Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The weather improves...
Published on May 21, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

The GalCiv II team keeps working on new updates. But more and more of that coding is occurring during the spare time of the developers.  For example, I'm only budgeted to work on the game a few hours per week at this point. In effect, most of my time working on the game is during my nights and weekends.

On every Stardock game for the past several years, my job has been to manage the overall project and then come in near the end to go hard core on the parts of the game that need the most work or that I'm specialized on.  Computer AI has been my programming specialty for the last decade or so.  As a result, I typically only do serious coding on a given project during the last few months. 

Once the game is starting to come together into something that can be played as opposed to being a technology, I move from managing the project to actively programming on it. I would also fill in the gaps that our project design document didn't assign out.  On GalCiv II, for instance, I came in and wrote up most of the technology descriptions, a good chunk of the alien conversations, the ship components, planetary improvements, and much of the "data" parts.  I also wrote most of the AI for GalCiv II (except for the diplomacy screen logic which was cobbled together by eveyone and the planetary surface/improvement backend for picking out what gets built on planets).  The economics and tons of gameplay tweaks I also code on.

After the game ships, I get involved in pieces here and there. I'm like an older, uglier (but better spelling/grammar <ducks>) version of Boogiebac where I look at what I think needs to be tweaked in text or in code and does what needs to be done with a heavy bias towards AI and economics.

But at this point, it's on weekends.  There's a LOT of stuff that I have to do during the day.  Running a company is a full-time job unto itself as you might imagine.  And the 3/4ths of our business that isn't games (like Object Desktop) is getting ready for next year's release of Windows Vista.

Like many gamers and modders out there, I enjoy doing this stuff.  I like reading the forums (most of the time) and playing the game. I get ideas or spot stupid AI things and then go in and try to figure out why it did something stupid or how I can make it better.

For instance, tonight I changed the starting position code a bit so that there tends to be a bit more space between players. I also tried to improve the planetary improvemenet handling.  The original coding for planet surface stuff is expertly written but it's not my code and I have a hard time following some of it. It's also different from how I would have written it so I do my best to update it to try to be "Smarter" based on playing the game and reading posts.  I think I've gotten it so that it won't build a gagillion embassies or entertainment centers. The cause seems to be that those two types of buildings were not defined and as a result there was no limit on how many of that "kind" of building could be made. It was pretty deep in there so it took some doing. 

I also put in more code to make different players play more differently in terms of what they research, how aggressive they are, and numerous other things.  Another thing I did was change the way the AI handles bribes/gifts so that players won't necessarily (easily) just give it a bunch of goodies, crank relations up to close and ally. 

One area I think was significant improved but we'll have to wait until more players get their hands on it is in terms of strategic gameplay.  The AI tends to focus on sectors to conquer (much like a human would) but it woudl tend to focus on too many sectors still and its forces would never be focused enough to overwhelm an expert human player who was focusing their resources.

A challenge that will take more time to deal with is that the computer players have reached the level where they are plenty tough for me.  That is, unless I'm playing on a very specific setting or playing with a very specific style, the AI at higher than tough difficulties will cream me.  My view is that anyone being 1.2 at anything higher than tough consistently is probably doing some sort of exploit at which point you just gotta decide whether you want to play a game or game the program? The AI doesn't "care" whether it loses. So if you figure out that you can some starbase/resource/ship combo or find some diplomacy trick to "Win" then knock yourself out.  But I won't be spending my summer weekends trying to "fix" something like that.

After 1.2, the update path starts to slow a little as we move towards expansion packs. There will be a 1.3 still but the development team (even now) is working on this stuff in their spare time too.  When you see a post from one of us on the weekend, don't think we're getting paid to do that.   We do it because we love the game and love you guys.  We love the community.   At the same time, I hope people realize that it is the good will and encouragement from that community that keeps these incredible updates going. 

