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Brad Wardell - Opinionated Techie
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Religion of Peace Update
Working night and day to live up to the stereotype
Published on February 18, 2006 By
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Aren't they great? No matter where you go, Islam seems to be much the same.
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on Feb 19, 2006
Why aren't they speaking out against these ass hats? I truly believe that the 'majority' of Muslims are just as offended by this as I am, but it disturbs me that they are so silent on the matter.
Because ther's no free speech among muslims as in Denmark, ubless they're excoriating Israel or the US.
on Feb 19, 2006
"Because ther's no free speech among muslims as in Denmark, ubless they're excoriating Israel or the US."
Having been lambasted for making the Middle East the world myself, I'd have to ask about the hundreds of millions of Muslims that DO live in nations that offer freedom of expression. You aren't implying that the government of Indonesia, or European nations, etc., prevent people from protesting terrorism?
This is a tough argument to overcome. I realize that it is instigated by the people who want to stir things up, but you have to admit the people in the streets are pretty sincere. This is supposed to be passion. This is supposed to be the unbridled ire of Muslims toward an insult to their beliefs.
Can one then assume that they are more passionate about Cartoons than they are the murder of innocents? Would you think that if it were in their interest, the rabble-rousers involved could get this kind of passion about Americans being beheaded?
on Feb 19, 2006
AIDS is a disease which is transfered through sexual contact. If people followed the (Catholic not Lutheran/Anglican) church direction they would get AIDS, which is what they do. If they listened to scientists however (like Einstein), they would of course NOT get AIDS because the Condom would stop it. Simple?
NO, they wouldn't! And why is that you ask? You must not be a Catholic or you'd know that the Catholic church teaches abstinence and NO sex outside of marriage. So now explain to me "how" you'd get aids if you follow Catholic teachings?
on Feb 19, 2006
You don't eat pork, why? Because it's unhealthy? Unhealthier than say, Lamb? It's your choice of course to eat whatever you want. I find foolish to decide what you eat upon scriptures made by people without ANY expert knowledge on dietism.
I often ask muslims this. "Hey, the Quaran doesnt say anything about eating worms, or Rats. Is that cleaner food than Pig". Noone ever has an answer. Only that "It says so in the books". Is that intelligent reasoning to you? No of course.
Boy, you "really" shouldn't talk about stuff that you obviously have NO clue on. They don't eat pork because they consider it an "unclean" animal. A pig is the "only" food animal that eats it's own feces!
on Feb 19, 2006
Why aren't they speaking out against these ass hats? I truly believe that the 'majority' of Muslims are just as offended by this as I am, but it disturbs me that they are so silent on the matter.
What makes you think that there are not muslims who are speaking out against the violence? Because you don't see it on the news?
If you're going to link a website and use it to prove a point, it's best if you don't use a "blog site".
on Feb 19, 2006
If you're going to link a website and use it to prove a point, it's best if you don't use a "blog site".
It's not a blog "site". It's the website of the Free Muslims Coalition. It's article by the organization detailing their position on the cartoon/violence issue.
on Feb 19, 2006
Instead, they donate money to terrorist organizations and vote them into faux-political validity. You'll forgive me if I don't rate "statements" as being as sincere and effective as what we have seen for the last month.
Apart from Palestine, can you name any other Muslim nations that have elected terrorist governments into power in the last 10 years? I can't think of any, but admittedly I'm not as expert on the Middle East as Draginol and yourself. I think though you can acknowlege that Palestine is a special case - Arafat's party was hardly an effective governing body, being riddled with corruption and lacking in leadership. Hamas was the only other major party. Did the Palestinian voters have a choice which didn't lead downwards?
on Feb 19, 2006
NO, they wouldn't! And why is that you ask? You must not be a Catholic or you'd know that the Catholic church teaches abstinence and NO sex outside of marriage. So now explain to me "how" you'd get aids if you follow Catholic teachings?
Yes, I have seen their "teachings". Poor kids.
Here's one example for you Mr Superstitious. You can get HIV(which si the virus) through blood transfusion. How about that?
You learn something new every day.
on Feb 19, 2006
Boy, you "really" shouldn't talk about stuff that you obviously have NO clue on. They don't eat pork because they consider it an "unclean" animal. A pig is the "only" food animal that eats it's own feces!
I have clue Mister. This is what differs us who work after facts and not Vodoo science
Your quote here is a perfect example of such "mumbojumbo" superstition..
Does anyone here realise that. If Religion had their way we wouldn't even be sitting here writing this? If Religions had their way
we would still be living in mud huts and eating with fingers(much like they do in areas with heavy reliance on Religion). This is the sad truth. Everywhere, where you find heavy influence of Religion, you also find nothing but poverty, general problems and violence.
And of course there wouldn't be any medicine whatsoever because we would be hoping for "abstinence" and prayers to cure our diseases (including Cancer). This is the sad truth.
