Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
serves them right..
Published on September 7, 2006 By Draginol In Republican

As part of my regular polling research for The Political Machine 2008, I have come to the conclusion that the Republicans are going to lose control of the House of Representatives in November and barely hold on to the Senate. And you know what I think of that? HAH! Serves them right.

The congressional Republicans don't represent the values or principles of their constituents as far as I'm concerned.  Worse, they haven't even managed to accomplish anything in the past 2 years.  Go ahead, list out what they've done in the past 2 years. I'll wait.

Done? Yea, that's right. Nothing. They've done nothing. It's truly a sad state of affairs.  Let's do the check list of things they could have done that would have saved their rear ends:

  1. Secured the borders? Nope.
  2. Pass immigration reform? Nope.
  3. Lowered taxes? Nope.
  4. Balanced the budget? Nope.
  5. Put together an energy policy? Nope.
  6. Cut down on waste? Nope.

If these guys were in the private sector, they'd been fired a long time ago.  Now voters will get to throw them out in November.  Sure, the Democrats may be no better and maybe even worse. But saying the other guy is worse is not going to be enough to bring out Republican voters in an off-year election.

on Sep 07, 2006
I'm still not conceding anything. Even though the election season is full well upon us, and even though the general elections for this mid-term are not far off at all (a matter of weeks really), there is still a lot of time for campaigns to get very nasty.

As an example, I'm about to put up an article about a tangental topic that could have some impact on the election. How that particular item will play out could be quite important for helping some voters to decide to vote at all...
on Sep 07, 2006
While I agree with your points, I don't agre with your reasoning.

The democrats lost their control back in the 90s for one reason and one reason alone... no clear message.

Today they are poised to do a lot, but I am doubting they'll pull it off... for the same reason.

Nancy Pelosi wants the Speaker of the House gig so bad she can taste it... yet what is the ONLY thing she seems to have to offer? What does she tell her consituents she will do if they give her the most prestigous post in her profession?

"I'll Impeach Bush!"

Sorry, but that's as empty a campaign slogan as "Anybody But Bush"

True, the republicans haven't come through in much beyond support for the war on terror... but if "I'll Impeach Bush" is all they got, then they are as useless to their constituents as I am .
on Sep 07, 2006
My tangental article referenced above: ABC, 9-11, and portrayals of the Democrats... fightin' words
on Sep 08, 2006

The Irony is that the reason nothing has been done in the past 2 years is the senate, not the house.  The house has tried, but the senate, due to the filibuster has stymied them.  So what do we (collectively the american people) do?  Take away the house and leave them the senate.

In other words, amputating the healthy leg instead of the diseased one.

on Sep 08, 2006
Draginol, how much of Republican incompetence do you perceive as being due to a slim majority and a vehement, unreasoning opposition faction?
on Sep 08, 2006

Draginol, how much of Republican incompetence do you perceive as being due to a slim majority and a vehement, unreasoning opposition faction?

Not much. I think the problem is that the problem mostly lies with Bush who keeps proposing things that aren't relaly supported by the Republican base. So the "leadership" isn't in tune with the bulk of the Republicans in congress.  But the Republican congress hasn't had the leadership to put forward an agenda that has widespread support.

The pork spending, massive increases in budgets, lack of security at the borders, these are things that the Republicans can only blame themselves for.

on Sep 08, 2006
When we lose the house and the public gets to see the DEMOCRATS suck more than the present sucky republicans it just might keep the white house for republicans.
on Sep 08, 2006
I still think it can go either way. Republicans have made many mistakes. Immigration is one of the things that first come to my mind. However, when I read how democrats want to use immigrants and a voting tool and a whole new entitlement class, I willl stick with the republicans.

I do also has to agree with MM. If democrats do win some power back, they will do nothing but try to impeach Bush, and launch investigation after investigation, it might make keeping the White House in '08 that much simpler.
on Sep 08, 2006
Not much. I think the problem is that the problem mostly lies with Bush who keeps proposing things that aren't relaly supported by the Republican base. So the "leadership" isn't in tune with the bulk of the Republicans in congress. But the Republican congress hasn't had the leadership to put forward an agenda that has widespread support.

The pork spending, massive increases in budgets, lack of security at the borders, these are things that the Republicans can only blame themselves for.

This assumes that the House and Senate have no more responsibility than to sit around waiting for word from the White House.

Leadership is seeing what needs to get done and using your influence to make it happen, not hanging around waiting for some other leader to tell you what to do.

In the cases you cite, neither the Majority or Minority "Leadership" has done their jobs.
on Sep 08, 2006
The democrats lost their control back in the 90s for one reason and one reason alone... no clear message.

I would say they lost their control because the Republicans actually had a message and a well defined agenda that resonated with a lot of people.

Winning an election because your message is 'vote against the other guy' is a pretty slim prospect; we saw the results of that plan in the last presidential election. Granted, if the 'other guy' becomes intolerable enough, this could be enough, but it's not really a strategy as much as an anomaly. Which is not to say it couldn't happen. The Republicans have definitely strayed from the reservation they established when they took over Congress in the 90's. And that has angered a lot of their old base.

The question is whether their base will stay at home or get out and vote. I don't see the percentage that switches parties to be a significant factor.
on Sep 08, 2006
Thats why i re-registered libertarian. i suggest you all do the same. make it a point with numbers that we are fed up with BOTH parties.
on Sep 08, 2006
saying the other guy is worse

I thought that was the Democrat's platform.

Seriously, I think you're probably right but more because people are sick of the same old crap than because of the reasons you stated. In all honesty the majority of voters just don't look that closely at the real issues. If they did neither of the two main parties would win any election.
on Sep 09, 2006
I agree that the Democratic vote in 2006 will be anti-Bush, for the reasons that you have offered, but I also agree with ParaTed2k. The Democrats offer no clearly superior alternative. I think that the vote may be smaller than expected being opposed to something is less of a motivator than being in favor of something.

There is NO Democratic platform of national candidate that speaks to me and gets me to say "Yes! I'll vote for that!"

Here is the Democratic Party Platform 2006: Link I agree with the concerns, but don't find much substance.

I am worried about the economy. The lay-offs at Intel this week scare me. Ford and GM seem headed for disaster. I could go on....but there is no candidate in the Democratic Party that I can look to and say "He (or she) has a plan that I trust."

Where is the Democratic candidate with a plan for alternative fuels? Yeah, I know that gas costs too much. Wait until I see my heating costs this winter. But who has a solution?

Same thing with foreign policy. Yeah the Middle-East is a shambles...and the Democrats want to do what exactly?

We need a national health insurance, if only to take the pressure off employers. But if Clinton couldn't do it in eight years of Presidency, why should I think things will be better now?

I could go on, but I think the point is, the Dems are not a "clearly better" alternative.