Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Posted on WC
Published on September 10, 2006 By Draginol In War on Terror

I made a news item on tonight about the 5th anniversary of 9/11.  It's always a touchy thing putting up a political hot potato on  One thing I have learned over the years is that many non-Americans who visit have an extremely poor opinion of the US, its policies.  I don't think that's representative of foreign readers of WC, just those who happen to post.

But 9/11 was a big deal. And at the end of the day, we're an American company.  We have people from all over the world that we work together with. A good portion of our development team is from UK for instance and we also have developers in Italy, Poland, and elsewhere.  But we are not neutral. What happened on 9/11 was unprovoked, monstrous, and required a strong response.

If nothing else, people, especialy people outside the US, need to understand how big of a deal 9/11 was in the United States.  I don't think most people, even today, realize the scale of 9/11.  There's been no terrorist attack, anywhere, in history that is remotely on the scale of 9/11.

The twin towers, even when pictured, don't show their scale because the pictures are so far away.  The twin towers alone supported a population that about a quarter of Detroit Michigan. And those two buildings weren't the only ones that were destroyed as a result (a couple of other nearby buildings were also destroyed).  Largely, only by luck, was the death toll not catastrophically higher. 

The twin towers, supporting up to 150,000 people when at full capacity, were cities unto themselves. Cities full of innocent people who had just gone to work that day.  Destroyed over an evil, fascist ideology that is based on a particular interpretation of Islamic theocracy. An ideology that is widespread in the middle east but not generally acted out upon - thankfully.

9/11 was a wake up call to the United States that the people who want to exterminate every man woman and child that adheres to western culture really were getting serious and needed to be dealt with now rather than wait until they managed to obtain even deadlier weapons.  The product of a failed culture that blames those failures not on themselves but on external enemies believes that if they can appease Allah and reintroduce the Caliphate (as a starting point) modeled after the Taliban, that Allah might then strike down the decadent, corrupt, immoral western nations and pave the way for a world of Islamic fascism.

The word fascism, has become a pejorative. A word that is used to insult rather than as a strict definition. I use the term fascism in its true sense -- a form of organization that is led by a single person or small group that is not accountable to the people and promotes an ideology based on the hatred of outsiders, other religions and racism. That is the way of life that these fundamentalist Muslims have in mind for the world.

It is something that must be fought against. It cannot be ignored. While one can debate the effectiveness of the current administration's attempt to fight Islamic Fasicm (Or Islamism), there should be no doubt that it exists, is real, and must either be dealt with now or dealt with later (except at a vastly higher cost).

Those who think that the problem can be ignored need only look at history.  9/11 was merely the most recent and most deadly attack by these extremists.  Since 9/11, the US has improved its intelligence, defense, and covert operations to the point that no new attacks have occurred on US soil since 9/11 (while there have been attacks overseas in places easier to carry out such attacks).

To see the announcement on along with the responses to it, click below.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 10, 2006
Thanks for the artilces.
on Sep 11, 2006
Well i will start by saying that if your article was more about the loss of life and paying your respects to that then i would have left well enough alone. However considering it is more political in nature I feel it more appropriate to respond in kind with my own point of view.

If nothing else, people, especialy people outside the US, need to understand how big of a deal 9/11 was in the United States.

While this statement is true it almost seems to suggest that "we" dont understand how big a deal it was. This is not true.

The rest of the world is very well aware of the scale of the attack given that all of "us" (Im from New Zealand) have been dealing from the fallout either directly or indirectly since it happened. The flip side to this statement is that I have to wonder just how much the average American understands just how outraged much and in a very many countries, most of the non US population of this world resents the actions of the US in pursuing their attackers.

I for one fail to understand why Iraq was subsequently invaded (using as a justifcation the 9-11 attacks, after the one about WMD that is) when 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi? In fact i truely dont understand any of the policies of the American government since the event and especially not in light of their stated aims and claims that it is to make the world safer. If anything from my little perch in the woods it appears to have made things a damn site more volatile and without doubt decidely more expensive.

