First, what is a mega event? A mega event is a randomly generated event that dramatically alters the game play.
What are some examples of mega-events?
- Allied War. Three of the 9 players who are already friendly decide to ally together and declare war on everyone else.
- Plague. A space plague that will gradually wipe everyone out unless a particular research item is found.
- Culture Shock. A particular alien civilization gets their influence boosted by 10X and players have to decide how to combat it.
- Ultimate Doom. A particular civilization is getting their abilities increased by 1% each week (turn). Eventually they'd be gods. What is to be done?
- A horde of space pirates begin wiping out the defenses of each race.
You get the idea. The mega events are UNbalancing. They would disurpt strategies. And they would be optional.
The question is, do people want this stuff enough to justify the effort involved in creating them. And what sorts of events would people want?