Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The destruction is almost complete
Published on May 20, 2006 By Draginol In Politics

It's ironic that Democrats despite President Bush so much when Bush has worked so tirelessly to destroy the Republican party.  The Republican party as we know it is dead. It's still moving around, still animated, but as the midterms are likely to show, the carcas has passed on.

To be fair, it has taken Bush about 6 years to destroy the Republican party and Democrats, who are certainly not the party of rocket scientists (both literally and figuratively) have seemingly been unaware that Bush has been painstakingly gutting the core principles of the Republican party such that as the summer of 2006, few former-Republicans would even consider voting for a Republican let alone Bush.

Where do we start?  Let's start with the spend-a-thon that Bush has been on since 2000.  Republican apologists on TV and in print have made the pithy, if unhelpful, statement of "We're at war, deficit spending is normal in times of war."  Please.

As a % of our GDP, our military spending isn't remotely where it was during the cold war.  The most generous description of our military spending is that Bush halted the decline of the US's military spending as a % of GDP that we saw during the 90s.  I am not arguing that we need massive military spending increases, only that military spending has little to do with why we have deficits now.

The biggest reason we have deficits has to do with the economy slowing down when Bush took office.  That wasn't his fault.  But the wasteful spending in congress -- a Republican congress -- shows that Republicans are no better than Democrats when it comes to spending. 

Here's the thing that many Democrats don't understand about Republicans and it's a very straight forward thing -- most Republicans do not believe that it is the JOB of the federal government to provide a social safety net for its citizens.  It has nothing to do with being "greedy" or "not caring" or "being mean". It's a matter of principle.  I don't expect my cable company to provide me with prescription drug coverage and I don't expect my government to make sure I have health insurance.  When the government does something, the citizenry that benefits from the program, over time, begins to feel entitled to it and it takes away the personal responsibility element that every citizen should have in my opinion.

But thanks to Bush, the Republicans have gotten the federal government into the health care business. Not as bad as it could be but still.  And while he does get points for trying to get the federal government out of the social security business, that ultimately failed.

Besides the unchecked spending, what really opened Republican eyes to the real George W. Bush was him picking his personal lawyer to be on the supreme court.  That choice unraveled the Bush presidency in my opinion.  It permanently took away the benefit of the doubt that many Republicans had given the President.  It set Bush up for what amounts to the most disastrous immigration plan in American history.

Which is what the hot topic is.  Immigration.  Personally, I don't get hot and bothered about illegal immigration.  What I do care about are sudden, significant, demographic changes in my country.  I like my culture. The American culture, and don't kid yourself that there isn't one, travel abroad for a few weeks and you will be left with no doubts that there is an American culture, is worth preserving.  I don't believe in laws forcing people to speak a language, but I am glad that we have a culture that essentially forces people to speak English in order to function (92% of immigrants learn English within 5 years).  Language is what ties a culture together.

Bush's plan would do more to alter the demographics of the United States than any "amnesty" plan in the history of the country.  Besides providing a fast-path to citizenship for 12 million immigrants (an instant 3% population demographic change). It also paves the way for those people to be able to easily bring in their relatives which instantly creates a multiplying effect.  Some estimates say that another 30 million latinos could become part of the population (on top of the 12 million we already have) within 10 years.  You are talking, at that point, a major demographic shift in our country. 

In the early 20th century when Americans were up in arms about immigration due to the Irish, Italians, and others coming in from Europe, you were talking a relatively trivial % difference in the overall demographics of the United States.  What also makes this different is that these immigrants would be coming from a country that they could easily return to "to visit" which slows cultural assimilation.  Moreover, unlike immigrants of the past, latino immigrants are much less interested in assimilating to begin with.  Spend some time in southern Texas or Arizona or southern California and there is not only a vocal (and sizeable) minority of Mexican immigrants who have no interest in becoming part of the American culture, they see those border states as belonging to Mexico and would love nothing else than to use their political power to cede those states back to Mexico in all but name.  I was at a T-shirt store picking up vacation shirts and there was an entire rack of T-shirts with slogans (mostly in Spanish but I could read what they said) that said things like "This land belongs to Mexico".  The attitude is obviously popular enough that someone selling T-shirts sees a demand to sell such shirts.

