In our upcoming game, The Political Machine, the candidates must occasionally do interviews with the press. Coming up with questions is not that hard. Coming up with thoughtful answers is harder. So we've decided to let users have a crack at it.
Here is our first batch of 5 questions. If you were a Presidential candidate and had to answer in less than say 500 words (i.e. BRIEF answers) how would you answer these questions? Also, answers cannot reference the current President (or "This administration") since we are not dealing with the current/party/person in office (both sides are "Challengers").
1) With the babyboomers heading towards retirement, many analysts believe that the social security system, as we know it, will collapse. What would you do, as President, to ensure the viability of Social Security?
2) The national debt has increased substantially in the past two years. A few years ago this country was running a modest surplus. Now we are running record deficits. As President, what are your thoughts about the national debt?
3) The poverty rate in the United States remains remarkably high. Given the great society programs of the 60s and 70s, it seems that the war on poverty has not been won. As President, what would you propose we do to help the poor in this country?
4) The war on drugs is nearings its third decade with no end in sight. Drug usage has hovered about the same but our prisons are filled with drug users and police report that a great deal of violent crime is the result of the illicit drug trade. As President, what would be your prescription to deal with drugs? Legalize them? More enforcement? More education? What?
5) With tragedies like the Columbine massacre, gun violence has really become a front and center issue for the American public. As President, what is your position on gun control?