Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The weather improves...
Published on May 21, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

The GalCiv II team keeps working on new updates. But more and more of that coding is occurring during the spare time of the developers.  For example, I'm only budgeted to work on the game a few hours per week at this point. In effect, most of my time working on the game is during my nights and weekends.

On every Stardock game for the past several years, my job has been to manage the overall project and then come in near the end to go hard core on the parts of the game that need the most work or that I'm specialized on.  Computer AI has been my programming specialty for the last decade or so.  As a result, I typically only do serious coding on a given project during the last few months. 

Once the game is starting to come together into something that can be played as opposed to being a technology, I move from managing the project to actively programming on it. I would also fill in the gaps that our project design document didn't assign out.  On GalCiv II, for instance, I came in and wrote up most of the technology descriptions, a good chunk of the alien conversations, the ship components, planetary improvements, and much of the "data" parts.  I also wrote most of the AI for GalCiv II (except for the diplomacy screen logic which was cobbled together by eveyone and the planetary surface/improvement backend for picking out what gets built on planets).  The economics and tons of gameplay tweaks I also code on.

After the game ships, I get involved in pieces here and there. I'm like an older, uglier (but better spelling/grammar <ducks>) version of Boogiebac where I look at what I think needs to be tweaked in text or in code and does what needs to be done with a heavy bias towards AI and economics.

But at this point, it's on weekends.  There's a LOT of stuff that I have to do during the day.  Running a company is a full-time job unto itself as you might imagine.  And the 3/4ths of our business that isn't games (like Object Desktop) is getting ready for next year's release of Windows Vista.

Like many gamers and modders out there, I enjoy doing this stuff.  I like reading the forums (most of the time) and playing the game. I get ideas or spot stupid AI things and then go in and try to figure out why it did something stupid or how I can make it better.

For instance, tonight I changed the starting position code a bit so that there tends to be a bit more space between players. I also tried to improve the planetary improvemenet handling.  The original coding for planet surface stuff is expertly written but it's not my code and I have a hard time following some of it. It's also different from how I would have written it so I do my best to update it to try to be "Smarter" based on playing the game and reading posts.  I think I've gotten it so that it won't build a gagillion embassies or entertainment centers. The cause seems to be that those two types of buildings were not defined and as a result there was no limit on how many of that "kind" of building could be made. It was pretty deep in there so it took some doing. 

I also put in more code to make different players play more differently in terms of what they research, how aggressive they are, and numerous other things.  Another thing I did was change the way the AI handles bribes/gifts so that players won't necessarily (easily) just give it a bunch of goodies, crank relations up to close and ally. 

One area I think was significant improved but we'll have to wait until more players get their hands on it is in terms of strategic gameplay.  The AI tends to focus on sectors to conquer (much like a human would) but it woudl tend to focus on too many sectors still and its forces would never be focused enough to overwhelm an expert human player who was focusing their resources.

A challenge that will take more time to deal with is that the computer players have reached the level where they are plenty tough for me.  That is, unless I'm playing on a very specific setting or playing with a very specific style, the AI at higher than tough difficulties will cream me.  My view is that anyone being 1.2 at anything higher than tough consistently is probably doing some sort of exploit at which point you just gotta decide whether you want to play a game or game the program? The AI doesn't "care" whether it loses. So if you figure out that you can some starbase/resource/ship combo or find some diplomacy trick to "Win" then knock yourself out.  But I won't be spending my summer weekends trying to "fix" something like that.

After 1.2, the update path starts to slow a little as we move towards expansion packs. There will be a 1.3 still but the development team (even now) is working on this stuff in their spare time too.  When you see a post from one of us on the weekend, don't think we're getting paid to do that.   We do it because we love the game and love you guys.  We love the community.   At the same time, I hope people realize that it is the good will and encouragement from that community that keeps these incredible updates going. 

