Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Hostility to the open market of ideas is bad for an ideology
Published on December 9, 2005 By Draginol In Politics

I'm just rambling here so if you're looking for a well written piece, you'll want to go elsewhere.  After 6 weeks of massive hours I'm spent..

It's not a good time to ideological. 

If you're a conservative, you're quickly discovering that victory in politics quickly corrupts.  Conservatives control the congress and the presidency only to have record deficits, sloppy governance, and cronyism. 

If you're an intelligent liberal, your ideology has largely been hijacked by very loud people who sound like they just came off their meds. 

It is kind of ironic that in the past few years conservatism, as a movement, has become more secular, while liberalism has become a secular religion unto itself.  Those who stray from orthodox liberalism are treated as heretics. I think this is one of the reasons why liberals seem much much more likely to attack Christians because they now subconsciously see it as a rival religion.

Personally, I tend to pick and choose pieces of different ideologies to create my own life philosophy. A philosophy that suits me based on my experiences.  I wouldn't be considered very conservative socially by most "real" conservatives.  I'm pro-choice. Pro-civil union for gays. Pro-higher taxes on the wealthy.  I'm not really a libertarian as I do believe in government regulation, the FDA, the FCC, the FTC, etc.  But since I don't follow liberal orthodoxy, I'm a "conservative".  And that's why Liberals are the minority because nowadays, it doesn't take much to be a conservative.  Believe in a reasonably free market? No soup for you.  Consider patriotism to be a good thing? You're off the liberal team. Think Kyoto is a bad idea? Pack your bags, righty.

The liberal religion, for lack of a better word, seems to have gone a long way towards making themselves a permanent minority.  The reason boils down to their religion being so fundamentalist.  Just as obnoxious Christians used to take the attitude "Sure, you can believe what you want, but don't blame me when you're burning in hell" liberal dogma goes something like this "Sure, you can believe what you want but you just prove you're not enlightened if you disagree with me."

I found this image on the net (from a Mac user which is unsurprising).  Pretty typical stuff. To be a conservative simply requires a frontal lobotomy.

And so it goes with most debates I get into with left of center people.  There's a smug undertone to the discussion in which my views are not being taken very seriously because it never occurs to them that any view other than theirs could have any merit.  My views are simply based on ignorance and base human desires (hate, greed, you name it). 

Liberals, would counter and say "Conservatives don't listen to opposing views either." Nonsense.  That's the basic disconnect between conservatism and today's liberalism.  Probably because conservatives believe in social Darwinism, capitalism, and the free market as a whole, bad ideas get jettisoned and good ideas take over. A belief that can't stand the test of the real world gets tossed out. Over time, the ideology gets sharper and sharper.  Liberals tend to have a lot less faith in competition of all sorts and perhaps that is why they tend to stick to beliefs that don't survive critical inspection.

As a result, over time, the conservative ideology has evolved and changed.  Consider today's conservative to one in 1972.  The typical conservative today is quite different from the ones of 1972.  The book "South Park Conservatives" is practically a case study on the phenomenon.   Liberalism, by contrast, remains almost completely unchanged other than changing the dates of predicted doom or whether it's global cooling vs. global warming.  A liberal demonstration today looks pretty much the same as it did back then. Everyone's a Nazi still (except for actual brutal fascist dictators with little mustaches) and big business is still the devil and good intentions still trump any concern over the logical result if their demands were met. It's about caring after all.  It's about fairness(TM) (whatever that means).

As liberals have lost ground, they have become even more shrill and intolerant and it shows.  Moreover, many liberals are poorly equipped to battle on anything resembling equal ground in the war of ideas. Liberals get into college which insulates them from the real world and provides them a sympathetic left-wing environment thanks to left-wing professors who never had to put their beliefs to the test outside academia, and as a result, liberals go out into the world without a good background in how to put forth a compelling argument to advocate their beliefs.

Liberal debating strategy ends up being either:

  1. Duh. (to use Bakerstreet's quote). If you disagree with me you're stupid.

Nearly every liberal debate on any site will devolve into that.  Either you're stupid or you're a racist nazi. It depends on who you're debating with and whether they are feeling cornered.

The "Duh" argument

Liberals who use the Duh argument usually rely heavily on wit and one-liners. John Stewart of the Daily Show is the poster child of this argument. "Many people disagree with Kyoto, such as President Bush.  In related news, Bush has proposed a mission to Mars in the hopes of helping speed up the timetable in which mankind can escape to a new planet to destroy."

Liberals are often very witty. But wit is no substitute for an argument.

Here's a typical "Duh" argument example:

Mary: "We only eat organic food, it's better for the environment and more healthy."

Bill: "Really? How?"

