Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Even as an option?
Published on September 12, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

First, what is a mega event? A mega event is a randomly generated event that dramatically alters the game play.

What are some examples of mega-events?

  1. Allied War. Three of the 9 players who are already friendly decide to ally together and declare war on everyone else.
  2. Plague. A space plague that will gradually wipe everyone out unless a particular research item is found.
  3. Culture Shock. A particular alien civilization gets their influence boosted by 10X and players have to decide how to combat it.
  4. Ultimate Doom. A particular civilization is getting their abilities increased by 1% each week (turn). Eventually they'd be gods. What is to be done?
  5. A horde of space pirates begin wiping out the defenses of each race.

You get the idea.  The mega events are UNbalancing. They would disurpt strategies. And they would be optional.

The question is, do people want this stuff enough to justify the effort involved in creating them. And what sorts of events would people want?

Comments (Page 7)
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on Sep 28, 2006
YES, this would be brilliant, the icing on the cake making the late-game stage much more interesting.

I haven't read all of the suggestions, so forgive any repeating here. Perhaps the following could work:

Exodus - An emopire suddenly suffers some disaster and must move on or die, their population being converted into loaded, long range, troop transport ships, except for, say, their most recent colony (if planets are a requirement/there aren't any stations).

Religious/Idealogical movement - A new Civilisation is generated, gaining a percentage of all the races planets and ships.

Pan-galactic fertility - all/percentage of class 0 planets become habitable (random generated class perhaps).

Enlightenment - by fortunate coincidence, one empire is now home to a load of home-grown geniuses, doubling their research rate.

Hyperspace... or something-space anyway... - For a limited number of weeks, all ships have either/both vastly improved speed or no limit on range.

Anyway, at least the Exodus thing is an event I've always wanted to happen to me .
on Sep 30, 2006
I would want mega events to happen once every four games or something, so that when they do happen, it is HUGE!
on Oct 08, 2006
This would be extremely cool.

Reminiscent, in some ways, of MoO-- you've got Orion (if you can defeat the Guardian), your Antarean invasion, your hyperspace flux (No move for you!), your giant space crystal/amoeba that shows up and starts eating things, et cetera.

I've been playing some old classic Star Control II lately. If you can get me a 4x game with events that feel like that (provoking a Yehat civil war, setting a sun to go nova and incinerate an enemy fleet, reviving nearly extinct races, two races merging into a gestalt whole, a horde of hostile randomly replicating probes, unlocking ancient secrets to persuade modern races of things), I will be very happy.
on Oct 08, 2006
A thought: What I'd really like are some almost-but-not-quite victory conditions. The current artifact that empowers an alien race as an event is much like this: kill them now, or lose; however, it stands entirely outside of player (or NPC) control. I'd like to see it as almost an alternate tech victory-- build a sickly broken galactic wonder, and then survive long enough to employ its benefits. Something like the titans or wonders from Age of Mythology would be a really spiffy dynamic here.
on Oct 18, 2006
Other then that: revolutions, defections (scientists making off with technology?), minor races going nuts etc.

There definitely should be a special "The Snathy goes nuts" event with it's own video

on Nov 17, 2006
Okay, heres something {sorry if already mentioned}#1: A Minor Race just all the sudden gets as advanced as the most advanced player, as millitarily strong as the strongest player, and as ecenomically strong as the wealtheist player. Plus, the minor race permanentally allies itself to the weakest good-alligned player.

#2: The Best money-maker in the galaxy has a Horrible ecenomic problem, lowering their income 25% & raising their expenses 25%.

#3: The most advanced Galactic powers mass majority of people convert to a new religion, one that states that technology is evil. -50% Research production for 10

#4: The most millitantly powered Galactic power declares war on everyone else for 5 game years.

#5: A Minor race ascends to become a major race, with one catch- they get a +20% everything rate {research, Morale, Millitary production, and so thorth. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!}
on Nov 18, 2006
I would love to see a mega event that gave a race some super advanced weapons tech not available on the tech tree, along with a new genocidal leader.

Or how about this: A militant faction of one of the races has seized power and unveiled a new battle station with enough power to destroy a planet.

Or how about this, the mother of all mega events: A portal to another dimension has been opened, one which has been conquered by an evil version, perhaps improved (genetically modified) version of your own race. This evil empire then declares war on your dimension and invades, but you can also send fleets into their dimension. This Mega Event would only be available to good or neutral races.

on Nov 18, 2006

I vote yes, my ideas are:

Crusade: The homeworld of a good civ. is taken and the remaning ships in orbit flee to other civs and gather other civs shups and transports to take back the homeworld and push back the aggressors.

Minors Unite: All minor races unite to stop being elimiated and decleare war with anyone that tryed to defeat them before, they also overrun thier home system and become a major civ.

Magnetic Blast: A magnetic blast dissrupts/destroys all ships that are out of orbit, communications between civs. and trade routes are destroyed, all sencor ranges are reduced to 1, Communcations are cut and ships cannot travel for X amount of turns.

Galactic Indpendance: All planets beaome a minor civ and major races only get to keep there homeworld.
on Nov 21, 2006
I know this is going to be implemented, but I have some ideas:

Bio-geddon[/B]: The most advanced race undergoes a horrible biological catastrophe that halves their population on all planets with more than 1 research facility. (alternately, all of that empire's planets, and all the empires they trade with, get their population halved). For added fun, it can halve the population every turn for a dozen turns or so >D.

