So you want to make a DVD eh? Well good luck. Because no matter what you do, no matter your expertise, it's going to take up time. A lot of time. Whether it be a Mac or a PC, video editing, from the moment you hook up a cam corder to your PC to the actual burning of the final DVD seems destined to suck your life force out.
Why is that anyway? I've talked to a lot of people on this and it's the same story -- the software that manipulates video in any way shape or form seems intentionally slow and unresponsive. It's ridiculous.
I have spent the better part of 2 days (off an on) trying to get TIVO movies onto DVD. There are cheap/free ways of doing it that look even more painful but for $50 I decided to just pick up Roxio's MyDVD. I've managed to get several blue screens, weird crashes, and when it does work, it's incredibly slow and unresponsive to the point where I could be waiting several minutes for it to open a given directory. Not that the Mac is any better. I originally got a new Mac for a similar purpose and its software was just as unresponsive (though much better designed -- yes, that's iDVD 6 and iMovie though in their favor they're not nearly as flakey but they can't do Tivo recordings or yet handle the new camcorders that use mini-DVDs).
It's just maddening how much time is wasted on this stuff. It shouldn't be this slow and inefficient to simply make a DVD of movies.