Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The weather improves...
Published on May 21, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

The GalCiv II team keeps working on new updates. But more and more of that coding is occurring during the spare time of the developers.  For example, I'm only budgeted to work on the game a few hours per week at this point. In effect, most of my time working on the game is during my nights and weekends.

On every Stardock game for the past several years, my job has been to manage the overall project and then come in near the end to go hard core on the parts of the game that need the most work or that I'm specialized on.  Computer AI has been my programming specialty for the last decade or so.  As a result, I typically only do serious coding on a given project during the last few months. 

Once the game is starting to come together into something that can be played as opposed to being a technology, I move from managing the project to actively programming on it. I would also fill in the gaps that our project design document didn't assign out.  On GalCiv II, for instance, I came in and wrote up most of the technology descriptions, a good chunk of the alien conversations, the ship components, planetary improvements, and much of the "data" parts.  I also wrote most of the AI for GalCiv II (except for the diplomacy screen logic which was cobbled together by eveyone and the planetary surface/improvement backend for picking out what gets built on planets).  The economics and tons of gameplay tweaks I also code on.

After the game ships, I get involved in pieces here and there. I'm like an older, uglier (but better spelling/grammar <ducks>) version of Boogiebac where I look at what I think needs to be tweaked in text or in code and does what needs to be done with a heavy bias towards AI and economics.

But at this point, it's on weekends.  There's a LOT of stuff that I have to do during the day.  Running a company is a full-time job unto itself as you might imagine.  And the 3/4ths of our business that isn't games (like Object Desktop) is getting ready for next year's release of Windows Vista.

Like many gamers and modders out there, I enjoy doing this stuff.  I like reading the forums (most of the time) and playing the game. I get ideas or spot stupid AI things and then go in and try to figure out why it did something stupid or how I can make it better.

For instance, tonight I changed the starting position code a bit so that there tends to be a bit more space between players. I also tried to improve the planetary improvemenet handling.  The original coding for planet surface stuff is expertly written but it's not my code and I have a hard time following some of it. It's also different from how I would have written it so I do my best to update it to try to be "Smarter" based on playing the game and reading posts.  I think I've gotten it so that it won't build a gagillion embassies or entertainment centers. The cause seems to be that those two types of buildings were not defined and as a result there was no limit on how many of that "kind" of building could be made. It was pretty deep in there so it took some doing. 

I also put in more code to make different players play more differently in terms of what they research, how aggressive they are, and numerous other things.  Another thing I did was change the way the AI handles bribes/gifts so that players won't necessarily (easily) just give it a bunch of goodies, crank relations up to close and ally. 

One area I think was significant improved but we'll have to wait until more players get their hands on it is in terms of strategic gameplay.  The AI tends to focus on sectors to conquer (much like a human would) but it woudl tend to focus on too many sectors still and its forces would never be focused enough to overwhelm an expert human player who was focusing their resources.

A challenge that will take more time to deal with is that the computer players have reached the level where they are plenty tough for me.  That is, unless I'm playing on a very specific setting or playing with a very specific style, the AI at higher than tough difficulties will cream me.  My view is that anyone being 1.2 at anything higher than tough consistently is probably doing some sort of exploit at which point you just gotta decide whether you want to play a game or game the program? The AI doesn't "care" whether it loses. So if you figure out that you can some starbase/resource/ship combo or find some diplomacy trick to "Win" then knock yourself out.  But I won't be spending my summer weekends trying to "fix" something like that.

After 1.2, the update path starts to slow a little as we move towards expansion packs. There will be a 1.3 still but the development team (even now) is working on this stuff in their spare time too.  When you see a post from one of us on the weekend, don't think we're getting paid to do that.   We do it because we love the game and love you guys.  We love the community.   At the same time, I hope people realize that it is the good will and encouragement from that community that keeps these incredible updates going. 

Sometimes I see things on the forums or in email (particularly Cari's email) that are incredibly rude and come across with such an attitude of entitlement that it can really take the wind out of ones sails.  When someone makes a post like "X MUST be fixed" (where X is some trivial issue that few people care about) or a post that makes outright demands (as opposed to requests) on what "MUST" be in 1.2 or 1.3 that sort of thing is pretty grating.  I know seeing some guy on the forum saying how the "AI sucks" doesn't make me inclined to spend a sunny weekend working on it.  I mean, heck, I've been making games for 15 or so years now. And I've been playing them longer than that.  I have a decent idea of what is "good" and what is "bad".  No game is perfect. But we left "good enough" a long time ago. Someone listing out a spelling error or some UI thing they don't like or some goof one of the AI players makes on occasion is not something that "must" be fixed out of some sense of quality control.  This isn't WoW where people are paying $15 a month and hence one expects continous updates. We keep updating it because - like I said - we love the game and we love the community.  It's a labor of enjoyment/love.   We're not looking for adoration, just respect and decency.

The betas of 1.2 should still show up sometime this month. The main features of 1.2 can be listed as:

  1. UI to choose mods (such as total conversion mods)
  2. Sample mod
  3. Significant UI improvements
  4. Some AI fixes/enhancements
  5. Memory optimization
  6. New Combat system (ships fire at the same time)

I am thinking of putting in a request so that the attacker gets a 25% attack advantage for that first round so that there is still an advantage in being the attacker.

