Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Monsters & Eternity
Published on July 24, 2006 By Draginol In Fiction Writing

The Reluctant


A Graphic Novel Outline


Brad Wardell, July 2006


Chapter 5: Monsters & Eternity
Chapter 4: My dad isn’t a hero
Chapter 3: You will do what we tell you to do…
Chapter 2: We're from the government...
Chapter 1: They're coming for you Ha Ha.



Mr. Miller, Amanda Miller’s father and DL Bradley’s father-in-law has arrived at DL Bradley’s house.  The Millers were very close to their only daughter, Amanda. They spent a lot of time at the Bradley house after Amanda died to help DL adjust.


But DL never did adjust. Frank Miller had known DL for 15 years and always thought the young man to be solid if perhaps a bit cynical.  But DL was constant. He had not changed since he met the man.  Frank Miller was certain of one thing, if anything were to happen to Ethan Miller, DL Bradley would be gone never to be seen again he was sure of it.  That DL Bradley loved his son was without a doubt. And now he was here to take Ethan away from DL for his safety.


DL Bradley had already managed to kill 3 of the other-worldly powerful “Intruders”.  In the decades the vile Intruders had been on this world killing millions of people, only 1 of them had ever died.  Now, in the past 72 hours, 3 more had died at the hands of one seemingly ordinary man.


Frank Miller had served in World War II and in Korea. He had seen war at its worst. DL never mentioned any service but he could see in DL’s eyes that he had seen a lot more than he let on. DL now had that look of foreboding. The grim determination of a soldier as he prepares himself for battle. And he did not want his only child to see it. And for that reason, Frank Miller was here to take Ethan away from that war.


Frank: DL, don’t you think it would be wiser to go into hiding? You’re a heck of an engineer and a great lad but these Intruders will be coming for you. There’s supposedly only around a dozen – now less than a dozen – all over the world.


DL had known Frank even before he met Amanda. He was perhaps the only man on this world that DL fully trusted.  It was now or never.


DL: I am going to kill any who come here.


Frank was about to chuckle when he realized that DL wasn’t kidding.


Frank: How can you possible hope to do that? The government give you some new secret weapon?


DL: No. I don’t need any weapons. In all the years you’ve known me, you’ve never asked me much about my past.


Frank: None of my business, I suppose.


DL: Maybe. When Amanda died, I…was reminded why I didn’t get close to people. Sooner or later, they die.


Frank: Everyone dies, son, sooner or later.


DL: Not everyone.


Frank: What do you mean by that?


DL: I have been alive a very long time, Frank. A very long time. And the longer I live, the more I can do.



# # #


Meanwhile, in Shanghai China, the primary base for the Intruders, 9 Intruders have gathered to discuss what happened to Tendath.


Tendath, an “Intruder”, faced DL Bradley and him and Kanath were defeated and Kanath died. Tendath was injured but escaped.


Tendath: My lord, this human defeated the two of us in exactly the way he said.


Tendath was speaking to Lord Vagath, and while Vegath looked like Tendath in that he looked like a human, he absolutely reeked power and malevolence. Tendath could potentially walk down the street and blend in as a normal human. Vagath could not. He had an otherworldly quality about him that made him menacing from afar.


The race that the Intruders belonged to were not of this Earth. But more than that, they were far more varied from one to the next than human beings are. One Intruder could be, literally, hundreds of times more powerful than another. Vagath was one of them.


The Intruders, as a race, had a problem. Each subsequent generation was less than the previous in terms of might and potency. Vagath was literally eons older than Tendath who himself was thousands of years old. Their mission to Earth involved trying to solve the problem that their race was experiencing.  And part of that solution involved harvesting the life energy of these mortal humans while they still contained as much life energy as possible.


Vagath: Are you certain it was not just by luck? He had one of your weapons.


Tendath: No human should be able to hurt us, not even with one of our weapons.


Vagath: Truth. You are certain he is not a renegade?


Tendath: I am positive. He is definitely not one of us.


Vagath: I do not want to have to report to the emperor this set back without having first dealt with the problem.  I will deal with him myself.



…back at the Bradley house…


Frank: I don’t understand you then. If you believe you could deal with these Intruders, why haven’t you?


DL: Because…I don’t care.


Frank: How can you not care? Are you that cynical? They’ve murdered millions of people.


DL: It’s not that black and white. It’s easy to say that but for me, I’ve done this hundreds and hundreds of times. 


Let me use an analogy that probably won’t improve your opinion of me but might grant some understanding. 


Imagine if you were on a world in which everyone lived exactly one hour while you lived a normal lifespan.  Let’s say you had the power to save people from an untimely death, which in their case would be deaths that occurred before their hour was up.


Would you do it? Would you give up spending time with your family and those you cared about to continually go and help people?


Frank: I think I would.


DL: Let’s be specific – let’s say you did decide to help. You have the power, you should help right? And let’s say you do that for a thousand years – knowing just how many generations of these people have gone. You have no personal connection to them. And they have no personal connection to you. They can’t even begin to relate to you. And as soon as you get to know some, their hour has passed and there is always – an endless – number of things threatening them.


