Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
My thoughts
Published on September 30, 2006 By Draginol In War on Terror

The article I link to below is written by a historian who writes far more eloquently than I can about why conspiracy theories in general and the 9/11 "inside job" conspiracy in particular are annoying to him.

It's definitely worth the read.

on Sep 30, 2006

Another article that expresses the same sentiment and is definitely no Bush supporter.


on Sep 30, 2006
the correspondent lost someone close to them and
turned, against my repeated pleas, to mysticism and altruism.

Altruism? "My grief has caused me to believe that President Bush blew up the World Trade Center, and to send him tasty muffins."

If you take all the harsh adjectives out of his George Washington scenario, it does make sense to think of him as an ambitious man who gained respect by projecting the image of not seeking power. You have to give him credit for stepping down from the Presidency, though, staying in power for life is the #1 most tempting thing for a political leader to do.
on Sep 30, 2006

Finally, in Pearl Harbor, Griffin acknowledges one enormous, unfillable hole in the conspiracists' theory: If Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, where did it go?

end quote

Didn't you know they are all being held in area 51 and the plane was dismantled there too?  

Both articles were a very good read.

on Sep 30, 2006

Didn't you know they are all being held in area 51 and the plane was dismantled there too?

Oooh!  I love your thinking Mistress Jenny!

Great read Brad.  It was truly enjoyable and a good one.  And it will not change one mind!  But at least we can laugh at the loons!


on Sep 30, 2006
With the overwhelming amount of Intel that pointed to an Al Qaeda attack I would feel much better about the competence of our government to protect us from these threats if the truth were they knew. Why would they fake an attack when all they had to do is just let happen. It wouldn’t be the first time. These are the guys that I need to find the nuke before it gets to my back yard. Since there’s been no attack since, it would appear they are more competent than they were letting on.

I had to laugh when I heard Condi and Bush say how could we have known they would hijack an airliner and crash it into a building. Were Pigeons with hand grenades on the list? I mean I can’t think of any other way that they could have done this, can you? They tried a truck bomb that didn’t work and that’s been hardened against since 93 so how they did this is really the only feasible way they could have brought down the WTC. And the first if not only way the Government should have been looking for.

I’d rather them be cold blooded than incompetent. Forcing us into a war that needed to be fought now before an enemy determined to destroy us was able to get nukes, or crop dust a city with any number of nasty agents, or the most effective fear tool a pathogen.

on Sep 30, 2006
I have invested heavily in the tinfoil hat industry.
on Oct 01, 2006
I have invested heavily in the tinfoil hat industry. - MasonM

...and little else, judging from your commentary.

on Oct 01, 2006
It's important to keep dialogue going on 9/11 instead of leaving troll turds, it's good this thread is here.
on Oct 01, 2006
Overall, I agree with the sentiments of the two referenced articles.

Did anyone read the comments on the AlterNet article? (I got through about 2/3 of the visible ones before eye strain got me.)

There were some good counter points in the comments, but the loons make it almost impossible for them to be taken seriously. There's too much noise drowning out the signal. (Maybe a purchase from Mason's Tin Foil Emporium would help?)