For 1.3, it'll be fairly modest tweaks and improvements.  After that, the team will be working on the expansion pack.  The art team is currently split between making cut-scenes for the expansion pack and making ship-content for an $8.95 ship component pack.  The idea is to be able to lower the cost of the expansion pack a bit.  People (like me) who love having cool looking hulls and ship parts can get those (And I've seen some early stuff, it's far better than what's in the game, the art team has really mastered how to do this stuff). And the people who don't care about the ship design stuff can skip that if they want.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 22, 2006
Brad Wardell - you wouldn't be from planet Wardell, you know, the one that's a class 11, would you?
on May 22, 2006

Once the expansion comes out, we'll be continuing to provide updates to that like we have on the base game.

So another way of looking at it is that after 1.3, it'll be the expansion and after that it'll be updates to the expansion.

I don't think we're going to do the ship components expansion (the $9 thing).  Most people seem to want it but to really justify the effort it would have to be pretty overwhelming. We'll just wrap it into the main expansion pack instead.  Plus it'll let us focus our efforts onto a single thing.

on May 22, 2006
I guess that sounds like a good plan to go with that stuff.

anyway, I guess the 1.3 patch would focus on the AI? because after the UI improvement, most of the remaining issues IMO might be AI related.
on May 22, 2006
Regarding Espionage enhancements that would tighly integrate with the current way the game is played:

You use the current espionage to determine where a race has its unique resource (Aphrodisiac) or super project (Global Terraformer). Then, with the enhanced espionage, you create a spy, put him on a ship, try to infiltrate the planet. You either

(1) Steal the unique resource or the superproject
(2) fail
(3) fail and get caught - resulting in a war

Or, you infiltrate a spy on a planet, and try to get it to flip over to your side, and

(1) succeed
(2) fail
(3) fail and get caught, resulting in a war


The more spies you manage to infiltrate, the greater the likelihood of acquiring their technology. After each "success", the spy gains experience and increases the chances of his success in each successive mission.

on May 23, 2006
Edited by moderator, great post, other post with profane language removed.

The Watchman

We are watching!!!
on May 23, 2006
So basically, all the talk about years of updates was empty hype.
We have to pay at least an additional 20$ for those updates (and more expansions will mean even more money). Well, that makes this game no different then every other existing game with an expansion.
I actually thought that you had a budget for updates but now I see that the people at Stardock don't even get paid for updating the main game.

Yes, I will probably buy the expansion regardless so this makes no difference to me but I do find it a tiny bit irritating.
Especially since you still haven't fixed the most obvious stuff that were reported ages ago, like the incorrect Industrial Bonus & Research Bonus on the government screen.
on May 23, 2006

So far we've gotten a fairly major update with a few minor ones for "free". We're slated to get one more big push in 1.2, and a slightly less significant one in 1.3. These patches aren't jusst bug fixes either mind you, they're adding new content and features well beyond what was originally promised. We've already seen more post-release support from Stardock on this one title that we saw from Atari on Master of Orion 3 in all the years since release. Hell, this is more support than 99% of retail games ever see.

And in case you're not familiar with GC1, they were giving free patches (independent of the expansion) up until a good ways into the development of GalCiv 2. No, we won't get huge patches like 1.1 forever, but that's just a limit of time and money.

They do have a budget for updates btw, it's just that with a small development team and numerous other projects to work on (I get the feeling Society is starting to ramp up) they can't have devs full-time on the game at this point. It'll ramp up for the expansion, then down again to a reasonable level for support. You can't expect full-time support indefinitely for free, there has to be some income to support the work. And I think you're taking the "working on weekends and evenings thing" a bit too far. I didn't necessarily read it as they're not getting paid to do the work required of them, rather I read it as they choose to do it in their spare time because they actually want to... but that when it comes to coding the game versus summer fun, don't be surprised for the sun and warmth to win out.

And yes, they've missed a bunch of typos and inconsistent bits of displayed information. But honestly, I'd rather they focus on the AI and game crash bugs before going after incorrect info displays that aren't a huge deal. Also, how did you report the bug? On the forums or in an email to E-Mail a detailed description with a screenshot for illustration and you probably stand a far better chance of getting it fixed.
on May 23, 2006
Zoomba, your post doesn't make much sense after Frogboy's journal and reply. Yes, I'm aware that they probably had a budget for 1.1 but that's at most a couple of months and it's apparently empty now.
And as for his reply in this thread:

Once the expansion comes out, we'll be continuing to provide updates to that like we have on the base game.

So another way of looking at it is that after 1.3, it'll be the expansion and after that it'll be updates to the expansion.

Unless there has been some communication mistake, he say's that after 1.3, there won't be any more significant updates to Galciv 2. This means that we will maybe get one half-year of excellent support and after that, they will maybe fix a critical bug when it's necessary. Frogboy has stated repeatadly that Stardock keep updating their programs with not only bugs, but with new stuff. Apparently, this is only true if you spend 20$ on the expansion.
Sounds like hype to me.

