Anyone who's been around Stardock's various websites knows the pattern. We find a new way to make things faster or upgrade some piece of hardware to make the sites run smoother and the traffic instantly jumps which brings back the problems for the regulars.
The #1 performance hogging feature on all of Stardock's sites (whether it be JoeUser or WinCustomize or or is the same thing -- the referrals. That is, all items actually look at where a visitor is coming from and then adds to a massive table in a massive database on where that referral came from and what the URL was to get back to it.
When you have, literally, hundreds of thousands of people coming to the site every day (which is thousands per hour) it's a significant strain. There's no OFF button for it, it would be a lot of changes in a lot of places in code.
But people feel the pain of that database being hit because it's tied to the article database -- commenting timing out being one of the most common.
We have a new server for the database that is a real monster. It has 12 gigabytes of memory, 4 dual core CPUs, you get the picture. But it will take some weeks to migrate things to it. The same person doing the migration could be asked to go and turn off the referrals which would make things nicer but that would delay the migration which will make everything faster. Hence the dilemma.
I am tending to just let it suffer so that the migration goes quicker and refrain from writing articles like this one (that is why today was so slow) until the migration is done.