Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Marketing vs. Service
Published on March 6, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

In a perfect world, we could release an update every single day.  But from a marketing point of view, that would be a disaster. You need pauses between releases in order to justify announcements and the like.  If you're doing a daily update, a site like Blues News or Gamespot is not going to mention it, they couldn't.

I've mentioned this previously but when I play the game, I have it in the debugger.  Previously, I only had my own insticts to go off on when it came to tweaking things.  Now I've got tens of thousands of other people to rely on which really helps.

For instance, tonight I tweaked these things:

+ Tried to put more effort into keeping the AI from putting its rally points on its own planets which can disrupt its strategy

+ AI pickier about what it trades with each other, this should satisfy most people who feel the AI isn’t careful about what it trades with each other and the player

+ Performance tweak so that the AI isn’t evaluating putting a..ahem..starbase into a fleet. (it wasn’t doing it, but it evaluated doing so each turn)


+ Drengin and Terran AI personalities more focused on what they research.

+ Drengin tend to research more militaristic techs

+ Toned down minor races a bit. They no longer get quite as much money to start with.

+ Number of minor races is now randomized but still somewhat based on galaxy size. Generally there will be fewer of them.

+ Put a cap on planetary influence to remove cheese potential.

+ AI better at finding enemy targets.

+ AI better at protecting key home sectors

One of the things I want changed but isn't in my area is the ship upgrading.  I want ship upgrades to automatically remove the space-using components and just leave the extras.  I'm going to see if that can be put in tomorrow.  The current upgrading thing is simply too complicated and complicated = bad on many levels (makes it hard to use, increases the odds of someone doing something no one else has done which means doing something that was never tested and so on).  And besides, let's be real, we upgrade because we want our cool ship design to stay and we just want to toss on different weapons and engines and such based on the latest tech.

But like I said, we can't realistically do daily updates on Stardock Central and such.

So here's a compromise, for people who are really techie, you can download the latest internal build here:

Don't post comments on these builds to the forums or the support people will be really pained.  But you can comment on this journal.  Mind you, I code the AI mainly so some UI feature or something is out of my area.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 06, 2006
Oooh, great. Thanks for posting this!
on Mar 06, 2006
Take a que from ID software's older titles, such as Quake: There is no limit to the number of patches that can be released.
on Mar 06, 2006
If we catch bugs in these internal builds, would you like us to report it? Hopefully with more people testing these internal builds and reporting bugs prior to official releases then when the official releases do roll out, there would be fewer critical bugs like the ones we've been getting.
on Mar 06, 2006
There is no limit to the number of patches that can be released.

If you can make the game better, run smoother, and the AI more realistic then what it already is. PATCH IT EVERYDAY, I WILL DOWNLOAD IT. If it makes the game better in any way or form, it must be worth it.
on Mar 06, 2006
If you run into an issue that is NEW, sure, post it here. 
on Mar 06, 2006
"+ Toned down minor races a bit. They no longer get quite as much money to start with."

NOOOO there goes my cashflow .
on Mar 06, 2006
As a regular of Bluesnews for way way way too long, I doubt Blue would have a problem with posting an update about a new patch every day. He's been posting every journal update since about a week before release as well.

I think the answer to "How many updates is too many" is NULL.

But I think you might want to consolidate those updates into a weekly release or so. Take a look at Egosoft's X3 game. They postponed their 1.3 update for a terribly long time (almost two months), and the stuff that was in 1.3 definitely made the game much better. In such a case, why not put it into the hands of the gamer is smaller, more frequent steps?

Making an update every week also keeps the game fresh. If you start going the several months route, odds are people will get bored and move on, and no longer care about your update.

But updating too frequently (ie, every day or so), will soon lead to the effect that people are running completely different versions of the game, which can lead to a very confusing forum.

I think once a week or biweekly is a good guideline. Guildwars did a weekly/biweekly update for its first few months, and I rarely saw anyone unhappy about them.

Btw, good job on the AI upgrades, the fact that the AI won't defend its homesector very well has been a terrible eyesore for me. Conquering their homeworld should be a massive battle, not my four battlecruisers vs his 1 defender class light fighter.

on Mar 06, 2006
"+ Toned down minor races a bit. They no longer get quite as much money to start with."

NOOOO there goes my cashflow

LOL, tell me about it. The Snathi are my favorites. They declared war on me in an early game, just before my frigate class came off the assembly line. As soon as it started showing up, the snathi hightailed it back home after having lost one battle.
Five turns later, the little squirrel came begging for peace, and I plundered 26K from his bank account, and a hundred thousand influence points for it.

About a year later, I declared war on a Snathi ally, and the silly squirrel again was at war with me. I talked to him four turns later, offered peace in exchange for another 15K and 140.000 influence. That lovely little squirrel was bankrolling my entire fleet

on Mar 06, 2006
Awesome...can't wait to try out the improved AI. Defending their home sectors? You mean I'm not going to be able to breeze in with a strike force and take their capital within 2 months of war breaking out? Are trying to make this game tough or something?! Perhaps even painful? Not to mention minors no longer propping up my entire economy...

Should this be used with a new game?


on Mar 06, 2006
I think as long as updates are automated and not inconvenient, you really can't have too many. As an mmorpg player, I'm used to regular updates streaming in for a minute or two before the game launches. The only time it is a problem is when the servers are taken all the way down for several hours and such.

People nag, sure, but they nag about bugs even more. The important part is making sure the updates don't make MORE bugs. Whe people could play yesterday but their game is broken today, then you'll hear whining...
on Mar 06, 2006
Random CTD with the latest build also

Here is the debug.err Link

on Mar 06, 2006
I think once a week or biweekly is a good guideline. Guildwars did a weekly/biweekly update for its first few months, and I rarely saw anyone unhappy about them.

on Mar 06, 2006
Once every 2 weeks is fine, gives you a little time to test your code tweeks.. don't want to create more problems than you fix. (looking forward to the ship upgrade fix).
on Mar 06, 2006
A Suggestion: AI minor races should be allowed to colonize all planets inside their star system, if they are toned down due to less money at start they will be only cannon fodder for my ships.At least they should be able to defend their "lebensraum"
on Mar 06, 2006
Will the Neutrality Learning Centers be fixed in the next patch? (You can't build them in 1.0X)
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