Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Posted on WC
Published on September 10, 2006 By Draginol In War on Terror

I made a news item on tonight about the 5th anniversary of 9/11.  It's always a touchy thing putting up a political hot potato on  One thing I have learned over the years is that many non-Americans who visit have an extremely poor opinion of the US, its policies.  I don't think that's representative of foreign readers of WC, just those who happen to post.

But 9/11 was a big deal. And at the end of the day, we're an American company.  We have people from all over the world that we work together with. A good portion of our development team is from UK for instance and we also have developers in Italy, Poland, and elsewhere.  But we are not neutral. What happened on 9/11 was unprovoked, monstrous, and required a strong response.

If nothing else, people, especialy people outside the US, need to understand how big of a deal 9/11 was in the United States.  I don't think most people, even today, realize the scale of 9/11.  There's been no terrorist attack, anywhere, in history that is remotely on the scale of 9/11.

The twin towers, even when pictured, don't show their scale because the pictures are so far away.  The twin towers alone supported a population that about a quarter of Detroit Michigan. And those two buildings weren't the only ones that were destroyed as a result (a couple of other nearby buildings were also destroyed).  Largely, only by luck, was the death toll not catastrophically higher. 

The twin towers, supporting up to 150,000 people when at full capacity, were cities unto themselves. Cities full of innocent people who had just gone to work that day.  Destroyed over an evil, fascist ideology that is based on a particular interpretation of Islamic theocracy. An ideology that is widespread in the middle east but not generally acted out upon - thankfully.

9/11 was a wake up call to the United States that the people who want to exterminate every man woman and child that adheres to western culture really were getting serious and needed to be dealt with now rather than wait until they managed to obtain even deadlier weapons.  The product of a failed culture that blames those failures not on themselves but on external enemies believes that if they can appease Allah and reintroduce the Caliphate (as a starting point) modeled after the Taliban, that Allah might then strike down the decadent, corrupt, immoral western nations and pave the way for a world of Islamic fascism.

The word fascism, has become a pejorative. A word that is used to insult rather than as a strict definition. I use the term fascism in its true sense -- a form of organization that is led by a single person or small group that is not accountable to the people and promotes an ideology based on the hatred of outsiders, other religions and racism. That is the way of life that these fundamentalist Muslims have in mind for the world.

It is something that must be fought against. It cannot be ignored. While one can debate the effectiveness of the current administration's attempt to fight Islamic Fasicm (Or Islamism), there should be no doubt that it exists, is real, and must either be dealt with now or dealt with later (except at a vastly higher cost).

Those who think that the problem can be ignored need only look at history.  9/11 was merely the most recent and most deadly attack by these extremists.  Since 9/11, the US has improved its intelligence, defense, and covert operations to the point that no new attacks have occurred on US soil since 9/11 (while there have been attacks overseas in places easier to carry out such attacks).

To see the announcement on along with the responses to it, click below.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 11, 2006
What makes terrorism so insidious is that it is incredibly difficult to define specifically those responsible. When country A attacks country B, it is the country that is accountable. We do not go after the individula soldiers. Terrorism, by contrast, is far more muddy.

To be entirely fair it was the biggest example of the modern idea of terrorism - ie terror conducted by non-state actors. The US made it a war of nation-states though by conflating al Qaeda with Afghanistan and pursuing the war there, which to some extent put 9/11 back in line with the examples I mentioned. The heavy infiltration of the Afghan leadership by al Qaeda also made the question of 'non-state action' a little hazy - how non-state can an attack be if the leaders of the base country are in full support?

on Sep 12, 2006

I find it appalling to read you're replies (DATED 9/11) and filled with such garbage. There is something very disturbing about it.
on Sep 12, 2006
Being complacent is "having a part" in the action, and clearly, even the 9/11 commission established willfull neglect and complacency at the hands of this administration regarding 9/11. Clearly you jumped the gun, and lumped me in with those conspiracy people saying the towers were demolitioned. While I believe there needs to be answers, like why the billions in gold was moved out from the tower basements the night before, why the hard drives found in the rubble showed millions of dollars in transfers 1 minute before the planes hit. Or perhaps why Tower 7, a building designed to withstand anything, fell like a deck of cards 9 hours after the first two towers did. Why haven't the black boxes been uncovered (so says the govt.) while much more sensative things were recovered already?

