ABC's upcoming TV movie, "Path to 9/11" has some portions that are quite critical of the Clinton administration. One part in particular has Clinton and Democrats up in arms.
The part in question has to do with a missed opportunity to take out Bin Laden in the late 90s. In the unedited version of the movie, CIA agents request permission to capture Bin Laden. The agents are refused citing fear of accidentally killing him and the US being condemned internationally for "assasination" as well as risks to civilians.
The Clinton administration denies this ever happened. The CIA source used in the movie claims it definitely happened. Other CIA sources claim that it happened as well.
But the reality is, like many things, somewhere in between. The movie blames Sandy Berger and Madeline Albright but the CIA isn't sure who exactly killed the mission only that it came from the white house.
Or put another way, the left is unhappy about the details but wants everyone to ignore the general truth of the matter.