This the sad and true fact about Organized Religions(I am not counting heathens and philosophies like Confusianism). It has Contributed NOTHING of worth to humankind. Nothing. Except a lot of waste of paper perhaps? Let's face it. All those paper spent on Quarans and Bibles could have been used on something useful like Math books for instance.
on Feb 19, 2006
The one thing you didn't do is ask me for evidence for some "claim" allegedly made.
"What was the name of the rabbi you spoke to?"
"You would certainly remember ONE of the names if you had [spoken with a few]."
And I said. There's no way I would remember that. They were and are not may pals or friends. Just
guys I've met on various occassions.
You know. I've met Clowns too. I have no clue what their names were either. I've met hmm Surgeons. No idea
what their names were either. Your claim that "you have met a rabbi so you must know his name" is not really the most
logical you made. You made a few but this was not one of them.
Religious groups are not individuals but organisations btw. So no individual was pointed at.
I did however claim that I have more respect for the Jewish faith than the others(partially perhaps due to my talks with Rabbis). But I don't see that as an insult exactly
And that is that about that.
on Feb 19, 2006
Btw, some of the misunderstandings here is because some think Religion is the same as Faith.
People can have faith(as in believe in god) without being part of organized Religion. Which is what I have serious problems with.
on Feb 19, 2006
"Does anyone here realise that. If Religion had their way we wouldn't even be sitting here writing this? If Religions had their way
we would still be living in mud huts and eating with fingers(much like they do in areas with heavy reliance on Religion). This is the sad truth. Everywhere, where you find heavy influence of Religion, you also find nothing but poverty, general problems and violence."
That's why History remembers China and the Soviet Union as prosperous places with freedom and only around 100 million people slaughtered. But your Randian religion is at dogmatic odds with Socialism, isn't it? Hmm, thinking about it, there really hasn't been much that doesn't piss off the Rand drones...
Sadly, some forget that it was people from within the Catholic church that were responsible for keeping scholarship alive through the dark ages and who preserved many classical works that we wouldn't have otherwise. Much of our modern philosophy has roots in the early church. Some people can't see past their noses or remember anything before Rand, though. In the last 100 years a lot more books have been burned by atheists than churchgoers, that's for sure. But, again, our Randian will class the tyrranies of the 20th century as socialists and just as bad as religion.
"This the sad and true fact about Organized Religions(I am not counting heathens and philosophies like Confusianism). It has Contributed NOTHING of worth to humankind. Nothing. Except a lot of waste of paper perhaps? Let's face it. All those paper spent on Quarans and Bibles could have been used on something useful like Math books for instance."
Heh, anyone that could claim to have studied history, claims to be objective, and still make a statement like that would have to be deranged. I think there's been waaaaay too much time wasted here. You can't reason out what wasn't reasoned in. This is rhetoric without substance.
" I think though you can acknowlege that Palestine is a special case - Arafat's party was hardly an effective governing body, being riddled with corruption and lacking in leadership."
That's a widely held belief, and it could very well be true. I don't believe it, though. Arafat's popularity always dipped when he sat down at acted the diplomat. He was always most popular when the Israelis were threatening to exile or kill him. Once Arafat died, any hope of his organization having teeth disappeared.
Faced with what might well have become peace, the Palestinian people picked the folks they knew didn't have any qualms with killing people wholesale. Glass half-empty? Sure. Maybe an exageration, but that's how it looks to me. Time will tell which course of action keeps them popular. Dead Israelis have been the best bet so far, though.
on Feb 19, 2006
If you're going to link a website and use it to prove a point, it's best if you don't use a "blog site".
It's not a blog "site". It's the website of the Free Muslims Coalition. It's article by the organization detailing their position on the cartoon/violence issue.
Wrongo! BY "their own admission" it's a blog! This is a quote from their page:
FMC Blog
They even "tell" you it's a blog!
on Feb 19, 2006
Yes, I have seen their "teachings". Poor kids.
Here's one example for you Mr Superstitious. You can get HIV(which si the virus) through blood transfusion. How about that?
You learn something new every day.
Okay "smart guy" (
and that's up for debate!
) Explain to everyone how getting HIV from a "blood tranfusion" ties into following Catholic teachings and sex? And you "still" need a clue! You haven't shown any of us "anything" new, and I have serious doubts that you could! Have a troll cookie.
on Feb 19, 2006
If you're going to link a website and use it to prove a point, it's best if you don't use a "blog site".
It's not a blog "site". It's the website of the Free Muslims Coalition. It's article by the organization detailing their position on the cartoon/violence issue.
Wrongo! BY "their own admission" it's a blog! This is a quote from their page:
FMC Blog
They even "tell" you it's a blog
I didn't say it wasn't a blog, I said it's not a blog site. Anyways, how exactly does that undermine the credibility of the message?
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