Sometimes I see things on the forums or in email (particularly Cari's email) that are incredibly rude and come across with such an attitude of entitlement that it can really take the wind out of ones sails.  When someone makes a post like "X MUST be fixed" (where X is some trivial issue that few people care about) or a post that makes outright demands (as opposed to requests) on what "MUST" be in 1.2 or 1.3 that sort of thing is pretty grating.  I know seeing some guy on the forum saying how the "AI sucks" doesn't make me inclined to spend a sunny weekend working on it.  I mean, heck, I've been making games for 15 or so years now. And I've been playing them longer than that.  I have a decent idea of what is "good" and what is "bad".  No game is perfect. But we left "good enough" a long time ago. Someone listing out a spelling error or some UI thing they don't like or some goof one of the AI players makes on occasion is not something that "must" be fixed out of some sense of quality control.  This isn't WoW where people are paying $15 a month and hence one expects continous updates. We keep updating it because - like I said - we love the game and we love the community.  It's a labor of enjoyment/love.   We're not looking for adoration, just respect and decency.

The betas of 1.2 should still show up sometime this month. The main features of 1.2 can be listed as:

  1. UI to choose mods (such as total conversion mods)
  2. Sample mod
  3. Significant UI improvements
  4. Some AI fixes/enhancements
  5. Memory optimization
  6. New Combat system (ships fire at the same time)

I am thinking of putting in a request so that the attacker gets a 25% attack advantage for that first round so that there is still an advantage in being the attacker.

For 1.3, it'll be fairly modest tweaks and improvements.  After that, the team will be working on the expansion pack.  The art team is currently split between making cut-scenes for the expansion pack and making ship-content for an $8.95 ship component pack.  The idea is to be able to lower the cost of the expansion pack a bit.  People (like me) who love having cool looking hulls and ship parts can get those (And I've seen some early stuff, it's far better than what's in the game, the art team has really mastered how to do this stuff). And the people who don't care about the ship design stuff can skip that if they want.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 22, 2006
Another thing that bothered me often.
Usually when I start beating AI, so he is on defense, he just makes too often the transports that he sends to planet I left undefended.

That's just way too good way to trap AI. I mean, he should try first to defend what he has, not lower his planed population making my invasions easier. It's not like he could hold in such way conquered planet if he has no proper fleet.

Now personally, I think that rule when you can see enemy planetary fleets wherever you are (as long as you discovered planet with explorer, no espionage needed) helps human to much, while hamering AI even more (by making him think that his transport can arrive to a planet with no planetary fleet (with ambush waiting nearby).
on May 22, 2006
Not sure on the user mods. I am still trying to master the game being presented to me.

Definitely not a fan of the simultaneous attack, explained in a forum post of mine.


I understand fully that the source code and all of the hard work to make a game I have already spent way to many hours on is your alls. I fully appreciate the fact you all spend your weekends and nights talking to the rest of us on SDC Chat. I love the fact that Cari actually emails me back a quick comment when I send in a bug report (which I believe I am doing correctly). I also love the fact that after a 15 day installation in Pennsylvania I was able to walk away with just over 400 extra dollars in my pocket because I was entertained well by GC2 on the road and wasn't spending my money on the things that normal "retired" sailors spend their money on when they are away from home.

So even though I may feel that I do not agree with everything being done and normally I say it as nice as I can in the forums, I still feel incredibly "Customer Serviced" with StarDock.

Kirk Smith
ska: Kat Lord @ Large
on May 22, 2006
No working this coming weekend (Memorial weekend)! The weather is supposed to be beautiful. You need to take time to rediscover baseball and bike riding.

Eheheh - born and bred in Detroit/Macomb here - and usually try to do the "one hellova ride" through Hell, MI every year - for street riders, lakeshore drive in Grosse Pointe offers decent views, both on and off the water. either way, anything is better then snow
on May 22, 2006
Simultaneous attack is only way to make AI space combat capable without needed a lot of work on AI (I mean 1 slot of expansion, not patch work).

Sometimes it's better to make feature in such way to AI understand, even if someone could say it could make diminish game strategies.
Why? Because it's SP game. What good is advanced strategy if AI is not capable of giving challenge.
on May 22, 2006
ubertaco: GalCiv I had open movement and worked very well. Better even than Civ where units shuffle around trapped on tiny islands and can't get through bottlenecks.

