Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Though I do need a vacation...
Published on March 16, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

It's not just that I get to make really cool stuff for a living. I mean, I get paid to make computer games for crying out loud.

But that's not what makes my job so fun. It's the people. I work with some amazing people. They're not just talented, they're good people.  If I were to describe what a typical day at our office was like, you just wouldn't believe that an office environment with 30 or so people in the main office (everyone else is external) is largely free from "company politics". It's more like a sitcom in which everyone is pretty funny.

If you ever listen to PowerUser.TV you can almost picture what it's like at work. Though admittedly we do ask questions on Monty Python and The Simpsons during interviews which might have something to do with the general oddness of people here... 

But it's not just that they're nice and talented people, they're people who practically manage themselves. They're just amazing.  Cari and her crew (sexist hat on for a second, how many PC games have female lead developers?) can do an amazing level of stuff in a single day. 

Today, Jesse and Paul got in the rotating hardpoints. That means you can select your ship jewelry thingy and rotate it while it's connected to the ship and resize it.  They also started getting in the randomized players, random intelligence, no tech trading option, and other goodies.

And mind you, they also had to finish up the demo today so that QA could start messing with it in order to get it out to the public by the end of the month.  Speaking of which, they got that demo down to under 170 megs. This on a game that's like 1.4 gigs.  Obviously a lot of multimedia and music are lost but in terms of gameplay it's still pretty solid.

I will be going on a vacation in May. Just before E3. Taking a week off to go to Texas.  Though maybe I should take my laptop with me...just in case...

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 16, 2006
NO! Bad Brad! *hides your laptop in a high-tech steel safe* No laptop! No cookie!
on Mar 16, 2006
They say if you love your job you never work a day in your life. Though I know from some of your posts that you definately work. You are lucky to have a job and team that you enjoy.

Me I have good days and bad days. But I definately wouldn't work for free. I'm here for the paycheck.

I think if you truly love your job you would be willing to do it for nothing. I mean hypothetically, I know we all have bills to pay. I think that's the difference between liking and loving your job. If you love it you would do it for free.
on Mar 16, 2006
the very first line speaks for itself lol " It's not just that I get to make really cool stuff for a living. I mean, I get paid to make computer games for crying out loud. "

i mean who wouldn't love that sort of job
on Mar 16, 2006
iTZKooPA talks to his family about moving to Detroit
on Mar 16, 2006
the very first line speaks for itself lol " It's not just that I get to make really cool stuff for a living. I mean, I get paid to make computer games for crying out loud. "

i mean who wouldn't love that sort of job

From what I hear, anyone who works for EB.
on Mar 16, 2006

Well, when the break comes it will be well earned.

And the podcasts are a riot to listen to.  I can only imagine what a great working environment it is.

on Mar 17, 2006
Do you have a job openning for a crazy girl that likes sitting around painting her nails all day?! Gosh I'd be so happy!
on Mar 17, 2006
If you're coming to Lubbock, TX, shoot me an email, I'll get you a good rate on a hotel room (since that's my job), if I can! May is a bad month here for all the HS/Uni graduations, though that's probably what you're travelling for


on Mar 17, 2006
Sounds like the kind of company my wife and I would like to work for. Too bad you guys are in Detroit.

Seriously, WHY are you in Detroit? of all the god forsaken places to live and run a tech business.

You should move out west. Texas, Arizona, Utah, Washington are all great places to run a tech company. Alot easier to find talented employees as well.
on Mar 17, 2006
I've met one family from Detroit.

They're really cool people.

Stardock is in Detroit.

They're really cool people.

Kid Rock's midget friend was from Detroit.

He was really small people.

On the whole, Detroit strikes me as nifty. The cold doesn't bug me, as I am currently freezing my toes off in Boston.

The only problem? Coding is hard
on Mar 17, 2006
Wish I could work there too - but then I'm a poor unemployed musician/composer - (Still need some software/instruments before I can start writing some more commerciallly viable music). (I mainly write celtic style music - but it dosen't sound right with orchestral instruments/synths instead :-/ ).

Still - I'm working on a computer based RPG system (and have been for almost 5 years now) - (working it out for an MMORPG atm (maxing it out as it were) - though it's easily scalable/modular/flexible enough to be used for a small single-player RPG too). Doubt it'll get anywhere - but we'll see...

Darren Tomlyn
on Mar 17, 2006
The only people who vacation in Texas are people born there, and people who have never been there before.
on Mar 17, 2006

If you ever listen to PowerUser.TV you can almost picture what it's like at work.'s all too accurate. 

on Mar 17, 2006
Sounds like a nice place to work.
Whats your average turnaround on employees? I hear the norm in the IT industry where I work is 18 months.

Where I work now i'm just doing it for the money, as well as being able to terminate my contract real quickly so I can start going to school (hopefully) and learn something.
on Mar 17, 2006
I've been thinking hard about moving to the east side of the great state of Michigan myself... They aren't actually in Detroit but in the way western burbs. More toward Ann Arbor and the middle of the state.

#1 best thing about Michigan? Red Wings baby!!! Let's go Red Wings!!
#2 you take many vacations in the state you live in. My wife grew up in New Jersey and just about every vacation we've taken has been in Michigan where we live. She finds it amazing you'd vacation in the same state. Of course I remind her of what state she grew up in. Seriously though, if you like the outdoors and nature there isn't a much better place to do it then Michigan other then out west. I would move to the UP or at least "Up North" if there were any jobs up there.

I wasn't aware of the stuff. I'll have to give a listen this weekend while I play more GC2.

Enjoy your vacation Brad. And leave the laptop at home!
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