Sometimes I see things on the forums or in email (particularly Cari's email) that are incredibly rude and come across with such an attitude of entitlement that it can really take the wind out of ones sails.  When someone makes a post like "X MUST be fixed" (where X is some trivial issue that few people care about) or a post that makes outright demands (as opposed to requests) on what "MUST" be in 1.2 or 1.3 that sort of thing is pretty grating.  I know seeing some guy on the forum saying how the "AI sucks" doesn't make me inclined to spend a sunny weekend working on it.  I mean, heck, I've been making games for 15 or so years now. And I've been playing them longer than that.  I have a decent idea of what is "good" and what is "bad".  No game is perfect. But we left "good enough" a long time ago. Someone listing out a spelling error or some UI thing they don't like or some goof one of the AI players makes on occasion is not something that "must" be fixed out of some sense of quality control.  This isn't WoW where people are paying $15 a month and hence one expects continous updates. We keep updating it because - like I said - we love the game and we love the community.  It's a labor of enjoyment/love.   We're not looking for adoration, just respect and decency.

The betas of 1.2 should still show up sometime this month. The main features of 1.2 can be listed as:

  1. UI to choose mods (such as total conversion mods)
  2. Sample mod
  3. Significant UI improvements
  4. Some AI fixes/enhancements
  5. Memory optimization
  6. New Combat system (ships fire at the same time)

I am thinking of putting in a request so that the attacker gets a 25% attack advantage for that first round so that there is still an advantage in being the attacker.

For 1.3, it'll be fairly modest tweaks and improvements.  After that, the team will be working on the expansion pack.  The art team is currently split between making cut-scenes for the expansion pack and making ship-content for an $8.95 ship component pack.  The idea is to be able to lower the cost of the expansion pack a bit.  People (like me) who love having cool looking hulls and ship parts can get those (And I've seen some early stuff, it's far better than what's in the game, the art team has really mastered how to do this stuff). And the people who don't care about the ship design stuff can skip that if they want.

Comments (Page 6)
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on May 25, 2006
Keep up the good work as i for one am more than happy with the game

Now my life would be complete if you guys had managed to sort out the 'Set as Homeworld' button so it moves the capital over as it once used to do. It became broken sometime between the beta's and 1.0

on May 25, 2006
Yeah, the updates and fixes are REALLY appreciated by the majority of us. We just don't post much because we are happy and there's not much to say. I read this forum all the time but I seldom post anything because you seem to be reading my mind, and everything I could ask for has already been provided.

Having said that, I just have two things in mind that could be added in the next patch.

1. In space combat it would be really great if you could add a flight simulator so that we could fly our ships.

2. On land battles, could you add a first person shooter routine to let us fight as part of the invading army?

JUST KIDDING, relax and enjoy the upcoming three day weekend. Maybe some of us wouldn't even mind if you take occasional breaks from programming so you can eat and sleep. lol.

I plan to spend much of this long weekend playing your wonderful game. Thanks again for the continued support and updates.
on May 25, 2006
Actually, I rather like the idea of first person space battles, with me as the pilot, or one of the pilots in a fleet, controlling my own ship.
It certainly would make the battles more interesting.
Can't think of the name of it, but there was a game that put you in the pilot seat during the space battles. If the ship had more than a nose gun you could change seats to each gunner position to target ships around the ship.

Now, that is an expansion I would pay 20-30 bucks for without hesitation.

Any chance at all, Frogboy?
on May 25, 2006
Actually, I rather like the idea of first person space battles, with me as the pilot, or one of the pilots in a fleet, controlling my own ship.
It certainly would make the battles more interesting.
Can't think of the name of it, but there was a game that put you in the pilot seat during the space battles. If the ship had more than a nose gun you could change seats to each gunner position to target ships around the ship.

Now, that is an expansion I would pay 20-30 bucks for without hesitation.

Now look what I started. SORRY!!!! I should have known better....