You can't expect full-time support indefinitely for free, there has to be some income to support the work.

The only reason that I expected it, is because Frogboy has said that they are going to do it (that is, measured in years, not indefinitely, definitly not in months though).

Also, how did you report the bug? On the forums or in an email to

What's the point when Frogboy himself stated that the government info was wrong and should probably be fixed, ages ago. I don't particularly enjoy reporting the same stuff over and over.
And a couple of incorrect text-strings should IMO take far less time then AI etc. and shouldn't in any significant way decrease the time spent on AI etc.
on May 23, 2006
Could we hear an AMEN on 49! Okay, now delete it please.

on May 23, 2006
A few modest observations from an amateur, Mr Wardell :

1. You said : "I think I've gotten it so that [the A.I. players] won't build a gagillion embassies or entertainment centers. The cause seems to be that those two types of buildings were not defined and as a result there was no limit on how many of that "kind" of building could be made."

I believe there is a civilizational principle involved in that matter which should be applied to Human players. At the moment, we can over-specialize a planet by building on it "gazillion" stock exchanges to pump up financial revenue. Is that not "cheese", and totally unrealistic from a civilizational point of view? I can accept that a planet specializes in economic output, but not by being painted wall-to-wall with banks or stock exchanges! I do that at the moment and I am not proud of doing so because it is just a trick to reduce the negative cash-flow which occurs from the very start of the game. I do not feel that I am building a Civilization in Space. I am forced by the persistent negative cash-flow to manage a Financial Spreadsheet by resorting to artificial tricks, such as building 10 stock exchanges on a level 11 planet. My conclusion is that there should be a limit of buildings of each type for a planet, but that this limit should vary depending on the type of building.

2. You also said : "Another thing I did was change the way the AI handles bribes/gifts so that players won't necessarily (easily) just give it a bunch of goodies, crank relations up to close and ally."

Well, I must be unlucky or incompetent because I only play at the normal level of difficulty and my gifts to the A.I. empires rarely push them beyond "Friendly", and then, this artificial friendship does not last long : the diplomatic meter eventually falls back to "Warm" and "Neutral". And this happens to me despite the fact that I design a custom race with a max bonus in Diplomacy and that I research the items that boost Diplomacy! Perhaps I give them the wrong kind of gift : I do a lot of research, so I give them free technologies. Also, as some have observed, perhaps the A.I. players are more impressed by military might : they would rather be "close" to a strong player (except when they feel a pressing threat) than be "friends" with a weaker player who showers them with gifts. Based on my experience, it is not so easy to "crank relations up to close and ally" by giving out "goodies". I am sad that you have changed the code to make my already difficult diplomatic maneuvers even more difficult. But perhaps I am incompetent at gift giving : I am open to suggestions from more experienced gamers.

Thanks a lot for your time and passionate dedication. JPC
on May 23, 2006
So what does this mean for the new CPU intensive AI that was talked about a few weeks ago? Has that slipped off the radar?
on May 23, 2006
Worked very well is a matter of opinion. There was so much cheese in GC1 due to the movement system before they took measures to clean it up I think most people would be hard pressed to call it 'working very well'.

Ubertaco -- I bought the game only last year, well after Altarian Prophecy came out. What was the update process like then? Was there an Internet forum to complain on? Did they release fixes or just patch it all in the expansion? What kind of cheese was there? I remember my friend said if he put any combat ship in a sector with an enemy transport it would freeze and not move toward his planet, but I never noticed that at all. You could mislead ships sometimes too, but not so that it broke the game.
on May 23, 2006
At this point I don't recall the names for all the cheese and most(?) of it got fixed eventually. Alot of it had to do with using noncombat ships to blockade people and the like. You could wall things off quite effectively for example.
on May 23, 2006
So what does this mean for the new CPU intensive AI that was talked about a few weeks ago? Has that slipped off the radar?

Frogboy posted in another thread that for the moment, not a lot of the AI can use the extra CPU power. I got the impression that this will be an ongoing effort, and that the AI will be able to utilize this ability more & more as he continues to tweak/upgrade it.

By the way, Stardock, I'm a member of the largely silent majority who is very happy with your efforts thus far. I'm still hooked on GC 2, despite having an ancient PC that has no business trying to run newer games. You guys have done an awesome job, and I for one at least am very appreciative of what's been accomplished with this fantastic (and way too addictive) game!
on May 23, 2006
2. You also said : "Another thing I did was change the way the AI handles bribes/gifts so that players won't necessarily (easily) just give it a bunch of goodies, crank relations up to close and ally."

Well, I must be unlucky or incompetent because I only play at the normal level of difficulty and my gifts to the A.I. empires rarely push them beyond "Friendly", and then, this artificial friendship does not last long : the diplomatic meter eventually falls back to "Warm" and "Neutral".

Couple of ideas here. One) Do you have trade routes with them? Trade routes can improve relations, long term. Two) Ethical alignment? Are you Good and them Evil, or vice versa?

My $0.02 worth,
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