I'm not sure which email made me decide to do it but at some point, a threshold was crossed.
I think it was when I saw the third or fourth reviewer ask me "Do you think your right-wing leanings are affecting the objectivity of The Political Machine?"
That question shouldn't even be asked. It's not appropriate in my opinion. Play the game should be the answer. And I find the question problematic on so many levels.
1) Those who think I'm "far right" need to back up that statement. I bet they cannot find a single opinion I hold that is far outside the mainstream. The closest opinion I have to being outside the mainstream is that I'm not religious -- and that would be a left of center position.
On the main issues I'm a bit left and a bit right.
a) I'm pro-choice which is a left of center position.
I am for fairly strict environemental regulation which is a left of center position.
c) I believe in government regulation of businesses which is a left of center position.
d) I am quite strongly in favor of what we are doing in Iraq. Sure, that' right of center but the largest plurality of Americans (if not an outright majority) agree with me.
e) I am strongly against higher taxes. But do favor a progressive tax system which puts me probably right in the middle.
f) I am very strongly in favor of the policy of premption which is right of center but hardly outside the mainstream.
g) I am against additional welfare programs but do not advocate eliminating any major welfare programs that we have today which is probably right in the middle.
I fully admit to overall leaning to the right because I am very much a believer in capitalism as the best way we have to making the lives of people better. And I believe strongly in personal responsibility. But I'm hardly out there on any political issue. But I get the distinct feeling that some people, particularly on the left, believe in liberal orthdoxy. This is the same treatment Bill O'Reilly gets. If you aren't PURELY left-wing on every issue, you're right wing. And if you aren't left-wing on the correct issues you're not just right wing, you're a right-wing kook.
Running a business is difficult and eye opening. Few business people I've ever met are liberal on domestic issues. That's because most business people are capitalists and they see the benefits capitalism brings to people. They also see, from first hand experience, how socialism creates misery.
2) At the end of the day, I'm a software developer. I'm not a politican. I'm not running for office. I don't run a PAC. I don't campaign for any political candidates. I'm like most other people around here who debate politics -- people who find the topics of the day interesting and like to discuss them. Therefore:
a) I'm not going to risk my business in favor of some tauldry political agenda. I'm not an activist. I like to espouse my opinions just like many others. But anyone who thinks that my writings are designed to promote some agenda need to get a life.
I run a company with dozens of people employed by it. I don't want a situation where the hard work of our people is trivialized by someone thinking that one of our products and services is somehow tainted by political agendas.
3) It gets a bit annoying debating the war in Iraq with someone who thinks we're there as part of some vast right wing conspiracy to "get more oil" only to have them privately email me that they'll never buy products from us again.
As a result:
I'm not hiding the fact that Draginol = Brad Wardell. Just like I don't hide my handle on WinCustomize and other sites is Frogboy and those who are into this stuff know that is my handle. But at the same time, I don't want some lurker who is just browsing to make an illinformed decision on our company's products and services because of my opinion on some issue.
Like I said - I'm a software developer. I make software. That's my job. When I make a game, my job is to make it as fun as I can. So when we make The Political Machine, our goal is to make it fun and intelligent. That means whether you're a Republican or a Democrat or somewhere in between the issues and events seem both logical and fair.