During the alpha of World of Warcraft one thing everyone noticed: Nearly all the players were nice people.
I don't mean just friendly, but really nice. Will this be something that continues into the beta and beyond? I don't have my hopes up too high but I hope so. What are some of the rules of netiquette in the world of warcraft?
- Don't "kill steal". The first person to attack a creature gets that creature. Don't come in and start attacking it unless they ask for help OR if it looks like that other player is about to die.
- If you want to help someone, see if you can heal them. Better to heal a player (like if you're a preist or Paladin) than to risk kill stealing.
- If two people come up on an ore deposit at roughly the same time, share it. Take one hit on it and then offer the other person a turn to mine the ore. And then take turns.
- Don't be too quick to join a guild. Find out if the people in it are the kinds of people you want to be associated with.
- Share with your party members. This may seem tough but it pays off in the long term.
- Add people to your friends list that you like. This seems obvious but early on people don't think about this and regret it later. Another reason to follow #5 btw.
- DON'T be abusive to other people. Give other people the benefit of the doubt.
- WHEN you are under attack and over your head, DON'T run away from the creature and into other people. It's okay to run away but don't run towards other people.
Any others? Feel free to comment and add your own. I'll update this over time.