It's okay to wear your tinfoil hat in public James.
on Sep 12, 2006
I don't blame the people of the US a bit for what happened on 9/11. It is tempting to lay part of the blame on the Clinton administration, but the same complicity and insipid attitude can be seen in the administration of Bush the First.

That said...

What we did and continue to do after will have a DIRECT impact on the next large attack. I think our response thus far has been a miserable failure. You see it continuing today when we hamstring Israel's efforts to flush out terrorist in terrorism complicit Lebanon. We are continuing the garbage war-by-proxy that has handed us defeat after defeat for the last 60 years. Instead of addressing the real foes, the nations that kill people through their terrorist proxies, we seek "diplomatic" solutions.

I have a dismal outlook right now. Bush has shown himself to be half the man he claimed to be and is obviously intimidated by international opinion. The next president will no doubt be a "change" to an even more diplomatic stance. I desperately fear that we have done nothing but show the world that the best way to make a third-rate pile of sand into an "important" country is to become a terrorist state.

I don't see anything wrong with what you've written, and I agree with it. People don't understand, even people like the person above who claims to. It's obvious even in the language they use. I hope I am wrong and they don't all receive the kind of wake up call we did one nation at a time in response to their jaded attitudes of inaccurate moral equivalence...

on Sep 12, 2006
It's okay to wear your tinfoil hat in public James.

I dont understand why you respond to him like that. Can you refute him point by point? I see alot of this "looney conspiracy theorist" type insult but i rarely see a blow by blow response that actually puts the so called "looney" argument to bed. Surely if its so far left of field it should be a trivial matter to knock him off his so called loopy perch.

I consider myself a fairly rational and down to earth individual and theres nothing in what James has written that is completely "tropo" to me. Surely these kinds of things about which he speaks (which sound alot like claims made in films such as Loose Change 2) should be quite easily and scientifically refuted if they were so far fetched.

Id really like to see a point by point dissection of the claims because to me they seem entirely credible.... especially when the only answer such people (and lets face it...its not just one or two) seem to get is something like that posted by drmiler.

I mean all Ive "actually" seen with respect to 9-11 is 2 planes crash into a couple of skyscrapers. Beyond that everything is just heresy. I did and do find it remarkable that the buildings fell the way they did, it still amazes me that the Pentagon attack has all of 5 or so frames of footage of the attack from a single point of view.... and in none of which do i see a 747. Im sure such things as financial transactions should easily be confirmed. Why are such question so off limits?

There are all kinds of questions. Perhaps the answers are entirely logical and provide support for the official story. If so great. That would be a very good thing. I would like that to be the case. What i dont understand is why so many interested parties get so flustered about what seems to be some very simple enquiry. If the truth is the truth then wouldn't it easily stand up to any and all forms of scrutiny?

If nothing else such claims are interesting.... now why are they incorrect again?

on Sep 12, 2006
Scoff, very nice first post. The only problem is everyone who replies to you starts their posts with the word "Scoff" as though they're making fun of you.

The word fascism, has become a pejorative. A word that is used to insult rather than as a strict definition. I use the term fascism in its true sense -- a form of organization that is led by a single person or small group that is not accountable to the people and promotes an ideology based on the hatred of outsiders, other religions and racism.

Instead of trying for your own strict definition, I think you should link to the guy who coined the term Islamofascism (h ttp:// ), who's more rigorous about it. He doesn't mention your "led by a single person or small group" criterion, which is good because Islamofascism is not led by a single person or small group. Here's some specifics he gives:

"Fascism was paramilitary; indeed, the Italian and German military elites were reluctant to accept the fascist parties' ideological monopoly. Al-Qaida and Hezbollah are both paramilitary."

"Fascism rested, from the economic perspective, on resentful middle classes, frustrated in their aspirations and anxious about loss of their position. The Italian middle class was insecure in its social status; the German middle class was completely devastated by the defeat of the country in the First World War. Both became irrational with rage at their economic difficulties; this passionate and uncontrolled fury was channeled and exploited by the acolytes of Mussolini and Hitler. Al-Qaida is based in sections of the Saudi, Pakistani, and Egyptian middle classes fearful, in the Saudi case, of losing their unstable hold on prosperity -- in Pakistan and Egypt, they are angry at the many obstacles, in state and society, to their ambitions. The constituency of Hezbollah is similar: the growing Lebanese Shia middle class, which believes itself to be the victim of discrimination."

