Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Fox news interview of Clinton blow back
Published on October 1, 2006 By Draginol In War on Terror

Michael Scheuer, the CIA operative who was in charge of the Bin Laden unit was interviewed this week and was out-right emotional in his assertion that contrary to Bill Clinton's claims on Fox News last week, Clinton did have plenty of opportunities -- 10 actionable ones to be exact -- to kill Bin Laden but chose not to.

In each case, there was a plausible explaination (such as not wanting to risk damaging a Mosque).  But Clinton strenuously argued that he had done "everything in his power" to get Bin Laden whichi s just not true.

So that we're clear: I don't think Clinton really did anything worse than Bush did in his first 8 months.  The problem I have is Clinton's bald-faced attempt to rewrite history as someone who was aggressively fighting terrorists which is flatly untrue.  Bush wasn't aggressive pre-9/11 and neither was Clinton.

Clinton made 4 claims that were discussed on this weekend's news shows:

1) That he did everything in his power to get Bin Laden.  Not true at all. The CIA operatives involved came out this past week (with Michael Scheurer himself being the latest) to state emphatically that that was not true ("A flat out lie" said Scheuer).  "It is a question of fact" said Scheuer. He also was unhappy that the 9/11 commission wouldn't even allow operatives to testify.

2) That he had a "battle plan" drawn up in 1998 to take out the Taliban.   This came as real news to, well everyone. No such battle plan existed. Total on-the-fly fabrication.

3) Claimed that he left a "comprehensive anti-terror strategy". In another thread on, left-wingers argue that the 14 page position pager that Richard Clarke provided Clinton in 1998 constitutes this comprehensive-anti-terror strategy document. While that demonstrates how far Clinton apologists will go to defend their guy, there was no such comprehensive strategy document or plan put together.  Incidentally, Clinton had rejected that 1998 strategy document.  And for left-wingers who aren't familiar with how this sort of thing works -- units provide the President with policy documents that are typically a dozen or so pages that give a summary of a strategy. If accepted, they are then turned into an actionable plan that typically is hundreds of pages long and outlines how exactly something would be done (THAT is what most knowledgeable people would consider a comprehensive anti-terror strategy).

Bush didn't take terrorism seriously. But Clinton didn't provide anything that a reasonable person would consider comprehensive on what the US should do regarding global-terrorism. 

4) Clinton claimed that Republicans complained that he was "obsessed" with Bin Laden.  Nobody can seem to find any Republicans (and certainly not congressional --read ELECTED Republicans) who said anything that could remotely be construed as Clinton being "obsessed".  Fighting terror was a relatively low priority during Clinton and Bush until 9/11.

I never have felt Clinton was somehow responsible for 9/11.  I didn't begrudge him not getting Bin Laden.  But I DO begrudge him trying to rewrite history to suit his political ends.  During the 9/11 commission I was very unhappy with the political nature of it with people like Sandy Berger (who got caught removing papers) seemingly trying to cover things up.

Clinton was no more responsible for 9/11 than Roosevelt was responsible for Pearl Harbor.  But Clinton apologists need to spare us with the reinvention of history here. Clinton was no terror warrior. 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 01, 2006
How DARE you accuse him of lying!!!


Anyone who accuses him of lying is OBVIOUSLY just a political assassin with sour grapes about the Clinton Camelot. He was our first black president, you know, too. He's ten feet tall, pees Jack Daniels, and can rip the head off a grizzly.

"His poop is considered currency in Argentina."
"He did all the makeup on the Planet of the Apes movies."
"He drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls."

LOL, sorry... when people talk about Clinton I can't help but think of Bill Brasky on SNL. The fact is he's just another guy who got to play hero because everyone hated his political opponents of the time. The Left had dealt with 12 years of Republican control and they'd have made the Manson family Camelot after that.

