As part of my regular polling research for The Political Machine 2008, I have come to the conclusion that the Republicans are going to lose control of the House of Representatives in November and barely hold on to the Senate. And you know what I think of that? HAH! Serves them right.
The congressional Republicans don't represent the values or principles of their constituents as far as I'm concerned. Worse, they haven't even managed to accomplish anything in the past 2 years. Go ahead, list out what they've done in the past 2 years. I'll wait.
Done? Yea, that's right. Nothing. They've done nothing. It's truly a sad state of affairs. Let's do the check list of things they could have done that would have saved their rear ends:
- Secured the borders? Nope.
- Pass immigration reform? Nope.
- Lowered taxes? Nope.
- Balanced the budget? Nope.
- Put together an energy policy? Nope.
- Cut down on waste? Nope.
If these guys were in the private sector, they'd been fired a long time ago. Now voters will get to throw them out in November. Sure, the Democrats may be no better and maybe even worse. But saying the other guy is worse is not going to be enough to bring out Republican voters in an off-year election.