And so on... however, there are many criteria for fascism that Islamofascism doesn't meet, such as racism, nationalism, glorifying war as an end in itself, embracing the struggle of the youth versus their elders, and having a broad base of popular support:

"Fascism attracted political support from diverse sectors of the population, including big business, farmers and landowners, nationalists, and reactionaries, disaffected World War I veterans, intellectuals such as Gabriele D'Annunzio, Curzio Malaparte, Carl Schmitt and Martin Heidegger to name a few, conservatives and small businessmen, and the poor to whom they promised work and bread. In countries such as Romania and Hungary (and to a lesser extent in other states), Fascism had a strong base of support among the working classes and extremely poor peasants. The broad appeal of support for Fascism makes it different from other totalitarian states." (wikipedia)

All in all, I'm not convinced that "fascism" is any better of a description for the phenomenon than the corresponding left-wing spin, a "global counterinsurgency."
on Sep 12, 2006
Documentary film maker and radio host Alex Jones, coordinating today\'s 9/11 truth movement events in downtown New York City, says that the atmosphere around ground zero has dramatically changed, with the majority of firefighters and police officers now sympathetic to the claim that 9/11 was an inside job.

Alex is featured at the end of the Associated Press video above imploring viewers to understand that 9/11 was \"a self-inflicted wound designed to create a police state in the U.S. and capture us as an engine for world government and world domination.\"

Alex was assigned to lead a protest march today which he described as over 1000 strong as it snaked across ground zero and through lower Manhattan.

Saying that the \"entire atmosphere had changed,\" Alex explained how police support for protesters at ground zero had gone from 20% support two years ago to around 60% support now - with many willing to affirm that sentiment on camera and many knowledgeable about Alex Jones\' work and the 9/11 truth movement.

\"Police just saying \'keep your investigation going, we appreciate you\' on video,\" said Jones.

\"The firemen we\'ve been talking to - a hundred per cent are on our side and have seen the documentary is just incredible what\'s happened at the grass roots.\"

Jones said that the few debunkers who were spewing Bush administration style propaganda were met with distain from the police.

\"I think that thing that triggered it was the fact that the government lied about the dust, the asbestos all of it,\" said Jones in citing why first responders and police have become increasingly skeptical about anything the government says about 9/11.

on Sep 12, 2006
Scoff, very nice first post.

Whats wrong with the 2nd post? Nothing wrong with a little devils advocate?

The only problem is everyone who replies to you starts their posts with the word "Scoff" as though they're making fun of you.

This might well be true but hopefully the entire nickname suggests that i dont take myself too seriously in these kinds of formats anyway. By all means I invite people to "scoff" away but hopefully once their done they'll be able to answer whatever questions have been put toward them.

on Sep 12, 2006
Scoff: the first post makes original points drawing from your unique (to us) New Zealand perspective, and uses very clear logic (New Zealand is "western culture," yet the terrorists don't hate them, etc). Even on slashdot that would get a high rating.

Your second post, actually, I didn't like as well, because of what it did to the persuasiveness of your first post. I don't think it's illegitimate to give some consideration to conspiracy theories, but if your audience basically thinks it's unpatriotic even to say 9/11 wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to America, an open mind on this issue lowers your credibility with them.

If you're really interested in the topic you may have already seen this, but I found a lot of evidence for the plane that hit the Pentagon at h ttp:// (Sorry, this software makes me break all my hyperlinks to post.) But there's nothing wrong with keeping an open mind about it.

"hopefully the entire nickname suggests that i dont take myself too seriously in these kinds of formats anyway."

I'm afraid I do... sorry if I'm boring y'all. I want you to stick around just for those interesting New Zealand touches like calling an idea "tropo." (Is that real slang? I wonder where it came from, maybe global warming discussion is mainstream over there and you hear more talk about the troposphere?)
on Sep 12, 2006
The only problem is everyone who replies to you starts their posts with the word "Scoff" as though they're making fun of you.

rubbish! it is just a shortened version of his name.

I may not agree with some of the things he says, but that does not mean I am "scoffing" at him.