Mary: "Well, first, it doesn't use pesticide. I'm just not big on having poison on my food. I'm just weird that way. Second, they use natural fertilizer instead of chemicals. Got enough chemicals already, thank you."

Bill: "Why do you think that's better?"

Mary: "Duh. Pesticide. Poison. Poison = Bad for environment. And chemicals = bad. Hello?"

Bill: "I've never heard of anyone dying from pesticide. And they use pesticide so that insects and weeds won't destroy a lot of the crop so that they can produce more food on less land which is better for the enviroment. Secondly, the 'chemical' fertilizer they use is nitrogen which makes up 75% of our atmosphere. Natural fertilizer is literally poop.  Are you saying you'd rather eat poop than have trace amounts of pesticide on your food?"

Mary: "You just don't get it.  You sound like you've been brainwashed  by the agribusiness."

The "SHUT UP" argument

The Shut up argument can start out a lot like a Duh argument. It depends on the intelligence of the debater on how long they are able to "use their words". Eventually, many liberals will devolve into shouting and personal attacks. Either a demand for you to be quiet or an accusation that you're evil or racist or a comparison with Hitler or the Nazis (which is ironic since this breed of liberal is unknowingly imitating the tactics of the Nazi party during the 1930s -- another issue, this breed of liberal usually knows little on history).

Craig: "Bush and his cronies are once again stuffing the pockets of their rich friends while the poor are left to rot. What's next? Bush going to send his cronies to pick pocket the poor to give to their rich buddies?"

Angie: "Well technically the poor don't pay federal taxes and the government doesn't give rich their money, tax cuts mean that less of the income earned by rich people is taken by the government."

Craig: "The rich don't need that money! (getting louder) What about the poor mother with 3 children to feed? What about them??"

Angie: "Well, perhaps they should have considered their finances before having 3 children?"


It's not both sides

Usually at this part of the discussion an intelligent liberal will try to argue that "both sides" have their crazies. And that is true. But numerically, it's incredibly one-sided (you don't usually find too many math majors who are liberals which I guess makes sense since statistics seem to be an anathema to them).  Cindy Sheehan who is detested on the right can give a speech uninterrupted but Ann Coulter and other conservatives have to worry about being assaulted on stage. Being able to give their speech is often difficult if not impossible because of left-wing loonies screaming  "SHUT UP YOU RACIST NAZI!"

You see it on JoeUser too.  there are right-wing boobs here on  But in terms of foaming at the mouth, red-eyed hatred, it's not even close which side is more represented.  It's not just here. Democratic Underground is a favorite whipping boy.  But there's really no right-wing equivalent.  The New Republic has some crazies, Democratic Underground IS crazy.

Many liberals are very intelligent and have many good points. But it's becoming increasingly rare to find even intelligent liberals who do more than simply complain about how bad a given policy is. Conservatives often seem more intent in actually finding a solution. It may not always be the best solution but at least they're trying. Liberals, even intelligent ones, will just poke holes in it without offering an alternative.  And the unintelligent ones will just shriek nonsense that I suspect even they don't think will be considered seriously.

And it's getting worse.  I'm not sure where things will end up.  The joke at our home is that it won't end in civil war because the right-wingers have all the guns.  But something is going to give in the next few years.  The left's shrillness from the extremes and complacent arrogance from its mainstream is causing it to lose more and more influence as the majority begins to find replacements to the institutions that those demographics have tended to control (media and academia). 

In the meantime, I'll just hope that I can debate with friends and strangers alike without them trying to patronize me or shout me down.  But I won't get my hopes up.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 11, 2005

Err. The charge was you also do the talking for others. We're all well aware of just how much you like to talk yourself... and of course when that fails you can always resort to cries of "Im number 1!! Im number 1 Im number 1!" .... as you're so inclined to do.

Apparently you read at a second grade level or you would know what that article was about.  SInce you cannot. let me clue you in.  FOr the permanently mentally defficient, it meant my site was number one at JU for a few days.

Now I would ask you if you feel stupid, but I dont see how that would be any different for you.

on Dec 11, 2005

You mean like DG does Brad.

I had to use simple words so you could understand them!  Now go play with your bubble bath, cause you cant debate worth crap.

on Dec 11, 2005
Well, looking from an European perspective the only place I'm confronted with the left versus right attitude is JoeUser, and basically, the intolerant shouting ones stiffling any discussion are the righties. Any meaningful leftwing discussions will be just overshouted by the rightwing supporters. So the only leftwing supporters left are the ones who are just looking for an arguments thus 'supporting' your case (this is a generatlisation, so you know whether this applies to you )

The main problem with the political discussions on JoeUser is that there is no respect for each other. The few discussions I took an interest in resulted to stupid namecalling so quickly that it becomes a waste of time reading them. And looking at this discussion you are just a part of that problem yourself Brad.