9/11 was a wake up call to the United States that the people who want to exterminate every man woman and child that adheres to western culture really were getting serious and needed to be dealt with now rather than wait until they managed to obtain even deadlier weapons.

This is a great exaggeration. Im from New Zealand (as stated) and we have no such fears but are definitely Western in culture. In fact one of our citizens and one of your own was recently released from a hostage situation in Iraq primarily because he was a Kiwi. So its not true to include all Western cultures in your grouping. This is very much Cold War thinking and is far too simplistic to be of any use in the modern world. Us vrs Them. With or against. Patriot or Unpatriotic. Right and Wrong. Good vrs Evil. Only children talk in terms such as these. Norway, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, etc etc I dont see any of those countries being overly concerned about terrorism.

Statements like the one you have made here while highly emotive are ultimately untrue. In making statements such as these people completely fail to look at the underlying causes for such actions. Why do people fly half way around the world to attack the US and Britain. What is it about these two nation states that these people find so abhorrent? Freedom, jealously, i dont think so at all. In looking through some of the history of this site Im sure one of the classic answers to such questions is "who cares, lets just kill 'em back". But surely after 5 years now we can all see just how futile this policy is. All America has really done in 5 years is fuel a recruitment drive for terrorist organisations and spread itself so thin that realistically dealing with Iran is pretty much off the books. Iran thumbs its nose at the US and its threats of intervention re:its nuclear program. The US is not stronger, despite all its rhetoric, its much weaker.

he product of a failed culture that blames those failures not on themselves but on external enemies believes that if ...

How have you come to the conclusion that their culture is failed? 19 hijackers flew planes of destruction. How does that get expanded into a entire culture of failure? When acted upon, its precisely this kind of generalised, dismissive attitude that makes such peoples hate Americans so much.

That is the way of life that these fundamentalist Muslims have in mind for the world.

Your descriptions could just as easily be applied to Christian fundamentalists.

While one can debate the effectiveness of the current administration's attempt to fight Islamic Fasicm

Id suggest this is the biggest debate of the day.

covert operations to the point that no new attacks have occurred on US soil since 9/11 (while there have been attacks overseas in places easier to carry out such attacks).

I doubt whether this would pass any statistical measure of safety. I think it was 8 years between the 1st and 2nd attacks against the World Trade Center wasn't it? The second being much more deadly. Such measures as you've used also completely disregard the opportunity cost the freedoms many of your countrymen seem to feel they have lost, not to mention the discontent and polerisation of your population that has occured because of the implementation of these policies that you would argue make you so much safer.
on Sep 11, 2006
So far, the responses on linked article seem to be very supportive.
on Sep 11, 2006
Statements like the one you have made here while highly emotive are ultimately untrue. In making statements such as these people completely fail to look at the underlying causes for such actions. Why do people fly half way around the world to attack the US and Britain. What is it about these two nation states that these people find so abhorrent? Freedom, jealously, i dont think so at all. In looking through some of the history of this site Im sure one of the classic answers to such questions is "who cares, lets just kill 'em back". But surely after 5 years now we can all see just how futile this policy is. All America has really done in 5 years is fuel a recruitment drive for terrorist organisations and spread itself so thin that realistically dealing with Iran is pretty much off the books. Iran thumbs its nose at the US and its threats of intervention re:its nuclear program. The US is not stronger, despite all its rhetoric, its much weaker.

Scoff, This is your view, and you disagree with what the Satates and Britian have done, yet you do not make any suggestions for alternative ways of dealing with the problems.

How do you see the States and Brits protecting themselves, what do you see as a resolution to the problems faced by those countries?

Norway, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, etc etc I dont see any of those countries being overly concerned about terrorism.

I think you will find they are concerned if you investigated it and really looked into it.

on Sep 11, 2006
I think you will find they are concerned if you investigated it and really looked into it.

