is going to get a major makeover next year. Right now, is getting the treatment (WC 2K7 won't show up until end of this year). But we have some thoughts on the direction should take:
- Automated side-bars. You can make a given blogger your friend and quickly see what sorts of things they've been up to on the site.
- Photo albums. Mini photo-albums (up to 6 pictures).
- Automated home page. Based on the insightful/interesting points, the ones that get the most points in a given time frame will get auto-featured.
- A "real" home page for each blogger. So a would not just be the latest blogs written out but a page that you can put links onto, allow friends to talk to each other on, let you feature other people's blogs and articles, and so forth.
- A today page that will let people quickly browse everythign that's been going on the site in a single glance. Users will be able to organize this by topics (like politics, technology, etc.) or just have the latest articles from your friends show up (Effectively subscribing to the blogs created by your friends).
My comparison to MySpace is somewhat in jest. will focus on allowing people to express their opinions and then enabling those opinions to get out there so that others have a chance at reading them. That remains the crucial advantage has -- what you write here actually gets read by people as opposed to the typical blog that no one will ever see or, that only a handful of friends will see. (go onto Google type "Owens Corning Basement System Review" and you'll see what I mean).
The site will be rebuilt using .NET technology so that speed and reliabily should go up. Hopefully people have noticed that JU is a lot faster and more reliable than it was a year ago.
Stardock's goal with will be for the site to act as a hub for article writing on any number of subjects and that those articles can then be syndicated to the proper subsites that feed back and forth. And of course, to also be my blog site where I can dispense with my right-wing technology oriented claptrap. 
Some people have expressed dissatisfaction with the forums but I think they'll be happier in the next week or so as the forums continue to be enhanced based on feedback with new browse modes.
Stay tuned.