Don't know whether this problem is specific to JoeUser or whether it is more widespread. To me it is a shame, as I'm really interested in a place with some meaningful discussions about opinions in the US. Guess JoeUser just isn't it.
on Dec 11, 2005

Well many of them have no problem exploiting people or the environment. Capitalism rewards this behavior and that is in fact why statistically conservatives have more wealth.

Wow. That's a real stretch.  I would argue that the reason why conservatives tend to have more money is because they tend to look for solutions to problems and act on those solutions as opposed to sitting back and complain about how unfair life is.

on Dec 11, 2005

Liberal ideology may be experiencing a back step in America for now but it’s not dying. Your concern is unwarranted. Society will continue to become more liberal as it has been. This slow down is mostly to do with the war. A war with conservatives from the Middle East ironically. (The Talaban was the apex of conservatism in the world today). I hear what your saying, that’s why liberals make lousy politicians, it’s all or nothing they don’t seem to know how to take small victories to reach a goal.

Conservatism is a movement that came into existence as a backlash to the age of enlightenment. It is the status quo, don’t stray to far, and tow the line ideology. It has been the ideology of people who are afraid of change and advancement because they have limited comprehension. That is its history. It has since evolved into something far more palatable but still rutted in that intolerant past. Conservative and some religious ideals are in fact why freedom isn’t free. All wars ever fought are conservatives fighting conservatives; Liberals don’t go to war with liberals. They only go to war to be free from conservatives.

And by the way, conservatives are directly responsible for me not having a flying car and the ability to vacation on the mars right now. Probably for the best they would have never survived the atomic age (Taking us liberals with them), if advancement had proceeded through the dark ages.

WOW.  I mean, WOW.  So we conservatives ar the way we are because we dislike the age of enlightenment.  I must have missed all those liberals in my engineering classes, I guess I was too busy foiling flying cars and Mars missions.

So let me make sure I'm not taking you out of context -- the problem with conservatives is that we're not enlightened?  So you are agreeing with the reason why liberals tend to dismiss why conservatives think because conservatives lack enlightenment?

I think you're using labels in a way that suits your needs.  Many of today's conservatives (including myself) would be better described as classical liberals.  There's nothing "tolerant" about today's left-wing liberal in my opinion. 

on Dec 11, 2005

Liberals tend to throw around the accusation of intolerance at conservatives. 

But reality says something different.  As disliked as Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan or Al Franken are by conservatives, you don't see them being attacked onstage.  You don't see conservatives trying to drown out their speeches with loud music (as was done this past weekend to Ann Coulter). 

In the 2004 election, DNC HQ's weren't attacked by gun fire.  No one tried to run over anyone with a John Kerry bumpersticker on their car.  No one slashed the tires on the get out to vote vehicles at the DNC.  There are dozens of examples of this that are well documented. None the other way around.

These are facts. They're not in dispute.  What can be disputed is the interpretation of it.  My interpretation is that liberals do not brook disent and because their ideology is on the wane, this is what they strike back with -- violence and intimidation.   Even on-line, the first liberal tactic tends to be patronization and dismissal. If that fails, insults and personal attacks.   We see it even in this thread where liberals start out condescending my article rather than trying to deal with the points and quickly following into grotesque sexual insults at those who disagree with them (and then, turning on a dime to act shocked shocked! -I'm a victim-  that those they attack respond in kind).

Liberals can claim they are tolerant and open all day. But the evidence doesn't support that at all.  

on Dec 11, 2005

Well, looking from an European perspective the only place I'm confronted with the left versus right attitude is JoeUser, and basically, the intolerant shouting ones stiffling any discussion are the righties. Any meaningful leftwing discussions will be just overshouted by the rightwing supporters. So the only leftwing supporters left are the ones who are just looking for an arguments thus 'supporting' your case (this is a generatlisation, so you know whether this applies to you )

The main problem with the political discussions on JoeUser is that there is no respect for each other. The few discussions I took an interest in resulted to stupid namecalling so quickly that it becomes a waste of time reading them. And looking at this discussion you are just a part of that problem yourself Brad.

Don't know whether this problem is specific to JoeUser or whether it is more widespread. To me it is a shame, as I'm really interested in a place with some meaningful discussions about opinions in the US. Guess JoeUser just isn't it.

You say this but provide no evidence.  I write an article and within a day we have on liberal telling a conservative to "go suck him off".   Where have I been going around calling people vile names?

And finally, what qualifies as a meaningful discussion to you?  I like meaningful discussions too.  Why don't you start some and see how they progress? Most blogs are people offering their opinions on various subjects.

on Dec 11, 2005
You say this but provide no evidence. I write an article and within a day we have on[e] liberal telling a conservative to "go suck him off". Where have I been going around calling people vile names?

