Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on April 19, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

Galactic Civilizations II: 1.1 BETA 4A

This is what is new over beta 4 of 1.1.  This, in theory, will be the last public beta of 1.1.

+ Optimized fleet manager screen for faster response times Implemented 

+ New Option: "Hide Nebulae and Stars in Ship Preview Windows". This option fixed some compatibility/crash issues some users ran into (video card related).

+ Only thumbnails for ships your civ can use are pre-loaded Fixed bug where UP would vote to change to Democracy, but would changeto Federation instead

+ AI now factors "Fear" into relations. If someone is going around conquering others, they'll begin to get nervous about them.

+ AI will tend to band together to try to stop someone who is going around conquering them (whether that be human or another AI player who is mopping everyone up).

+ AI players will evaluate threats and put together coalitions against aggressive players or at the very least take a more active role in thwarting aggression from the sidelines. (LOTS involved in implementing this).

+ Computer players weigh risk of being ganged up on if they start a war of aggression before starting said war of aggression.

+ AI Much more effective at evaluating threats and discarding false positives.

+ Some AI players will be more aggressive at secretly paying someone else off to go to war with another player.

+ Many new messages to human player to let them know if someone has gone to war with them because they've been paid off or some other reason.

+ Some new AI upgrading code to ships to prevent it from trying to upgrade Precursor light cruisers (aka Rangers).

+ Torian and related AIs now adjust what they are building/researching based on the status of the galaxy. If the galaxy is on fire with war, it begins to rearm.

+ Lots of tweaks on which ships are built.

+ AI much better at focusing on tech researched based on its own strategy. Previously it tended to over focus on how much a tech cost so it would tend to research techs that weren't central to its strategy simply because they were "Cheap".  Such distractions really add up.

+ A LOT of work on the tactical AI, picking out which ships to go after, how to focus power and project it in a focused way.

+ AI will move offensive ships into defensive positions in orbit of a planet if it feels threatened.

+ If the galactic atmosphere gets dangerous (i.e. lots of wars) AI will start fortifying its planets more to prevent sneak attacks.

+ Starting spend rate changed to 67. "New" users will hence see the game pace improved (i.e. the "I just keep having to hit the turn button over and over" issue where people who don't increase their spend rate end up waiting a long time should be helped a bit).

+ Game now keeps track of how many civilizations a given race has conquered. pCiv->ulCivsConquered.

+ New API: FindBestFriend.  Returns a player's best friend that they can reasonably trust. Takes into account if said friend is going around conquering everyone and is not allied.

+ Saved game and load game format changed to support new features.

+ Saved game makes use of new weapon and defense focus features.

+ Planets under alien influence defect faster.

+ Tweaked planet seeding so that there's a bit more difference between rare and uncommon.

+ Fixed rare crash where a ship has been destroyed but the bad pointer is left in the orbit list. Now it will NULL it out if the ship's been destroyed.

+ Cleaned up the way influence ability affects the map. Much better.

+ AI will tend to use space on a ship design more optimally.

+ AI: If you're playing on Impossible (or whatever the most difficult level) the AI gets a free miniaturization ability. At this difficulty level, our focus is to provide god-like players with a challenge. (besides, if you're beating it at genius or higher, you're probably doing something similarly cheesy <g>).

+ Report screen on foreign relations screen tweaked to show fear as a negative (or positive) effect on relations.

+ Influence on the map tends to spread further into empty areas.

+ AI somewhat more shrewed in negotiations.

+ AI takes into account how many wars the player has started before making peace.

+ Iconian home world nerfed to 14.

+ Lots of new alien dialog.

+ Various tweaks to costs and benefits to planetary improvements based on player feedback.

+ Iconians are now good (were neutral).

+ Torians made slightly nicer ("more gooder" <g>).

+ Influence modules made more powerful at the high end.

+ AIs consider hulls more important.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 19, 2006
Torians made slightly nicer ("more gooder" ).

How much did they pay you ?????

BTW, The grammer nazis here are really gonna have fun with this one!

I am thrilled you have worked on the save game stuff - that has been the only small negative for me in the last few patches.

The AI looks awesome - can't wait to try it out!

As always, great job - I'll be checking SDC until this one's up!!!!
on Apr 19, 2006
Awesome, when might we expect said update?

I noticed in the current Beta that the AI hasn't researched Space Weapons although they were at war for almost a year at least... and this is near mid-game too. I had to give it to 3 out of 9 races to jumpstart them in the conflicts.
on Apr 19, 2006
Wow! The Farming Tech has been fixed!!


What will I complain about now? (I feel so *empty*)
on Apr 19, 2006
Just curious about a few things:

AI will tend to band together to try to stop someone who is going around conquering them (whether that be human or another AI player who is mopping everyone up).

If other races initiated the wars with you (say you looked like easy pickings) but then you finish them off, do you still get labelled as an agressor and get ganged up on?