Brad: This is the drawback of having the open relationship and blog interaction, you have to deliver bad news like this. Actually I'm surprised at how docile the comments are, to me it hurts to hear "The game's not going to get that much better, diminishing returns." You still end up ahead in the end compared to a "release and forget" developer.

I wish this kind of thing could be accomplished by collective action and didn't have to be done by a corporation subject to keeping the programmers fed, but that's the only way we know how. Someday, a giant tip jar.

For every criticism I have of the AI I only have respect for the 'actual intelligence' it takes to get a whole bunch of unrelated people to work toward your vision of a game and distribute it to the people who want to play it.

I guess time moves funny for me because it seemed like those updates came out about one week apart for the last couple months and I got used to them. How'd you do all that on the weekends? I'll just pretend I got the expansion in a wrapped box and never expected any updates like GCI.

The whole "people who are beating the AI must be exploiting" thing reminds me of Reagan convincing himself everyone on welfare was a cheating welfare queen, to sleep better. Imagine someone who always lets the perfect be the enemy of the good and corrects every single grammar and spelling typo everywhere. Just by playing harder than you might enjoy doing to they can get a significant leg up. Where you're thinking about distribution channels they're thinking starship design. Where you're programming the game, they're practicing the game. It's not about Ctrl-N Ctrl-N.
on May 22, 2006
yea, Civ4 also has open movement, I don't remember if civ3 had it or not, but I do remember bieng really annoyed by the movement issue sometimes in Civ2.

however, because of the fact that there is so much open space between the stars and plenty of ways to get through, having the kind of open movement that Civ4 has is probably not such a big deal.

Still, its summer vacation, of course there wouldn't be as many updates over the summer. Sure they may release a specific fix or something. However, the easier modding capability with 1.2 should allow ppl like Kryo, Spleeze_, and others, to do more with mods and possibly find ways to fix some issues. Having very good modding capability is really important and the Civ series is known for its modability.
on May 22, 2006
I think a lot of the industry could learn a thing or two from you folks at Stardock. I'm sure the forums have caused quite a few behind the scenes rants of frustration at times. Just remember there are those of us here that understand your hard work and appreciate everything you've done for us that is well free to us. Certainly looking forward to more improvements and the future expansion packs. Not sure if I'd pick those up if its just another set of campaigns but major gameplay additions would certinaly be worth it to me.

Can't wait to see the new ships coming in that pack. Any chance of getting a few sneak peak screenshots?

One happy gamer
on May 22, 2006
Please fix the music volume bug.
on May 22, 2006
By the way the people that want more hulls and jewelry are in the majority just not everyone is willing to pay online with a credit card. Also the amount of Stuff in the pack is going to be the biggest determining factor when people decide whether or not to buy it. If the software to make the hulls was somewhat inexpensive, I would agree it should be left to modders. But considering 3D Studio Max cost as much as a top of the line computer, I think it would be better to be able to purchase large amounts of hulls and jewelry in a stand alone pack than have it take up space in the expansion that could be used for something else. It would be different if more people had the software and ability to create hulls and things themselves. I think the people that can do those things are in a small minority.
on May 22, 2006
We do it because we love the game and love you guys. We love the community. At the same time, I hope people realize that it is the good will and encouragement from that community that keeps these incredible updates going.

We do realise that and we love you as well

We appreciate all of your good will and we respect you for that. I've said it before but I am gonna say it again. This is a special community we have here
on May 22, 2006
I think I've gotten it so that it won't build a gagillion embassies or entertainment centers.

I understand you want to avoid scripting the AI but adding the following rules would improve the planet build up:
(1) first two structures built on a planet should always be factories
(2) only factories may be built on manufacturing bonus titles
(3) only labs may be built on research bonus titles

I am thinking of putting in a request so that the attacker gets a 25% attack advantage for that first round so that there is still an advantage in being the attacker.