Hmmmm. Way back in post #9 I listed a whole bunch of quotes all lifted from the venerable pages of JU, all said by right-wingers and directed towards left-wingers. All would support schekker's post. For some reason that escapes me (not really ), it was conveniently skipped. If you really expect these lefties you keep obsessing over to clean up their act then you need to insist that the righties that are guilty of the same thing clean up their act as well.
on Dec 11, 2005
UBob - you provide no attributation to your quotes.   I have no doubt you can find some quotes out there. The question is how often they occur and what level of venom they imbue.  There's nothing in your list that in my opinion tops what was said very quickly in this thread.
on Dec 11, 2005

Hmmmm. Way back in post #9 I listed a whole bunch of quotes all lifted from the venerable pages of JU, all said by right-wingers and directed towards left-wingers.

And you might want to show how the quotes came about.  As in, when the left winger started trash talking first?

on Dec 11, 2005
Typical enlightened doublespeak. An elitist who feels the lesser humanoids must be overssen by their more advanced counterparts. Thanks Mr. Spock. Oddly I thought the last 200 years of social evolution was about convincing us that we were all equally evolved.It's all synthetic, hothouse flower ideals. One day, it suits Liberalism to paint us all as the noble savage. The next some of us are graced with ability and the rest are to be fostered like Dicken's orphans. Whatever meets the needs of the moment works, because none of it has to make sense outside your ever shifting utopian fantasy.

You’re the one granting different levels of “personhood” sounds like you’re the elitist to me. The liberal goal of a utopian society has never shifted and is not a fantasy.

I must have missed all those liberals in my engineering classes, I guess I was too busy foiling flying cars and Mars missions.

The point was if the ban on science and technology during the middle ages by conservatives had not occurred, we would be a significantly more technologically advanced society than we are today and I would by now have the flying that they promised 30 years ago. It was partly a joke.

WOW. I mean, WOW. So we conservatives ar the way we are because we dislike the age of enlightenment.

I said the conservative movement began as a reaction to the age of enlightenment. As much as you bash liberalism I thought you should take a closer look at your own ideology. You tell me does this sound like you?
A quote from the encyclopedia Encarta,

“Conservatism, a general state of mind that is averse to rapid change and innovation and strives for balance and order, while avoiding extremes. Originally conservatism arose as a reaction against the Age of Enlightenment (see Enlightenment, Age of). Conservatives advocated belief in faith over reason, tradition over free inquiry, hierarchy over equality, collective values over individualism, and divine or natural law over secular law. At a given time in a given society, conservatism emphasizes the merits of the status quo and endorses the prevailing distribution of power, wealth, and social standing. Political conservative thought, however, has reconciled itself with constitutional democracy and individual rights as well as with prudent and orderly social and economic change”

That’s how it started. Today’s conservative is more moderate and has adopted many liberal views but there are still similarities that remain. Most people who call themselves conservatives are enlightened they just hang on to a few aging conservative views like “tradition over free inquiry, hierarchy over equality, collective values over individualism”
on Dec 11, 2005
I had to use simple words so you could understand them! Now go play with your bubble bath, cause you cant debate worth crap.

Well we could go back and forth and like this forever DG but the fact is that you dont like nor respect me and I sure as hell dont like you. Your comments about debate are irrelevant because you and and i dont debate anything. Ever.

Now you can blame me for that and vice versa but why dont we just agree, for everyone elses sake, to just plain ignore one another.
And when i say ignore. I mean completely. Nothings ever going to come of this. We're never going to have a "real" encounter in which to duke it out. We're never going to be able to steal each other wives, nor bankrupt one another. We dont mix in the same social circles. So really its a zero sum game.

Im sure a couple of big girls like us can agree to disagree and be done with it. Surely? We could set the example for anyone else who ever finds themselves in our positions as to how to "stop the rot". Once and for all. What do you say DG?
on Dec 11, 2005
me for my ignorance no doubt. Thanks for illustrating my point.

No, I would never impute ignorance to anyone, let alone you. But you did say you were tired and rambling and thus turned your argument from moderation to attributing unjustified, blanket agnst toward liberals.
on Dec 11, 2005
Just as obnoxious Christians used [?] to take the attitude "Sure, you can believe what you want, but don't blame me when you're burning in hell" liberal dogma goes something like this "Sure, you can believe what you want but you just prove you're not enlightened ? if you disagree with me." I believe it was you who presupposed that I would say if I disagree that you were emphatically ignorant. Either way you are using hyperboles to support your theme.
on Dec 11, 2005
Oh, by the way, all these remarks were made by people arguing the right-wing, conservative side.

Needless clarification.
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