rather than adjusting up and down.

Different situations given different points for and against you.  Ironically, a system similar to this is in Civ IV so at least there's others that feel a system like this makes more sense.  Here's what I've got so far:




You are militarily more powerful

2 to 3

You are significantly more powerful.

4 to 5

You are massively more powerful militarily


You are trading with them


Trade with you represents a substantial part of their economy


Trade with you represents a major part of their economy


You are ethically evil and so are they


You are ethically neutral and so are they


You are ethically good and so are they


You have helped them in the past.

2 to 3

You have provided significant help to them.


You have recently paid tribute


You are natural friends (humans & Altarians)

1 to 3

You are diplomatically more sophisticated


They have planets in your influence sphere

1 to 2

They are pacifistic

1 to 4

You are a historic friend (after 2228 + galaxy size) players friendly players become friendlier with 1 point per year)


You are evil and they are neutral


You are evil and they are good


You are  good and they are evil


You are good and they are neutral


You are neutral and they are evil


You are neutral and they are good


They are more powerful than you are.

-2 to -3

They are significantly more powerful than you are.

-4 to -5

They are massively more powerful than you are.

-1 to -2

They are militaristic


You are natural enemies (Drengin and Torians)


You are the Yor (or you’re not the Yor)

-1 to -4

You are a historic adversary

-1 to -3

You are diplomatically less sophisticated

-1 to -4

“Unlucky” event affects you (assassination for instance)

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 06, 2005
ONE thing currently annoys me about GC2 beta 4c, and ne thing only, it didnt seem to happen in 4b that I noticed anyway, thats when a race declares war on YOU another race delcares war on YOU as you are at war with the first lot that declares war on you - then a third lot declares war on you cos' the second lot declared war! quite frankly in most of my beta 4c games i have not really settled in and enyoyed very many terms of plotting, research, economic building and cultural gaon as as quick as my race is out of its space nappies i am in a galactic war that never abates. This , I have to say spoils MY style of fun game a little and it must be to do with the weighting of this aspect in the AI tables, but i dont see it .
on Dec 06, 2005
Well, I know it is annoying. But in GCI, I played the diplomatic guy, that esnure that every race is fighting each other
And have you checked if alliances were involved? Web of alliances can be pretty annoying.
on Dec 06, 2005
Peace Phoenix, I believe I summed it up quite well in saying "Nothing assures a galaxy full of war like making sure everyone has the Alliances Tech." Usually, my games devolve to the point that there's two alliances beating on each other, me swiping every resource that gets uncovered, and propping up the loosing races so that it doesn't become a game of one alliance vs me.
on Dec 12, 2005
Web of alliances can be pretty annoying.

thats how both WWs started phoenix...
and brought germany too its knees... twice.... But the second time it was ripped in was like the first time was a evil and aggressive like that and your gonna have problems....
on Dec 12, 2005
-1 You are the Yor (or you’re not the Yor)

Do the Dark Yor get a -1 ?
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