So what should Bush's plan been if he know, principles?

Let me put forth this:

  1. Create a Guest Worker program that only people who are residing outside the United States can apply for. If you're already illegally residing in the United States, then you should go back to your country of origin and sign up.
  2. No mass deportations, just common sense -- if you get caught, either doing something illegal or using services then yes, you'd be deported. We wouldn't go out of our way to deport people, no mass raids of businesses or communities, just a common sense - if you get caught shop lifting or applying for welfare or going to the emergency room (yes, that sounds mean and I would support someone going to the emergency room getting full treatment first but they're not supposed to be here -- ask Mexico what THEY do with illegal aliens).
  3. If you do get caught here, it would make it harder to get a guest worker program permit and make it much harder to become a future citizen.
  4. Significantly tougher border security. Each state's governor would be able to call in up to 3,000 national guardsman. Not for enforcement but to free the border patrol to do more enforcement. The guard would handle logistics and monitoring (similar to what has been proposed but each state would be able to call in different numbers).
  5. Funding to build several massive border detention centers to hold captures illegal aliens for up to 90 days before deporting them back to Mexico.

I'd also support a public pounding of any fool that feels the need to say "We are a nation of immigrants".  Yea, and the Germans coming into Poland in 1939 were merely immigrants too.  Immigration is one thing, invasion is another. Every culture has a threshold of when immigration becomes disruptive to a society.  A nation of 300 million people (of which approximately 15 million are already unassimilated latinos according to some of the stats I've seen) is not in any position to throw on another 40 million unassimilated latinos. It's not about their skin color or whatever nonsense libelous charge that pro-amnesty forces like to use to silence their critics. It's about a society's ability to assimilate masses of people.

And George W. Bush clearly doesn't understand that or doesn't care.  It's the end of a long line of dumbass Republican actions.  And the result is that in the next election, citizens that might have been inclined to vote for Republicans are going to be taking a cold hard look at the voting record.  The politican that thinks "the masses" are stupid and don't pay attention to these things is in for a wakeup call.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 20, 2006
A clear, concise and well deserved condemnation of the President.

Good well thought out common sense answers about the Illegals too.

on May 20, 2006

It seems some - no many, just believe the MSM.  Clinton destroyed the democrats. Now Bush has destroyed the Republicans.

Your points are valid.  But your conclusion is not.  neither Clinton or Bush destroyed anything.  But the center pulled back once pulled in either direction.  It is not called the center for decoration.  The base on each side hate that the center dictates.  But it does.  And always has.  Even during Reagan it did.  The only place the center does not dictate is foreign policy.  Never has and never will.  Why?  Because Americans are fat dumb and stupid.  They simply dont care (Iraq is not foreign policy - it is domestic - OUR troops).

Welcome to realization.  Of the nature of the universe.  The sad fact is that presidents really cannot do much domestically, yet they are overwhelmingly judged there.  They can do much in foreign policies, and are ignored there.  Both Clinton (for his impotence) and Bush (for his assertiveness) are being judged harshly on the foreign front.  History will be the final judge.

Domestically? Blame me, blame you, blame my Aunt Irene.  It might make you feel better, but it will make no difference.  The welfare mentality is entrenched, and only a revolution (revolution is good now and then) will clear it.  neither Democrats (which would only hasten it) or republicans can change it.

It is the nature of the beast.

on May 20, 2006
Interesting piece Draginol. But I'm missing one point in your proposed action: far tougher penalties on those exploiting those illigal immigrants. Those immigrants have very little to lose at home and with your proposal would become very easy to exploit. And the best medicine for that is to criminalize that exploitation as much as possible. Cut the demand for cheap labor without any rights and its supply will dwindle.

This step is also very important to keep the support for a tougher immigration policy.
on May 20, 2006
I don't think it's a matter of being a "centrist" at all.  Do you really think that the majority of Americans disagree with the position I outlined?
on May 20, 2006
Interesting enough you managed to make a Col style article that actually makes sense. It seems that Bush is really screwing things up, but he's not alone. Congress is also at fault.