Frank: I think I understand what you’re saying but still, I don’t know.


DL: You would know. Believe me. It’s just a matter of time. Because in the end, only one thing matters.


Frank: What’s that?


DL: Living each moment. Trying to get as much out of the tiny slice of time that we’re given.  I don’t care about people in general. I care about individuals. I care about Ethan. I care about you and Mrs. Miller. I cared about Amanda – and even with her, with all that I can do, I could not keep her hour from ending early.


If you live long enough and have the power to go…to places…different planes of time. You will eventually realize that there’s always an Intruder or a Dread Lord or a plague or megalomaniac or menace of some sort in which people would be greatly aided if someone with the ability to make a difference stepped in. 


But eventually, it is all for nothing, because in the end, their hour will end no matter what you do.



Next: Retribution…



on Jul 25, 2006
Good read so far. Looking forward to the next chapter
on Jul 25, 2006
wait a minute... it says 3 Intruders were killed by DL Bradley... but I can only recall two: the first one at school, and Kanath from Tendath's blast... is it possible that you meant "were hurt", Brad?
on Jul 25, 2006
An interesting character, but with the "hour" example:

But eventually, it is all for nothing, because in the end, their hour will end no matter what you do.

Why protect the son if all he is doing is delaying the inevitable?

Is DL amoral? Seeing no difference between the evil and the good? Self-centered? or Defeated?

on Jul 25, 2006

Why protect the son if all he is doing is delaying the inevitable?

Perhaps the son has gained some of his immortality?  Dunno.  Guess we have to wait and see.

on Jul 25, 2006
First let me say kudos to one writer from another for a great story so far.
I have not had a chance to play the game, but I had to respond to this and see if I'm right.

Lets revisit the hour concept (and hope I get close to what was intended)
Every hour that passes, more and more people around you pass away. Perhaps at first you work to save them, but then you realize the futility of that. What do you do? For most people, they would slip into trying to live their lives as they were at first. When they were one of the 'hourlies'. Try to live with them, laugh with them, and even fall in love with them to keep that connection to the 'human' part of them alive. If they slipped out of that role, they would have to acknowledge their difference and lose more and more of thier connection to humanity.

Doubtless he is hoping so inside. But even if his son is not, his son is still part of the connection to the woman he loved and his humanity. He is protecting his son not only because he does not want to lose him, but perhaps because he fears what he will become if he loses his connection to his humanity which his son represents.

My guess.
And again, kudos for a good read!
on Jul 25, 2006
The forum is having a glitch and won't let me edit to put the quotes in!
Just look at the prceeding two posts in order.
And someone please tell admin to look into the glitch!
on Jul 25, 2006
Good catch medcatt - only 2 were killed, 1 was injured.
on Jul 25, 2006
Ok, in the description, it says that the stories happened to
many of the characters long after the events of the main series of stories

It also says that
one such character is DL Bradley. I think he is mentioned in the Dread Lords campaign actually and (spoiler warning) at the end of GalCiv II: Dread Lords he is in a pocket dimension.
(Dread Lord Bradley?)

Now, the stories seem to take place in a modern time frame (it mentions China, the U.S., nuclear weapons, etc.) There seems to be a time line problem then. Unless, Bradly is in the future, goes back in time, and winds up there. But, if the "invaders" do hit earth in the past (Bradly specifically mentions dread lords, but could be referencing his own past since no one else calls the invaders such)why did the humans not mention it in the game? Unless our own existance happens eons after GalCiv takes place (or if the timeline just hasn't been ironed out).

But Bradly mentioned "differant planes of time", so would that mean that maybe he saw the destruction cuased by the humans coming out of the pocket dimension, and fled to avoid the impending destruction of the galaxy, winding up in the one that the story takes place in?

Maybe I'm just over thinking this.
on Jul 25, 2006
Maybe I'm just over thinking this.

Keep it up! I am enjoying the overthinking.
on Jul 26, 2006
According to an earlier section, the 'Invaders' have been present for the past 65 years. Frank served in World War II and the Korean War. Assuming that the Dread Lords come in at the present day, Frank would have to be at least 150 years old.
on Jul 27, 2006
The Intruders came around 65 years ago (tail end of World War II).  They really didn't get going until after the Korean War. There was no Vietnam war in this alternative history.
on Jul 27, 2006
The Intruders came around 65 years ago (tail end of World War II). They really didn't get going until after the Korean War. There was no Vietnam war in this alternative history.

Does that mean all the hippies just got jobs instead?
on Jul 27, 2006
Frank Miller? Didn't he do Sin City? Ha! You've been found out! Interesting stuff though. I can see it as a graphic novel. Some of the dialogue needs to be cleaned up a bit, but I've definitely seen worse. Much, much worse.

on Aug 01, 2006
I like the perspective you have give DL. Although I don't agree with him I do understand to an extent why he is feeling the way he is. DL might feel it is futile to save a being with a much shorter life span - but that is only from his perspective. The person he would have saved wouldn't feel that it is futile.

DL might have lived a long time, but he has yet learnt to be selfless - protecting people regardless of who they are, close or not. I'm enjoying it and would most likely buy it in some form of storytelling format.