Finland, Norway, Switzerland - not so much. They don't have any sizable Muslim populations and no clear terrorist targets. But Denmark is very definitely a different problem. Their country is very concerned about terrorism, and has been a backer of the War on Terror for quite some time.

There's been no terrorist attack, anywhere, in history that is remotely on the scale of 9/11.

The firebombing of Tokyo, the deathcamps of Burma, the sacking of Baghdad by the Mongols. All of these accounted for a much higher number of deaths in much nastier circumstances and, like 9/11, occurred in the context of civilisational war.

9/11 is special because it was the first medium-large terrorist attack on US soil, not because it was the first big attack ever.
on Sep 11, 2006

I found this to be a well balanced article, it put forward a convincing case.

Scoff has a point though in as much as - do not under estimate how much understanding the rest of the world has of what happened 9/11. They know, they saw, some had losses too, granted nowhere near as many as the states. Largely speaking they stand with the states.

It has to be said, that terrorist will never ever again reach the heights of awesomeness and levels of shock as they achieved with 9/11 again. They could never outdo themselves in this one vile atrocious act. (To use Masons term they jumped the shark). This is not meant as a compliment either, so do not take it offensively.

Please understand I am not praising the act of 9/11 as awesome I am trying to state the success of what they did in that one hit will never again be accomplished, they out did themselves. Whatever they deal out now will only be like little flies that we can swat with a fly swatter in comparison.

The reason they will never be able to do it again or reach such levels of shock is because the world is now prepared for them, to stop them, to bring them down, before they cause more harm.

Today is not the day to start slinging political mud back and forth, today is a day to remember. So all you political animals out there, hold up and respect the day of mourning and tribute please.

Today should be a day of support not criticising (spell) one persons beliefes against anothers.

A British Citizen
on Sep 11, 2006
9/11 is special because it was the first medium-large terrorist attack on US soil, not because it was the first big attack ever.

Also because of the media footage covering it from the moments of impact. It has had a visual impact of horror for thousands across the globe.

Seeing it with your own eyes from the start to the pile of rubble that resulted makes it bigger, as everyone of us who saw it on telly were in effect witnesses.

Am I making sense in what I am trying to put across, forgive me I am not very good at voicing my opinion?
on Sep 11, 2006
Am I making sense in what I am trying to put across, forgive me I am not very good at voicing my opinion?

I dunno....seems like you did a good job of it. I will "never" be able to forget that day and the anger I felt. All I wanted to do was hurt someone like they had done to us.
on Sep 11, 2006
Traditional fascism is also associated with little to no regulation of corporations.
on Sep 11, 2006
on Sep 11, 2006
The firebombing of Tokyo

Sorry but this does NOT qualify as a terrorist attck. We were at WAR with Japan. And after Pearl who coould blame us.
on Sep 11, 2006

The firebombing of Tokyo, the deathcamps of Burma, the sacking of Baghdad by the Mongols. All of these accounted for a much higher number of deaths in much nastier circumstances and, like 9/11, occurred in the context of civilisational war.

9/11 is special because it was the first medium-large terrorist attack on US soil, not because it was the first big attack ever.

That's a real stretch. Comparing a battle of nation states (not civilizations, NATION STATES) to terrorist organizations is not reasonable in my opinion. 

What makes terrorism so insidious is that it is incredibly difficult to define specifically those responsible. When country A attacks country B, it is the country that is accountable. We do not go after the individula soldiers.  Terrorism, by contrast, is far more muddy.

If we were in a traditional war, there would be no question about holding people prisoner in Guantanamo Bay or questions on Military tribunals.


on Sep 11, 2006
If we want a good example of a facist leader we need only to look at Bush and this administration and their violations of the constitution and our freedoms.

I firmly believe our government had some part in 9/11 and used it as a vehicle to further their own radical agendas which wouldn't have been possible without a catastrophic event to move people. Islamic hatred over the US is largely a byproduct of our own flawed policies and actions, and our blinding support of Israeli atrocities. The war on terror is largely overblown, consider that in 30 years in this country 3000 people died to terrorism, yet during the same period, nealy 30,000 children drown in swimming pools. Shall we declare a "War on swimming pools" and devote trillions of dollars to it, and strip the constitution because of it?