2008 will be my first try in voting in the US. I will not vote in November cause I am not educated enough to make a decision so I will wait till 2008. I never voted before cause I was never really interested in politics so I just didn't care. But now things are different , especially since I don't know who to trust anymore.
on May 21, 2006

You silly boys still playing 2 PARTY CHARADES? on that Glazed Imitation Parchment? That's soOooo 1995.
It goes a little more something like this....

A meddely of Death and Resurection
"The Last Stampede of The
World's Worst Carbon Cowboys"

BOOsh-The Spoiled Man-Child

"When you are polarized by the "us v.s. them" mentality you just fuel the fires of dichotomy. The manifestation of greed, self-importance, mania, violence, etc. etc. in society at large is merely a reflection of the mass consciousness. "

If ya can't force DEMOCRACY on em, Cordon them off! RIGHT? ShhRUBBISH!
Riddell's Law Any sufficiently developed incompetence is indistinguishable from conspiracy
Well Oil Be Damned!!

soylent gringo! it's taco! soon to be developed ...THE GREAT WALL OF DEMO-CRAZY

Btw, I'm a Caucasian who believes ALL races and cultures, grand scheme of things perhaps even the bad guys are good for our spiritual development, even if it's hard to bear, let alone see whilst in the frey of it.
I don't know, I just can't get past being annoyed at , robber-baron monopolies or their braindead followers.

need I point out the obvious? STRING THEM ALONG, STAY THE COURSE in other words STAY THE TOTAL CROCK
Deliberate Creation of Unreality - "the adjustment is under way" (Lil )The Trillion Dollar Hustle How “ (FOXCNNMSNBC) imperial ‘inspiration’ was made to manufacture public opinion.” willing to proliferate unbalanced and unfounded OPINION as fact Not one of the POLL choices he made were rational or balanced
Dear World,
We are so, so sorry.
Please blame Republicans, not Americans.
as the economy slowly implodes deals aplenty in foreclosures
They want a feudal system with two classes: a ruling aristocracy and masses of poor
RIGGED !! Diebold and ES&S Global surveillance grid
The "War on Terror" fills the coffers of corporations with umbilical ties to those who run the country.
Words like "freedom" and "democracy" lose their truth as they are transformed into marketing vectors
Consider the majority of Americans, the truth has been deliberately denied them in order to manipulate them
Fear is a force multiplier - Terror propagates the ever sprawling security industry
justifying the initiation Techno - Martial law, Global surveillance grid

if you should go skating, on the thin ice of modern life dragg’n behind you, the silent reproach, of a million, tear stained eyes don't be surprised - when a crack in the ice appears under your feet you slip out of your depth and out of your mind with your fear flowin out behind you as you claw the thin ice

Stepping way back for a look into for a deeper meaning for this wonderous and vicious circle, this grand scheme, game, design. Ready or not, we get to face what our greed, apathy, snobbery and spoilings have fostered, whilst in the comfort of denial... perpetuating and institutionalizing for ourselves, a highly insidious class of slavery. Inherent in it's translucent design, individual perpetrators are blamed, yet collectively we , we've chosen to ignore the part we the so called free society have allowed in being well adjusted, productive citizenry, well trained to abide the party line. As the old saying goes, out of site, out of mind. combined with our lack of morality, our selfish insensitivity to the workings of the natural world. Indoctrinated (by religious or similar institutionalized dogma) mentality that equates indigenous cultures as mindless savages - a mentality so detatched from reality yet so well entrenched, the rest of the PLANET can for all we care burn (and is for that matter) , as long as our make believe bubble doesn't burst. Now, the big squeeze is on, we get to experience first hand, not suprisingly, the underside of our corporate utopia's rug, that part which has grown has been our responsibility, a grotesque fat, bubbling up, that understandably, we fear to face. Being a part of ourselves, an unavoidable comeuppance perhaps for the path of "Civic Passivity and Willed Blindness " WE chose (unwittingly, knowingly, subconciously, no matter perhaps, "as is the nature of the beast" chose. "Through pressures of the market place, the human race has civilized, itself! It's a miracle!" Cordon off, compartmentalize, subdivide, fence, clearcut, monocultivate, erradicate, and to with nothing to contribute or our lustfull pursuit, for new "shiny things" and any other inhumanity, that led to or from our choices, to their, and growing ever closer, our fate.