For me you do not speak! Speak for yourself!

Conspiracy theories:- James

Some of the stuff that James has mentioned - probably does warrant further investigation, some of the things mentioned are downright disturbing and suspicious.

Perhaps the public at large should not reject them as conspiracy outright but look into it before doing so. What harm can it do to investigate it?

It may cost a few bob, but that is about all?

However, will they ever get to the bottom of it? JFK - look at that - it still goes on today, the iffing anf butting and suggesting.

on Sep 12, 2006
"a self-inflicted wound designed to create a police state in the U.S. and capture us as an engine for world government and world domination.\"
I can't stop laughing at this ridiculous statement. As usual people who post garbage like this have not provided one fact or truth that the government was involved. It is nothing but conspiracy theories for people. 19 hijackers caused the building to collapse. It seems you guys will do anything not to blame them. Pathetic.
on Sep 12, 2006
I don't blame the people of the US a bit for what happened on 9/11. It is tempting to lay part of the blame on the Clinton administration, but the same complicity and insipid attitude can be seen in the administration of Bush the First.

Though I agree with the Bush and clinton part, I have to say that I do blame the American people in part (including me). I blame them for being so ignorant to the work our own Gov't does. We are so concerned with money that we paid more attention to how Clinton had Trillions in the economy and how Bush gave us tax cuts so we could have more money. But we ignored what they both did and have been doing over seas and within our own country and we paid the price for our lack of understanding and attention.

That said... What we did and continue to do after will have a DIRECT impact on the next large attack. I think our response thus far has been a miserable failure. You see it continuing today when we hamstring Israel's efforts to flush out terrorist in terrorism complicit Lebanon. We are continuing the garbage war-by-proxy that has handed us defeat after defeat for the last 60 years. Instead of addressing the real foes, the nations that kill people through their terrorist proxies, we seek "diplomatic" solutions. I have a dismal outlook right now. Bush has shown himself to be half the man he claimed to be and is obviously intimidated by international opinion. The next president will no doubt be a "change" to an even more diplomatic stance. I desperately fear that we have done nothing but show the world that the best way to make a third-rate pile of sand into an "important" country is to become a terrorist state. I don't see anything wrong with what you've written, and I agree with it. People don't understand, even people like the person above who claims to. It's obvious even in the language they use. I hope I am wrong and they don't all receive the kind of wake up call we did one nation at a time in response to their jaded attitudes of inaccurate moral equivalence...

I totally agree. Makes perfect sense.
on Sep 12, 2006
There are two different "James" posting here, and I have to wonder why the other James chose a name already used.

While I don't agree with "Most" conspiracy theorists, I do feel there was suspicious things about the event, such as the hard drive data, financial transactions, gold being evacuated the night before, and stock put options. At least to the point that a probably a pretty substantial amount of people out there knew it was coming (and quite possibly factions within our own government). Also the Odigo instant messages that warned Israeli's working near the towers 2 hours before the attack to leave. Those facts are indesputable at this point, and should be fully investigated.

The FBI investigation into these warnings sent to Israeli's working near WTC was quietly cancelled after it was discovered they came from within the Israeli Ministry of Interior. I am most curious to know what the Israeli's knew, and perhaps what part they played in the event other than complacency.
on Sep 12, 2006
Also the Odigo instant messages that warned Israeli's working near the towers 2 hours before the attack to leave. Those facts are indesputable at this point, and should be fully investigated.
Two people were reportedly "warned", and it hasn't even been proven that it was authentic. It has never been proven that it came from the Israel Interior. This is exactly what everybody talks about. You guys just use these claims that usually come from far-left, or anti-American websites and present them as fact.
on Sep 12, 2006
Je ne pense pas que partout ailleurs dans le monde on minimise la gravité et l'emportée géo-politique d'un tel acte terroriste. Personnellement, et après 5 ans, je comprends que le peuple américain soit encore tétanisé, mais il y a au fond une marge de manoeuvre entre le patriotisme et l'aveuglement frappant à l'administration Bush...Tellement de questions restent en suspens ... Il faut cesser de se dérober trop longtemps derrière l'évenement en tant que tel...

Quant au mot fascisme, c'est d'un non-sens aberrant que de l'utiliser. Les circonstances historiques sont largement inadéquates...
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