There's one strategy game I can think of that let you take a seat in the pilot's seat (or the gunner or bombadier); The original "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe". It was turn-based and you could plan a whole bunch of missions at the start of your turn. Then you would pick which one you wanted to fly in, and what aircraft in the mission. Your performance in the cockpit would influence the outcome of all the AI-controlled missions, so if you lost some planes or missed your bombing target, then all of your groups would also do poorly. Very cool system. I have seen nothing like it since.

Didn't mean to go that far off topic, but that's always been one of my OLD favorites.
on May 25, 2006
" On GalCiv II, for instance, I came in and wrote up most of the technology descriptions, a good chunk of the alien conversations, the ship components, planetary improvements, and much of the "data" parts."

So you're the wise guy.

Good work on the game. I appreciate all of the subtlety, and I do get the impression that the AI is erriely intelligent. I'm not used to the computer getting nervous when I'm shuffling fleets around near them but not in their areas.

As for the feedback, I think its great that you interact with us. Really, you benefit as well from these forums, even if it means the occasional angry idiot post. As you interact with the fanbase, you must be getting more ideas on how to make a better game in the future, which I guess translates into potential profit in 3 years or so when GalCivIII comes out. And if you don't keep improving your AI to anticipate and beat these players, some other company may make a better one. We wouldn't want that now would we?
on May 25, 2006
Let me say have a great summer to the team. I haven't had a chance to play with the new updates but am looking forward to it. I still have a copy of the original GalCiv when it was written for OS/2. Over the years I missed playing it and was pleasantly suprised last year when I just happened to see that it was available for the PC. Keep up the good work
on May 25, 2006
ONe of the things i"m interested in playing around with this summer is the modding.  I can't wait to see what people create.
on May 26, 2006
The attack advantage is a good idea. I miss it. The attacker, especially in a surprise situation, should always have the advantage.

Someone hasn't studied warfare. The defender almost always has such an advantage that the attacker requires a two or three to one quantity of troops. ( Note that attacking an enemy column while it is moving, the column isn't considered to be 'defending' - it hasn't entrenched, prepared fortified positions, overlapping fields of fire, etc. )

Even if you have a surprise attack, you're still struggling to overcome the defender's advantages, unless you're talking betrayal (someone opening a fortress gate, etc ) _or_ an unforeseen technogical / tactical development : example being the first uses of paratroops to launch infantry within the defensive perimeter, blitzkrieg, etc.

And given that movement shouldn't be considered to be instantaneous, even coming from outside sensor range shouldn't be considered a surprise attack : the attacking fleet does not instantly get into attacking range, a la Lancelot charging the castle guards in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Long before the fleet is in firing range, the defender would have seen it on their scanners / sensors, rearranged their fleet for best defense arrangement, taken positions where moons and asteroids would provide some cover and concealment, etc.

So - the only real reason to give an attacker an inherent advantage in a game is to avoid stagnant gameplay, where the attacker can't win unless they have a two-to-one advantage but the defender is also building his forces, so the attacker needs still _more_, etc. No one would enjoy playing years of World War One trench conflict.

on May 26, 2006
This is what I was thinking about this whole espionage enhancement, espionage should result in 3 actions;

1. Research Terrorism (evil empires only) = This enables your spies to gather enough info on a particular building on a particular planet so that your terrorists can blow it up.

2. Research Theft (neutral empires only) = This enables your spies to gather enough info on a particular ship so that your space pirates can steal it.

3. Research Destablization (good empires only) = This enables your spies to gather enough info on another neutral or evil empire's planet and it's government to expose and cause revolt by pushing down it's approval rating. But you will no longer need influence starbases in the game...

The way it works is that you either ...
1. succeed or succeed and get caught and war will ensue...
2. fail or fail and get caught and war will ensue...

*The way to succeed will be on your espionage rating and also on how much of that rating your using from the amount your spending which will in turn be compared on the targets ratings and spendings. The AI will also show the number of turns it will take until the action takes place, so the more your rating is higher then the targets the shorter amount of time it will take and thats how you will know if your going to be successful. If the AI dosn't show how many turns it will take, it means that your target has higher ratings and it will be impossible to infiltrate and will most likely fail and get caught.