Dude, Where’s My Country!
Lemme set you straight, this world is far too small right now for your Artificial Petro-Fertilizer, the only solution seems it would take a 12 monkey revolution and or divine intervention, or like The Guy implies, there's nothing we can do about it, tends to align itself with that idea.

cor·don n. A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it. A cord or braid worn as a fastening or ornament. A ribbon usually worn diagonally across the breast as a badge of honor or decoration. IN Architecture - A stringcourse IN Botany - A tree or shrub, especially a fruit tree such as an apple or pear, repeatedly pruned and trained to grow on a support as a single ropelike stem. (from Dik shun AR
on May 21, 2006
...yeah, about that anonymous posting thing...
on May 21, 2006
"I will not vote in November cause I am not educated enough to make a decision so I will wait till 2008. "

Here's an easy rule of thumb that requires no education to use: Vote against whoever's currently in office. There's one specific reason and one general reason. The specific reason is that in America, legislators draw their own voting districts, so that 96% are re-elected every time. That's not democracy and they don't need your help.

Now for the general reason. Voting is way too blunt an instrument to actually determine a politician's actions all through the year, especially when you only have two choices and most people are understandably uninformed. Voting's only useful function is to keep the powerful elites energetically competing with each other for votes, rather than joining forces and stagnating. It adds an element of natural selection to politics. But it only works if the ruling party has a chance to lose. Voting "No" to the incumbent is the best way you can cast your vote if you aren't absolutely sure someone deserves your vote.
on May 21, 2006
I have given myself a couple of days so that I could reread this, and honestly I agree with it for the most part. I differ in that I see Bush as a symptom, and not of a Republican problem, frankly, but the entire American political process.

WHen it gets right down to it the Democrats aren't representing their constituants any better than we are. They talk a good game, but they aren't protecting any of their pet issues. We're still at war, they're still not putting together a health care plan, they aren't raising an abortion amendment or tearing away at the rich and powerful. Granted, they aren't a majority, but if you look back to when they were they weren't putting their back into it then either.

I don't think politics is really functioning all that differently. I think that after almost 250 years, and thanks to the Internet and 24 hour news, we are only now SEEING what they do. George Bush Senior wasn't much better in terms of being traditionally "Republican". Hell, Reagan wasn't either, really. The difference is we are led more and more by fact now instead of pre-conceived, PR-driven image.

I don't know if we will get in in the next election or two, but I would expect a new era of traditionalist government to appear. It's too much work bobbing and weaving at every poll, and people see through it. I expect party platforms to begin to mean something again, not today, but soon. The current state of affairs is a failure, and the politicians themselves see it as they work their asses off to please everyone and end up pleasing no one. Re: Immigration, the problem is and forever will be the Mexican government. I need to finish a blog I have on the subject, but the fact is we are the recipient of Mexico's nastiest exports, and we do nothing to stop it.

