A couple years ago I looked my nose down on gated communities. Bunch of scaredy cat snobs. Think they can hide from us commoners behind their gates and fences? Like they're too good for us?
My attitude has slowly been changing. I am coming to appreciate why some people choose to live in a gated community (some not most). Each year my activities on-line get more and more attention. Most of it's good. But not all of it. During the Starforce copy protection thing, I got some some scarey calls to my house. I don't know who they were from other than they had a foreign accent (I don't think they came from the Starforce people). I've had people occasoinally call my house on all kinds of issues simply because they could. And I have gotten some pretty occasional and sometimes quite specific threats. Each year, it gets a little bit more intense. I guess I should be happy that few people read my political rantings or else it would really get bad. 
My point is, I'm a nobody. I'm a flea. A pissant. And if I am dealing with this kind of crap, I can't even imagine what celebrities, even minor ones, deal with. Not just movie stars but professional athletes, local TV personalities, etc. I could definitely see why they might want to have the security of a gated community. Sure, it won't keep the real crazies out, but it might keep the casual harassers away.
Anywya, just my 2 cents.