Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Reminding a nation that Bush has already passed the test of true leadership in a crisis
Published on March 5, 2004 By Draginol In Republican

Some people have complained that Bush doesn't have the right to make use of any 9/11 related images in his campaign commercials.  I disagree. But I also strongly believe that he needs to tread carefully as to not seem to be exploiting a national tragedy. 

The reason I think he can and should bring up 9/11 is because it was the defining moment of is presidency. I remember thinking as the months passed after 9/11 how thankful I was that Bush had won and not Gore. I could imagine the over-engineered response Gore would have put together. Would Gore have taken out the Taliban? Would some other President have managed to topple the Taliban and disrupt Al Qaeda with so few losses? Who can forget Bush standing at ground zero with his arm around the weary fireman? It was a defining moment in our country's history and Bush was the right man at the right place. He not only should remind us of those times, he has an obligation to remind us of what we've been through and how he handled a dire situation.

Those who cry foul are being hypocritical, to say the least. We don't know a lot about Kerry but we damn well know that he served in Vietnam. That he got a silver star, a bronze star, and two purple hearts. I know this off the top of my head. Why? Because he is constantly making a big fuss about the defining moment of his life. I don't have a problem with that though. Those events demonstrated that in a crunch, Carry is a brave and heroic figure.  Would someone argue that Vietnam was a "national" event that should therefore be hands off? Of course not.  9/11 was a national tragedy as well. And it is important for people to realize how effectively Bush handled that crisis.

Obviously Bush critics won't like that. Their strategy has been to try to make it so that Bush can't talk about anything.  If you try to point out Kerry's deplorable voting record on national security issues, his supporters claim that's off limits because he's a war hero.  Now they're trying to create a scenario where Bush can't speak about what he accomplished.  Honestly now, if I told you on 9/12/2001 that as we enter 2004 the United States would not suffer a single follow-up terrorist attack would you have believed it? Be honest now.  Nearly 3 years later and we've not suffered any additional attacks. Before 9/11 we had been routinely attacked by Al Qaeda -- the embassy bombings, the USS Cole, the first WTC attack. And yet after 9/11, nothing. No matter how you slice it, you have to give some credit to Bush for this. Because, make no mistake, if we suffered a terrorist attack he would almost certainly get blamed for that. We can't have it both ways.

His ads needs to remind us what we've been through. Not just for political purposes but because too many people have already forgotten what happened on September 11. Four airliners were hijacked at the same time. Two of them were rammed into the world's largest building, the WTC and destroyed. The WTC, if you hadn't ever been in it, was the size of a small city. The twin towers could comfortably fit over 100,000 people in them (that's how many people could potentially have died incidentally if the planes had struck about an hour later and at the same time and a bit lower on the buildings). A third hijacked airliner rammed into the Pentagon. The fourth was retaken by the passengers and crashed into the ground while it was on its way to Washington DC. Its target believed to have been the White House (think about that for a moment - if the passengers hadn't done what they did, the White House might have been destroyed). Or maybe the capital building!  Think about that. 

