Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
New features
Published on March 3, 2004 By Draginol In Blogging

As Bakerstreet recently wrote, a website like represents an evolutionary step in blogging. The idea is for people to be able to have their own blogs about whatever they want.

But where differs is that we want to create a system in which people who write blogs have a chance of having their works get more exposure than they would elsewhere. Hence, the point system. People come to, they then are presented with top articles of the day, newest articles, top articles of the past month, top blog sites of the past month and articles that have recently gotten comments on them. And on top of that, articles of INTEREST appear in full on the home page.

As you can imagine, we are always skirting the fine line between wanting to let people do whatever they want on their own blogs without it conflicting with the rights of other users.

So we do have some new features to that end that are out or will be out soon:

  • Black Listing. You can now prevent specific users from being able to comment on your articles. If there is someone who annoys the heck out of you, then you can keep them from responding to any of your articles. You black list someone by clicking on their name and pressingthe black list button. You unblacklist someone by going to the settings for your blog in "My account".
  • Null Articles. Admins of the site will be able to set certain articles as not being able to amass points. We don't want to censor anyone's articles. But at the same time, we've seen cases where a company will have an article to let others respond and communicate with it manage to get so many points that it shows up in the top 10 lists. That's not real fair to others. The other area, which will surely annoy some people, is that we will probably start penalizing the points of articles that are not really that person's articles. That is, people who repost other people's articles from other sites with excessive quoting. There is a fine line between quoting another article as part of YOUR article and simply reposting someone else's material in an attempt to get attention to your blog.  The quoted material shouldn't be why people are reading your blog. YOUR writings or observations are why people should be reading your blog. Otherwise, eventually, the site would be overrun by people gaming the point system with tons of articles that are essentially excerpts from other sites.  People who write their own material are the ones that we want to see in the top lists.  We won't stop people from writing articles that are pushing the envelope on fair use of quoted material, but we won't let them use those articles to make their way into the top articles and blogs either.
  • [Explicit Content] You can mark your article as having adult content so that younger readers won't be able to see it. The rules here would be much the same rules as TV or movies. Nudity, sexual content, etc. are things that don't belong on this site in a place where children may see it. Please make sure you use the adult content (99% of people here are adults so you're not really restricting yourself) checkbox.
  • Kudos and Access. We now have the ability to raise people's access. But we don't currently display that information anywhere.  We will slowly be adding in more apparent access markers for people along with Kudo markers in people's blogs and in their profile to let people see what things they've accomplsiehd "Top bloggers", "1000 points", "100th article", and so forth. Just little ways of giving kudos to people who have achieved success.

So this is what's upcoming. We hope you like the enhancements.  The site will remain free but we do plan to start makign available extra features (backing up blogs to local disk, a blog navigator program, multiple blog sites and blog groups, net storage, etc.) soon for a small monthly fee as an option.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 05, 2004
Another thing I would like to see is the ability to "lock" a blog. As it stands, when I select "allow no comments" after blog commenting is started, it hides the comments all together. I think sometimes a conversation can play itself out and just degrade into a useless excercise. The previous comments, though, can be quite valid.

"locking" articles would be a good alternaitive to blacklisting and deleting, because it ends the conversation for everyone, not just one party.
on Mar 05, 2004
That's a good idea.
on Mar 05, 2004
Admins of the site will be able to set certain articles as not being able to amass points. We don't want to censor anyone's articles. But at the same time, we've seen cases where a company will have an article to let others respond and communicate with it manage to get so many points that it shows up in the top 10 lists.

this is just a thought, but something you might consider would be setting it up so that only the first ten replies to an article give or receive points. After that, the only way for the article to continue gaining points is if someone other than the author rates the reply as insightful... if and when that happens, the author of the reply would receive their 5 points as well. That way people aren't being rewarded for writing garbage...

When reply # 12 is:

and # 13 is: I'll call you later

and # 14 is: You're a moron...

if i'm not mistaken, somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 points were just given out to various bloggers...
on Mar 05, 2004
For the pay plan, how about two different pricing plans where the lower price gives you advantages but you still have to put up with having advertising on your blog sites to help pay the costs of your site, and the higher price gives you advantages plus no ads on your blog sites.
on Mar 15, 2004
A bit late, but seeing as no-one answered me the first time, I'll post it again:
If a blacklisted person comments on an article, will that comment just disappear, or will it just be invisible to the blacklister. Will the person being blacklisted get any indication that he/she is being blacklisted?
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