That attack bonus will only go to the experienced human players because the AI is not good at taking advantage of first strike. Even with balanced combat the attacker has the advantage of choosing when to fight, so I vote for balanced combat! I create fast ships with high attack and no defenses. I build "Eyes of the Universe" early in the second year (if playing with fast reseach). As a result, I NEVER lose any combat ships! I usually take out the enemy fleet in the first strike and then level up. The few times the enemy survives to fire back, my ships have levelled up to the point they can easily absorb their counter-attack!
on May 22, 2006
All hail the the Lords (and Lady) of stardock! Reading the OP has got me psyched! You seem to be covering most of the weaknesses the AI has at present and I'm sure it will all come together.

I've played a lot of games on all the iterations of GC2 (Yup, a considerable portion of my spare/sleep time has been taken up by the game, the Forum also takes a chunk) and while I haven't kept logs/screen prints - making it an obsession rather than a pleasurable way of getting away from it all - Ive been keeping a note of a few things and I'd like to share them and hope it will help in the developement of the game.

I think I've gotten it so that it won't build a gagillion embassies or entertainment centers.

Excellent news, also on a moderate proportion of AI worlds there too many farms built and very small population.

The AI tends to focus on sectors to conquer (much like a human would) but it woudl tend to focus on too many sectors

True, but its the lack of a proper invasion fleet which seems to let down the AI, they keep coming in a line of fleets to die. And quite important is the lack of any real surprise attacks, they let you know they are coming so its time to crank up military production and build them fighters to be ready.

Would it be possible to have an aggressive AI button on game setup screens or in the options. And I cannot find the method for increasing CPU time for the AI, I'm fairly sure it was due for 1.11.

The AI research. The Altairians are good for research techs, the torians seem to like logistics and sometimes farm improvements, the thalans are military tech fiends, but by far the best are the Drengin who seem to balance their tech while pushing for economic and engine techs. The other races I'm not really sure about. Also, whichever race has the smallest territory goes for the terraforming techs very early in the game. I can't really comment on the Yor as they are my chosen race.

Sometimes I see things on the forums or in email (particularly Cari's email) that are incredibly rude and come across with such an attitude of entitlement that it can really take the wind out of ones sails.

Eek! If I've ever come accross this way I apologise unreservedly. I really appreciate ( as i'm sure everyone elso who er...seems to live on these forums) the time and effort that you guys at stardock have put into the game and the continued support and updates is nothing short of magic. Thank you.
on May 22, 2006
ubertaco: GalCiv I had open movement and worked very well. Better even than Civ where units shuffle around trapped on tiny islands and can't get through bottlenecks.

Worked very well is a matter of opinion. There was so much cheese in GC1 due to the movement system before they took measures to clean it up I think most people would be hard pressed to call it 'working very well'.

My point though is in relation to how things would be simplifed for the AIs if there were more of a closed system.

yea, Civ4 also has open movement, I don't remember if civ3 had it or not, but I do remember bieng really annoyed by the movement issue sometimes in Civ2.

Not exactly the same though. There are natural stops (mountains, coasts, ...) there are different terrains creating reasons to position your units in various areas... GC2 is just space and planets, there is no way to defend other than to be fast enough/have good enough sensors to attack before the fleets reach your systems (assuming they have transports in them, otherwise there is no need to worry).

Like I said, changing the combat mechanic will help things out somewhat for the AI, but if it still is clueless in how to defend its transports it won't matter that much in the long run. And yes brad has given solid reasons why the AIs cannot do certain things he would like for them to be able to do. I'm just saying that if that's the case design the next game mechanic so that you don't have to worry about those issues.

The question is do the features define the game, or does the game define the features?
on May 22, 2006
The attack advantage is a good idea. I miss it. The attacker, especially in a surprise situation, should always have the advantage.
on May 22, 2006
Many thanks for continuing to develop and refine this great game. I am looking forward to any new features you guys come up with, esp the new combat system and the autofocus change (thanks Cari)

Put me down for one of them there $9 ship packs and for any other new updates/expansion packs (excluding Multiplayer) you come up with!! BTW the ship pack sounds great!! Any ideas on a possible date of release please??

Thanks again Mr Froggy and crew!

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