Cryptic Relics: On the least populated planet of a random empire, an ancient technological facility is discovered with incredibly potent abilities - it takes up a whole tile, but quadruples research for that planet and doubles research for the entire empire.

Quantum Crysalation: Dozens of wormholes spontaneously appear all over the map, all of them linking to within 6 parasecs of a single inhabited solar system (prefarably to the capital or manufacturing capital of the strongest empire). The idea would be to make convential outposts and sentries worthless for the unfortunate galactic empire in question.

Reverse Physcopathy: All nations (including the player's) simultaneously flip ethical alignments and declare war on a random nation of the opposite alignment. A single empire can be thrust into war with multiple nations this way. All neutral nations are either destroyed or flipped to an ethical alignment (the emphasis being on balancing the ethical alignments, so that with lots of empires and a roughly balanced ideologic distribution, neutral empires would simply collapse).

Scandal!: All ruling political parties of the top 25% of nations lose all power among their nations; they slowly regain influence over the course of the next few election cycles.

La Revolucion: The top three empires (or just the strongest empire) undergo a dramatic revolution. Their capital, homeworld (if it isn't the same as the capital), and various Capitals all experience a bloodly revolution and become an independent/neutral-hostile nation. In addition, 1/3 to 1/2 the military defects to the new side and immediately attacks the old empire's ships. This won't ever happen if the approval rating is kept above 85%, but each step below that increases the chances of it happening. In addition, the ethical and political alignments of the revolting planets become diametrically opposed to the old empire's.

[B]Galactiga Ultimatium
: A devastating ripple in the spacetime continuum rolls outward from the center of the galaxy, advancing 25 parasecs a turn to the edge of the galaxy. It obliberates every single ship on the map, resets the fog of war, erases trade routes, cuts the population in half on every planet, randomly slices down each nation's technological advances, decreases the PQ of every planet, and destroys between 50% and 90% of the improvements on every planet (skewed to target more advanced infrastructure, like high-level research/production facilities and wonders, before things like farms, spaceports, and initial colonies). In short, it absolutely devastates the entire galaxy and comes rather close to resetting the game (anomalies are respawned, too). Some low-class planets may be wiped out completely; entire lines of research may be lost. Empires will certainly collapse in the chaos that ensues, and the landscape of the game will be irrevocably altered (for added fun, minor races are immune ).
on Nov 21, 2006
I like that last one!
on Nov 21, 2006
Space Crystal, or other gigantic alien lifeforms would be a nice addition. (Thinking back to my old MOO days). Incredible powerful entity, with huge attack values that destroys all planets/ships it comes near. Must move slowly.

Meteor Shower, X weeks until a planet blows up (possibly instead of just having a planet go boom seemingly randomly), with the possibility to build enough ships to defend a planet from the meteor/asteroid.

To Shadow, you could call that "Galactiga Ultimatium", for the Dark Ages, as that's basically what happens to all the empires with the near-reset effect, and lost technology. Could even add the possibility for the lost tech to be re-discovered/researched at a faster/slower rate then it used to.
on Nov 21, 2006
Forgot to add one to my above list.

Discovery of a new planet, max Planet Quality, *cough* Orion *cough* (Again thinking back to MOO) simply a planet with the best bonuses of everything.
on Nov 26, 2006
I'd like to see technologies that can't be discovered through research possibly happen through Megaevents.

Supernova's destroy panets within a certain radius. (a wavefront from the explosion allowing you to evactuate a few planets would be cool)

An incredibly powerful slow, single ship go on a rampage through the universe (what is it looking for)

An enormous ammount of dark matter forms in an area of space that is slower to travel through. (perhaps with a technology that cancels it)

A single or group of minor races gets tired of being victims and forms an alliance, becoming a major race with colonization, invasion, etc abilities.

Humans and Altarians discover they Are the same race, political/cultural chaos ensues.

Race specific major events would be nice (eg Drengin splits into Clans, some of which are minor races, but an attack on one is an attack on all (in the mean time being they war with each other)

An asteroid headed towards a major world is discovered, it needs to be destroyed or that world will lose all it's buildings and half it's quality.

The aforementioned permanent Wormholes (btw a ship transportation technology with short range wormhole capability, but perhaps a "chargeup" time and a large size would be very interesting. Or a new type of starbase that can link to another of it's kind...

A race of organic based aliens invades the galaxy, they attack every inhabited planet, leaving it a barren wasteland before moving on. Growing more powerful as they advance.

An incredibly rich ring of asteroids is discovered in a remote star system, whoever controls this ring will become incredibly rich.

The ultimate weapon is discovered. It can't be reproduced, but you might be able to fit it to one of your capital ships...or they might.

The yor and Dark Yor are affected by a computer Virus, they reunite, double their productivity, and attack everyone, refusing to communicate. A spy might be able to introduce the fix to the virus. (leaving the Yor very grateful)

A blackhole forms from a supernova near the middle of the universe. It's dangerous to get too close...and what are the strange emissions we're recieving from nearby?

Several star systems have been randomly teleported throughout the universe. We call it the "Jiggy Effect" it's disrupted the previous order of the galaxy in any event.

A spaceship derelict larger than any manufacturable by the known races has been discovered drifting through space, if a race can salvage it, they might discover a new ship class...

A new race is attacking from the 5th dimension, we don't know how to defend ourselves (perhaps wormholes will help?)
on Nov 26, 2006
I like this Idea too, it's like the real life, some unexpected will come everytime,

to have this in this game will increase gameplay for longer times

to have the possibilities to mod this Mega events would be very cool so we can make our own mega events ;o)
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