Statisically, the war on terror is entirely overblown when given raw statistics, overblown to further an agenda by a few radical hawks intent on a world oil grab.
on Sep 11, 2006

If we want a good example of a facist leader we need only to look at Bush and this administration and their violations of the constitution and our freedoms.

Wow that's amazing considering nobody has lost any of their freedoms.  Just more useless talking points.


I firmly believe our government had some part in 9/11 and used it as a vehicle to further their own radical agendas which wouldn't have been possible without a catastrophic event to move people.


I can't believe there are people out there who can walk and speak at the same time.

on Sep 11, 2006
Being complacent is "having a part" in the action, and clearly, even the 9/11 commission established willfull neglect and complacency at the hands of this administration regarding 9/11. Clearly you jumped the gun, and lumped me in with those conspiracy people saying the towers were demolitioned. While I believe there needs to be answers, like why the billions in gold was moved out from the tower basements the night before, why the hard drives found in the rubble showed millions of dollars in transfers 1 minute before the planes hit. Or perhaps why Tower 7, a building designed to withstand anything, fell like a deck of cards 9 hours after the first two towers did. Why haven't the black boxes been uncovered (so says the govt.) while much more sensative things were recovered already?

Clearly, there is overwhelming evidence that a lot of people knew what was coming, and it was just more than some terrorist rabble. Follow the trail of money and it leads right up to the people in power in this country right now. I am surprised that otherwise intelligent people are ignoring some very serious things about this event.

PIRMASENS, Germany (Reuters) - German computer experts are working
round the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in
financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed
into New York's World Trade Center on September 11.

Were criminals responsible for the sharp rise in credit card
transactions that moved through some computer systems at the WTC
shortly before the planes hit the twin towers?

Or was it coincidence that unusually large sums of money, perhaps
more than $100,000,000.00+, were rushed through the computers as the
disaster unfolded?

A world leader in retrieving data, German-based firm Convar is trying
to answer those questions and help credit card companies,
telecommunications firms and accountants in New York recover their

Rather mysteriously, as this data was being "Recovered" the company doing the recovery was bought out by Kroll Associates, widely regarded as the private version of the CIA....

GFP would like to inform, that in June 2002, Ontrack/Convar was aquired by Kroll Inc. (Kroll O'gara Eisenhardt), which has strong ties with the US Government.

or what about all of the "Mysterious" stock trading leading up to 9/11 that was done by a company setup by a former CIA Director?

Between September 6 and 7, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw purchases of 4,744 Put Options on United Airlines, but only 396 Call Options. Although there was no news at that time to justify so much "left-handed" trading, United Airlines stock fell 42 percent, from $30.82 per share to $17.50, when the market reopened after the attacks. Assuming that 4,000 of the options were bought by people with advance knowledge of the imminent attacks, these "insiders" would have profited by almost $5 million.

Sources tell us that a large amount of the United Airlines "Puts" were purchased through Alex. Brown, Inc., a firm managed until 1998 by the current Executive Director of the CIA, A. B. "Buzzy" Krongard. Upon the merger of Alex. Brown with Bankers Trust Corporation in September 1997, Mr. Krongard became Vice Chairman of the Board of Bankers Trust and served in such capacity until joining the CIA. He also served as Chairman of the Securities Industry Association in 1996 and was named the outstanding executive in the financial services industry in 1995 and 1996 by Financial World. (If you say, "So what?" you are not reading the white part of this page.)

On Monday, September 10th, 4,516 Put Options were purchased for American Airlines with only 748 Call Options. No other airlines showed similar trading patterns to those experienced by United and American, the two that were used in the attacks. These two were 600% above the normal day's trades. From 9/6 through 9/10/01, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, et al. also noticed highly abnormal levels of Put Options on these two airline stocks.

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