For example if you have a 70% espionage rating and the spending limit is from 0bc to 500bc and your spending on the target is 100bc, then your overall rating is 14%. If your target's espionage level is 30% and he's spending 450bc on you, then his overall rating will be 27%. This means that you fail and get caught against him because his rating is higher with a 27% vs 14% for yours.

>5% difference lower = fail and don't get caught.
<5% difference lower = fail and get caught (war).
>5% difference higher = success and get caught (war).
<5% difference higher = success and don't get caught.

*Note you can only use the special ability on one target at a time, this also means one empire at a time. And to use your special ability, you cannot use up your general espionage spendings on multiple other targets. You have to focus on your primary target. If you don't use your special ability, then you can allocate your espionage spendings on multiple targets like usual to get the general intels on the other empires.
on May 26, 2006
The attack advantage is a good idea. I miss it. The attacker, especially in a surprise situation, should always have the advantage.

I have seen this stated many times over on the forums but I cannot completely agree. Conventional military wisdom is that the attacker needs a 2-1 numerical advantage due to the advantages of the defender.
on May 26, 2006
The advantage of the attacker is usually strategic in nature. As it is in this game, now and in 1.2. The attacker can choose the time and place of the battle, Here you can coordinate your fleets and choose where to attack. You can choose to attack the big enemy fleet or the small enemy fleet. The timing of the battle is the attackers advantage.

The defenders advantage is tactical. He had time to scout, prepare his positions, he knows the terrain, the quirks of the airspace better than the attacker. One for one, tactically he has the advantage. Now better technology, training, morale and tactical doctrine can alter the equation, but by and by , the advantage of the attacker remains in the speed and aggressiveness of the assault and the time and place of the battle.

That is already in the game because of the turn based component of the system.

And besides the theory,in practical terms, if only the human player was taking advantage of it and if the AI couldn't do it effectively, it was given a free advantage to the human.
on May 28, 2006
1st of all, Thanks Stardock and in particular Frogboy for all the countless ours of your spare time to quickly update the game. I hope it will continue with 1.2 and 1.3 in the way it has been done for 1.1. Just as you Brad, I hope to spend some time playing the game in the summer. Furthermore, I am also very interested in the expansion pack. When is this due and can you tell what is included?
on May 29, 2006
First up, I'm no veteran player. The AI is very good at beating me and it's getting sneakier and more difficult to beat with each patch

But to say that players who consistently beat it over a certain difficulty are using exploits? Well... that's a bit rich isn't it? Why build a hard AI if it cannot be beaten? That's the whole point - find weaknesses in your opponent's strategies and exploit them.

If you see your opponent doing something like - not defending a planet properly - using bait ships to draw them somewhere - or whatever, something you can take advantage of - is that not the quintessential essence of a strategy game? If an AI can flawlessly beat a player 100% of the time and thus the game is unwinnable - where's the fun in that? To have found things you can take advantage of is good - unless it's actually a bug (eg. forcing a miscalculation of resources or something).

As for registering multiple times... you do have to, and it does suck. First you have to register for the online shop. This account is not linked in any way to your StarDock Central account. Then there's the multiverse account. I can't remember if the Forums were an additional account. Several possible accounts, not in any way linked... perhaps you may find a few hours to pretend you were acquiring the game for the first time from scratch. Follow the process through, there are many parts of the process that could be simplified or made easier. Having one login for everything would be a start.

Still, I really appreciate the work you guys do. You deserve the excellent recognition you've been receiving
on Jun 12, 2006
THIS IS A GREAT GAME! I won't waist time complaining about anything! It would take away from time playing this Game!
on Jun 14, 2006
I belive the game is wonderful good job star dock. You have done a great job and thanks for the updates its good to see that you share our enthusiasm in the game!
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