Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Marketing vs. Service
Published on March 6, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

In a perfect world, we could release an update every single day.  But from a marketing point of view, that would be a disaster. You need pauses between releases in order to justify announcements and the like.  If you're doing a daily update, a site like Blues News or Gamespot is not going to mention it, they couldn't.

I've mentioned this previously but when I play the game, I have it in the debugger.  Previously, I only had my own insticts to go off on when it came to tweaking things.  Now I've got tens of thousands of other people to rely on which really helps.

For instance, tonight I tweaked these things:

+ Tried to put more effort into keeping the AI from putting its rally points on its own planets which can disrupt its strategy

+ AI pickier about what it trades with each other, this should satisfy most people who feel the AI isn’t careful about what it trades with each other and the player

+ Performance tweak so that the AI isn’t evaluating putting a..ahem..starbase into a fleet. (it wasn’t doing it, but it evaluated doing so each turn)


+ Drengin and Terran AI personalities more focused on what they research.

+ Drengin tend to research more militaristic techs

+ Toned down minor races a bit. They no longer get quite as much money to start with.

+ Number of minor races is now randomized but still somewhat based on galaxy size. Generally there will be fewer of them.

+ Put a cap on planetary influence to remove cheese potential.

+ AI better at finding enemy targets.

+ AI better at protecting key home sectors

One of the things I want changed but isn't in my area is the ship upgrading.  I want ship upgrades to automatically remove the space-using components and just leave the extras.  I'm going to see if that can be put in tomorrow.  The current upgrading thing is simply too complicated and complicated = bad on many levels (makes it hard to use, increases the odds of someone doing something no one else has done which means doing something that was never tested and so on).  And besides, let's be real, we upgrade because we want our cool ship design to stay and we just want to toss on different weapons and engines and such based on the latest tech.

But like I said, we can't realistically do daily updates on Stardock Central and such.

So here's a compromise, for people who are really techie, you can download the latest internal build here:

Don't post comments on these builds to the forums or the support people will be really pained.  But you can comment on this journal.  Mind you, I code the AI mainly so some UI feature or something is out of my area.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 06, 2006
Ok this is the first time I get vanishing Turn button. Here is the save game for it:


on Mar 06, 2006
sam0t - that's a very useful debug.err.  Check out the last line - could it be there's a random event that's bad? What race were you playing as?
on Mar 06, 2006
Hey Frogboy.

The last game where I had really bad CTD issues was as Iconians, that debug.err is from that game.

I have had similiar CTD with humans and yor too. It very well might be somekinda random event thing since I only get CTD when turn is changing, not ever has GC2 crashed on me example in fleet battle or during turn.

I try to get more of these crashes to happen and post the debug.err of em too.
on Mar 06, 2006
IMO, an update a week would be just about right. Any more than that and you'll run into issues like updates in the middle of save games and updates while people are playing on the Metaverse, etc.

Last week, you all promised an update by Friday. But when I got home from work, it wasn't there. So I went out, got something to eat, and it was ready by the time I got back. Which also means you all must be working odd, late hours.

Just wanted everyone there to know that I certainly appreciate it.
on Mar 06, 2006
You can't update enough in my book. I've always seen the GalCiv patches more like updates to the game, not a patch which implies we "patched" the game due to bugs.

An idea for you on updates though. I remember in the days following GalCiv 1 what you did after the first couple patches was release a monthly patch or so but made the "beta" for patches available to subscribers (now for those that don't know). I'm sure part of the motivation there was to drive sales of the subscription service but you did get a large pool of beta testers, an automatic way to get it to them, and only offer it to the general population when it's ready for the monthly patch update. You could do something similar in that if you have subs only able to get the weekly (or more often) beta patches then you'd get a decent size beta group as well as perhaps drive a few sales for
on Mar 06, 2006
Should this be used with a new game?

When you click on the link to get the latest build, it says this: "Note: Using saved games from previous versions not recommended."

So I'm going with "yes" on that question.

- Ash
on Mar 06, 2006
Hey if you're putting out updates, I'll be firing up Stardock Central to grab them.

That is one of the things that impreses me about Stardock. After release of a title it's not so long and thanks for all the fish, nice knowing ya' ,enjoy.. Stardock is around to support it and breathe life in it. IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO MAKE GC2 FUNNER THAN IT IS NOW? Realistically, I dont' know how this is possible - But the updates always do. before I get all misty eyed... Thanks Stardock for caring .

on Mar 06, 2006
"Should this be used with a new game?

When you click on the link to get the latest build, it says this: "Note: Using saved games from previous versions not recommended."

So I'm going with "yes" on that question.

- Ash"



on Mar 07, 2006
This is why I always finish my games before grabbing the latest update.

Gotta show those blasted Arceans that the galaxy's culture belongs to me, and put those influence hogs back in their place... Heh.

*quietly puts a +380 influence starbase next to an Iconian world that was in danger of cultureflipping over to the Arceans.*
on Mar 07, 2006
Since it's a single player game, as long as you make sure the update doesn't screw up the game or create problems (THAT could be bad) , update as frequently as possible. Now seeing the logistics of 'not screwing up' it would probably be weekly/biweekly seeing how you need to actually playtest these things before they go out.

And there should always be an archive of old patches and backward compatibility stuff somewhere, in case someone needs to use them because of the old hardwares acting up.

There's also nothing wrong with posting what you have daily in a 'masochist' place somewhere where people can install alpha stuff at their own risk.
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