We need to be reminded that we are at war. And that like Kerry in Vietnam, when Bush had his crunch time, he showed that he was a man of integrity and effective leadership.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Apr 04, 2004
In response to jeblackstar ,what does that mean, jeblackstar? just curious. I could only dream of making that type of income. I think you might be using fuzzy math. jusaliljoke dont get mad @me! Anyway, I just pulled my last pay stub, I'll Leave my wifes income out of the equation. She probably does'nt want it disclosed on the internet. I will say, it is more than mine. Would'nt you know it she's always refreshing my memory of that. I GROSS $1.200 a week after deducting fed:$143.00 ,state:$88.86, social security:$74.70 , wich is a tax at this point, because it wont be there for me. Medicare:$17.40 Now that leaves me W/$876.34 wich is $276.34 above half of my weekly GROSS. Now add in Personal property,( of wich the only thing you can claim is your home) taxes,gas tax, grocery tax,any personal items or home appliances ANYTHING. I am not sure but my guess is it is damn close too , if not 50%. Oh, and let's not forget . If you are owed a refund @ the end of the year that is considered income and you pay taxes on that the following year. how f$$$$d-UP is that? They use our money through out the year and then give it back and say you owe tax on this. Anyway we live 30 minutes outside WASH. D.C. cost of living is not the highest in the country,but we are in the top 5. But hey you are right. Clearly me & mine are not one of those suffering in the world & why not because I was lucky enough to be born in the U.S.of A. where an uneducated (probably not hard to tell) person( 9th. grade W/ GED. what a joke but thats another topic) willing to get up every morning @ 4:00A.M. & put in an hard long day does not have to be put in the position of suffering. By the way, I dont think hypocritical is the right word. Maybe you meant selfish, but call it whatever you'd like. My wife and I bust our butts day in & day out . I just dont want to hand it over to those who choose not too.
on Apr 04, 2004
All those other taxes don't add. You're not paying grocery tax AND gas tax AND home appliances and so on on the same income--you can only spend a given dollar on one thing, so you only see one tax on that dollar of spending. (So if you spend a dollar on gas, you pay a gas tax on that dollar, but you're not paying a grocery sales tax on that dollar.)
on Apr 04, 2004
every time you buy something you pay tax on it vincible wether its 2cent or 50cent tax is tax
on Apr 04, 2004
so they do add or i guess I should say they subtract out of my wallet thankyou
on Apr 04, 2004
How much is your refund renenron? If you gross 62,400 you should be voting for democrats, because. Shockingly, democrats guarantee your income bracket a greater rebate than republicans.

Yet another poor person who has fallen into the republicans web of deception.

Oh, and by the way, in Oregon, there is no sales tax, and it's not the only state that doesn't have one, so it's actually very possible not to pay taxes on something that you buy.

on Apr 04, 2004
Go back and re read thats not our tax bracket those figures were my income and I was perfectly aware of states that dont have sales tax they just toll the hell out of you on the road,anyway be honest you cant deny we are taxed closer to50% than25% you never said what jeblackstar meant hey anyway I give up sounds like I am beating a dead horse and I know you are if you think I'd vote demoncratic oh oops I mean democratic (if I knew how to put that little smiley faceright here i would) . try listening to G Gorden Liddy he has a nationaly syndicated radio program ,hes a highly educated republican yet easy for a democrat to listen too, sorry I gotta throw it in... (and learn from) look forward to reading your reply but for now I gotta go have a good night buddy.
on Apr 04, 2004
Go back and re read thats not our tax bracket those figures were my income and I was perfectly aware of states that dont have sales tax they just toll the hell out of you on the road,anyway be honest you cant deny we are taxed closer to50% than25% you never said what jeblackstar meant hey anyway I give up sounds like I am beating a dead horse and I know you are if you think I'd vote demoncratic oh oops I mean democratic (if I knew how to put that little smiley faceright here i would) . try listening to G Gorden Liddy he has a nationaly syndicated radio program ,hes a highly educated republican yet easy for a democrat to listen too, sorry I gotta throw it in... (and learn from) look forward to reading your reply but for now I gotta go have a good night buddy.
on Apr 04, 2004
Again, Oregon has no tolls onthe roads.

on Apr 15, 2004
You know I am a college student and I think that Bush using the 9/11 images is great. You people of American complain way to much you are never happy. This is a man you supported right after 9/11 but now that times have changed and things have started getting back to normal everyone wants to turn their back on a President that they once stood firm behind. The problem with you ignorant Americans is not that you are upset at Bush for using these Ads you are upset because you dont have God in your heart and you need to find Jesus. All you people turned to God right after 9/11 but as soon as things got right back to normal you protested against God and a man that stands for God. I think you should really think about the things you are saying and really consider what these images are really about. They are not there to affend anyone, they are there to remind you of how well our Nation pulled together and stood united as one. People are always going to find something to complain about worry less about the pictures used and more about the issues. After all you can go online and pull any horrific picture you want of 9/11 but I dont see anyone jumping on that and telling the Internet viewers and webpage designers to stop putting up these images. You just dont know what you want you just want to stir trouble where ever it can be found. I will end with this I will pray to God for those of you with Lost souls and I only hope you find yourself before the end of days..Thanks God Bless...and President Bush I back you 110%..I may be in College but I know more than these ignorant people...Thank God For Bush...everything happens for a reason..God knew who to have in office to handle the situation..Amen
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