on May 21, 2006
He's not been the political "leader" I expected and has completely wasted all that "political capital" he should never have mentioned after the 2004 election. He could have been so much more forceful in leading the Republican majority. I'm still with him on the war on terror and tax cuts, but it stops about there. His proposals for solving the illegal immigration problem will only exacerbate it. He tried to get us off our asses on Social Security, but gave it only one shot - when the half-court 3-pointer missed, he just walked off the court & gave up. There is a lot to be frustrated about, but I'm not prepared to blame him as the sole problem with the Republican Party - Frist & Hastert have both been disappointments, as have many others.
on May 21, 2006
Oh pardon...Bush - worst thing to happen to Repub...uh....should edit the title as well.. BUSH! and on the 8th day, MAN destroyed the Earth. The Scorched Arbusto Policy.
Btw, I'm a Caucasian who believes ALL races and cultures have a lesson, a contribution to the grand pool of wisdom, humanity can draw from if so chooses. Our lives, without, would have a rather bland, and tortia's would not be so tastey. I am appreciative for that and many more reason, encheritos, horchata!! The world is a much richer place for it, give anyone species too much rope and they'll __ it OP! GARLIC, SUSHI, UNAGI ROLLS, EGGROLLS, FLIED LICE, 59c BEAN BURRITOS TACO BELL MEXICAN FOOD MANG!!!!!! VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE! so saith THE SOYLENT GRINGO!
While I feel Mexican's have a serious overpopulation problem, symptom not causal, thanks to poverty and archaic pro-procreation via Catholocism. Ultimately, you CAN continue to PRETEND that the MEXICANS are MEXICO's problem alone, or SHOULD BE, but you're SPARKLING DELUSIONS won't save you from reality when it washes away your embedded concept that defines THE WORLD as a SUBSET of Socially, geologically, environmentally and consequentially INDEPENDENT, COUNTRIES, each with it's OWN INDEPENDENT PROBLEMS
If the Colorado river runs into Mexico, does that mean they get whatever we let them or do they have a right? Do we owe them anything more than turning a blind eye to their government, run by arrogant, openly corrupt and dangerous control freaks, it may have been hard to imagine a life under such oppression to have empathy, but heck, you don't even have to look outside your own country anymore, not that we ever WERE truly free, they don't even try to hide it anymore. It's simple... don't THINK!! approach. Land of the PUPPET PEOPLE! Blithely Roaming the strip malls, proud of their moral girth, protecting their children from EVIL LEFT NIPPLES, defending FREE DUMB!! Patriot Act, the FCC and it's new laws that were ushered with the unexpected Janet Jackson left nipple attack-deemed on par with the SADAMISTS!! LAWS LAWS TAXES PRISON PLANET HOW MANY A-HATS must you remove to see?
Now it's INVASION of the MEXICANS!!! EEK! JANITORS and LOWLY FARMWORKERS are going to TAKE OUR CUSHY LITTLE JOBS, LOWER OUR PROPERTY VALUES and I'll lose my benefits package including the Golf Improvement Programs. Even if it's mostly true, they intend to take over, it's not like we didn't ask for it. Next Time, Take the Train
Some FIEND is throwing Elephants around to throw the world off balance and cause it to tip! BUT WHO? Thats my line Fred, ...but WHO? This looks like a job for...SUPER CHICKEN? You get the super sauce while I don the Super Suit! BOCKA AACK!
on May 21, 2006
Someone forgot to take their meds...
on May 21, 2006
Oh and obviously me good leetle droogy didnt eh?
"When it becomes too much, we have Prozac and Ritalin to tame the inner rebellion"

Sorry M8, got the BAD acid this time, feel free to dismiss me or DARE! to think for yourself!
alas, sadly, no child left behind, a carcass ripe for picking "More Serotonin... Please"

"The year 2004 was the bloodiest on record for journalists, with much thanks to US forces in Iraq. How many of those deaths can incompetence explain? And when does Eason Jordan get back his job?
George W Bush (AKA-The Spoiled Man-Child-SG) makes the perfect empty suit to shoulder the case for ineptitude. Since such a man is t-0-tular Commander in Chief, it's no great stretch to imbue the US military with his characteristic imbecility. But that would be to presume a couple of things true, which I think are not: that Bush truly commands, and that chaos and ruin are never the intended result of US policy.
It may feel good to call Bush and his team miserable failures (or my personal fav- GEORGE W. FUSTERCLUCK-SG) , yet they've stolen two presidential elections and a midterm, have dug into Iraq and the Caspian basin, and are looting the Treasury without obstruction. They may be failures in our eyes, but we're judging them on the terms of our values, while theirs can appear to us upside down. And we need to regard more than the surface of things, to make sense of their actions, and how they judge success.
For instance, the Bush White House is clearly bankrupting America: is that by accident, or design? Does it demonstrate incompent management, or is it the intentional manufacture of a crisis, to crash the system and create a larcenous Year Zero?
What makes us feel better, and which is more likely true: that they don't know what they're doing, or they do?
Excerpted from Blessed is the state that hides its most egregious crimes behind the smokescreen of incompetance." http rigorousintuition.blogspot com/2005/03/benefit-of-dumb html (jeff Wells - ROCKS!)
On that note, if you've made up your mind too read something that would challenge your wheat beefeil system, here's something to save you the trip. I DARE YA! This is a good summation of why your fealty of the 2 party system, is really a One World Divided and CONquered and we have DEMOPLICANS and just like the manufactured COLD WAR counterfactuality, yer various assortment displaying just a tip of the situation behind all the RED HERRINGS we ALL have ended up mired in for whatever ultimate reason. and ultimately am I wasting my bloody time or do I do some good with sowing some seeds, despite my sarcastic tone, I do care deeply. Thus! I hope it's door #2. COME ON DOWN! !!!!
Below from Various sources.... i think mostly rigorousintuition blogspot com &/or rense com-SoyGrin
Are they bankrupting the country by design?