Game now keeps track of how many civilizations a given race has conquered. pCiv->ulCivsConquered

- What if more than one attacker is at war with the conqueree? Is it the one who did the "killing blow" who gets counted as conqueror?
- But then, what happens if the AI surrenders to a neutral party or ally? Who gets the credit/blame?

on Apr 19, 2006
Nice job. Keep up the good work!
on Apr 19, 2006
Beta available on SDC now.
on Apr 19, 2006
Sounds good.
on Apr 19, 2006
Hey Draginol - love all the changes in the beta.

One thing still bugs me though - the random techs that you get when you capture a planet.

I just feel that it messes up the game slightly to get an uber tech that you are no where near researching. Getting the top weapons off the dreadlords in the campaign for instance completly changes it (for the worse imo)

My idea to improve it would be to make it so that when you invade a planet and capture a tech - you can only capture a tech that is available for you to research - that way you would get a bonus but not a massive game changing one (which gives an incentive to get your planets captured, just so you can get an amazing tech)

This idea could also be justified from a realistic point of view - if a tech is so incrediably far ahead of what you know, then you can't really steal it as you won't be able to comprehend it. (If I am researching laser II, am I really going to be able to understand and use a doomray!?)

No idea how easy or hard it would be but I feel it would be a brilliant change. (if it were too hard, then maybe an option removing tech capturing might also work)

Let me know what you think people!
on Apr 19, 2006
Yup, looks like a good beta... Little concerned with the "good" Torians though, I always feel like a real jerk when I have to wipe out a good race to prevent myself from being culturally absorbed....

and at what point does the AI become this Allied force of insight? Intelligent? Genius?

And what about when you absorb a race culturally --they've become so enamored with your culture that their last planet has fallen under your sway-- do you get labelled as a conquisedor for selling their kids crack? (I really don't like the idea of all the other races tag teaming me because I'm doing well --but I suppose that's just reality so I'll suck it up if thats the way it is *sob*)
on Apr 19, 2006
Wheres the performane tweaks ?? i thought i saw it somewhere that ure going to improve performance on he low end pc i just want one thing - add a " ships tactical zoom level " slider or even an enemy ship tactical zoom level, oh man that would make the game so muhc more playable for me ...
on Apr 19, 2006
My idea to improve it would be to make it so that when you invade a planet and capture a tech - you can only capture a tech that is available for you to research - that way you would get a bonus but not a massive game changing one (which gives an incentive to get your planets captured, just so you can get an amazing tech)

I second that, but I would love even more if you change the whole techtrading and capturing stuff to blueprints, giving you a (maybe variable, roll the dice!) speed boost researching that particular technology.

That way it would do no harm to steel blueprints far beyond your current research, it would not be available for research yet.

on Apr 19, 2006
add a " ships tactical zoom level " slider or even an enemy ship tactical zoom level

Butcherski, you know, that's been in there at least since the early 1.1 betas (possibly before). I think it's in the interface options...

And on forth to the new changes:

AI Changes


+ Many new messages to human player to let them know if someone has gone to war with them because they've been paid off or some other reason.

Nice, too. I've wondered a couple of times if the Drath or others were pulling some strings.
on Apr 19, 2006
+ AI: If you're playing on Impossible (or whatever the most difficult level) the AI gets a free miniaturization ability. At this difficulty level, our focus is to provide god-like players with a challenge. (besides, if you're beating it at genius or higher, you're probably doing something similarly cheesy ).

That's quite nasty. Tried a one-on-one against the Arceans on a tiny map, rare everything and suicidal difficulty. They were able to place twice as many weapons as I on their ships while still having a movement of nine (at the beginning of the second year).

They'd got 25 Beam attack ships with Laser V (+1 Beam Attack) alone (they'd got a hell of lot of them on a medium hull) without the military starbases they've also placed next to my planets.

No need to tell that I've lost the following war of attrition. What was funny though, was that they've waited with attacking my fully upgraded military starbases until they've got the fleet to be able to win.
on Apr 19, 2006
I am enjoying this latest beta very much - things really seem to be coming together. In particular the races are seeming better defined.

I am in the middle of a wonderful game at present which showed off the new shiny AI: The Drengin declared war on me for attacking their trading partners. As they were the galactic badass I was more than a little worried, until my friends the Drath contacted me saying our destinies were intertwined or something, and declared war on the Drengin also. Soon after the Arceans declared war on the Drengin too,and our combined forces look like securing victory.

What particularly impressed me, as well as the Drath and the Arceans taking a long term approach to the rising Drengin menace, was that my good relations with these races seemed to pay dividends. I hope this is only the start of patches/expansions which make allies more dynamic and useful. In Alpha Centauri for instance you can co-ordinate battle plans with an ally by pointing to a target on a minimap. This type of feature could only enhance the feling that you really are fighting with an ally along side you, afer all a combined assault needs a lot of co-ordination.

Overall - top stuff!
on Apr 19, 2006
Ok I'm having fun with this new Beta I love it and all, I noticed some random very short tears in my video on the map screen since the new beta.

Question did you disable xml mods for Beta4A? Because now the ship model mods I had installed from the metaverse are working but my custom planets mod is not working CustomPlanets.xml?

Anyways having a blast no major bugs yet....
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