Definitely. It appears the plan is to bring the American people to their knees ableit slowly. Why? Two reasons. One, as the economy slowly implodes, there will be deals aplenty in foreclosures, and business sellouts, for the top one percent to scoop up. Two, a greatly weakened fearful and desparate populace will be easier to control. Not to mention an ever growing supply of unemployed desparate youngsters for cannon fodder for perpetual imperialism. They want to remove every safety net, every shred of protection offered to the peasantry so they can rule us totally. Outsource as many jobs as possible, and insource cheap illegal and guest workers to take whats left. Put the squeeze on us with ever higher energy and health costs. They want a feudal system with two classes: a ruling aristocracy and masses of poor.
The people of Iraq probably don't know this history, but they can see and feel the effects every day of their lives. Thus, they fight and resist. We Americans also see, feel, breathe and eat the affects of this coup. Thankfully, we have television and the supremacy of rampant materialism to salve the disquiet in our souls. When it becomes too much, we have Prozac and Ritalin to tame the inner rebellion. When airplanes come from the sky and blast our self-assurance into flaming bits, we are counseled by our President to go shopping. Words like "freedom" and "democracy" lose their truth as they are transformed into marketing vectors.
The "War on Terror" fills the coffers of corporations with umbilical ties to those who run the country. Those in office today purportedly serve in the interest of the citizenry. In truth, it is the super-citizens who benefit. War increases their power, which in turn makes war inevitable. It is an old story, too often repeated. To do, think or say anything else is unpatriotic, you see. Such is life under freedom, Incorporated. The reason the neo-cons (posing as the republican party) won the election is because their agents counted the votes. Diebold and ES&S computerised voting machines were programmed to 'rig' the election.
"Don't believe me? prove me wrong then! what's that? you can't? that's right. the compiled code in the central tabulating machines that 'counted' the votes is a corporate secret. The US election votes were counted in total secrecy by software written by Republicans and the US public buys the result? How dumb can you get?""
The US are militarily incompetent, because Sadly, they starve their society into creating dumbed down, stupid and very poor youth whose only chance in life becomes being cannon fodder for a few years in the hope of a college education.These cretinous teenagers are then broken, brain washed and given a gun (but little armour) sent to foreign countries that they didn't even know existed to face a culture that they don't understand and given a task to complete that they are incapable of. They quickly realise that they are indeed the bad guys, that they have been lied to by their own side and are facing a largely hidden, well trained, well camoflaged enemy whom are way more intelligent than them and they are sticking out like a sore thumb. This is how the hierarchy works, it is based on knowledge and the concentration of it in the hands of the few who use it to manipulate the masses (DIVIDE AND CON). Consider the majority of Americans, the truth has been deliberately denied them in order to manipulate them, ```, not only in relation to external events in the world "out there" but in your own personal "inner world" where the tendency to lie to and delude oneself originates.
Fear is a force multiplier - Terror propagates the ever sprawling security industry
justifying the initiation Techno - Martial law, Global surveillance grid. We are in a hurry to get the 3rd world status reward at the next Oscars ... a cheap shot or not the race is on with controls in place and not yet succinct. With bankruptcy status occurring with vigor .. the constitution trampled ... the media controlled
and in the end journalists getting killed by the military of a country once respected throughout the world and not FEARED... the FEAR factor is the lynch pin."
or you can always click your heals 3 times, and say there's no place like home
Patty cake patty cake Bakerstreet man, bake me a cake as fast as you can
on May 21, 2006
'Least it's sort of semi-entertaining, Baker.
on May 21, 2006
Anonymous trolls are proof god doesn't exist.
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