The problem is, they've inflated him so much that now he's a super-villain to the other side. He'd have had to do something to be a super villain, though. People making a huge stink of Clinton's part in 9/11 are just playing to his faux importance, and his faux importance needs to respond... with lies. A shame this is what politics is.
on Oct 01, 2006

It never ceases to amaze me how Democrats will do anything to get Clinton off the hook no matter what he does.

KingBee just did an article trying to assert that Clinton DID leave a comprehensive anti-strategy plan for Bush -- a bi-partisan commission report on global terrorism that contained suggestions on what should be done.  Do Democrats realize how ridiculous that sounds?

As I said in my response on that article, that would be akin to Clinton saying that HE left the Bush administration a comprehensive plan on how to deal with global warming.

Clinton lies. It's one of his problem. He's pathological about it. And no matter how many times he lies, his supporters will come out and do intellectual sommersaults (sp) to rationalize what he really meant (such as "Oh, by comprehensive strategy he means a commission report on global terrorism.." -right..).

I don't blame Clinton for 9/11. I don't think he did anything different on terrorism than any other President might have done.  But the attempt to retroactively turn him into a terrorist warrior is disgusting and has caused me to lose a lot of respect for some pundits and bloggers.

on Oct 01, 2006
It's because he's more in love with his myth than the truth or even the wellbeing of the nation he claims to represent around the world. You can look at what he chooses to lie about. He can't be impeached now, he isn't running for anything or will lose his advertising contracts.

Nope, he's scared to death that his blurb on the History channel in 30 years will mention what he didn't do about bin Laden. The idea is so horrible to him that I think he'd do about anything to overcome it. He's a trailer park kid who made good, and all his life has been treated like Superman, when in reality he's just Clark Kent with a good stylist.
on Oct 01, 2006
How DARE you accuse him of lying!!!He.Did.Not.Have.Sex.With.That.Woman.


All I could think of was this......LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE......
on Oct 02, 2006

Excellent article Draginol (as usual).

I was actually surprised at how much traction Clinton's blow up got last week.  If he had said some of the same things without getting purple in the face while doing it then many would moved on past it.  He couldn't do that though because the Democrats are in the fight of their lives to get control of the House and Senate and they can't appear soft on terrorism.  Knowing that their hero *was* soft on terrorism, or at least was distracted in his handling of the issue,  the Dems needed Clinton to come out swinging on their behalf and he did.

Now he'll get called on it by yourself and others that point out the lies and discrepancies in his statements, but it won't matter because the unwashed masses will just feel that Clinton was being picked on by the VRWC and they'll give him yet another pass.

I wish the man would disappear already.  Go take over the U.N. or something like that.  Move to Venezuela and give Hugo Chavez advice, or maybe go to Cuba and help out Castro.   Just get out and take a few of the other loons with you (especial Babs Streisand).

on Oct 02, 2006

He's a trailer park kid who made good, and all his life has been treated like Superman, when in reality he's just Clark Kent with a good stylist.

I think that is the definitive quote on Clinton.  Very Insightful.  As is the Article Brad. Both get insightfuls.

on Oct 02, 2006
Writen as I could never do. well done brad, let us see if you catch as much flak as I did about bill.
on Oct 02, 2006
He probably did. But, putting it in context, there are lies and bigger lies. Colin Powell and, by mandate, George Bush, sat in the United Nations assembly,
pulled out a vial and stated that Saddam had WMD. Those are pretty big lies--and they cost lives!
on Oct 02, 2006

Reply By: adnauseamPosted: Monday, October 02, 2006
He probably did. But, putting it in context, there are lies and bigger lies. Colin Powell and, by mandate, George Bush, sat in the United Nations assembly,
pulled out a vial and stated that Saddam had WMD. Those are pretty big lies--and they cost lives!

as usual whenever stating "where are the WMD"S" you all seem to come down with dementia and amnesia and conviently forget that the entire democratic party said saddamn had WMD"S. MUst be nice to live in you dream world.

on Oct 02, 2006
Colin Powell and, by mandate, George Bush, sat in the United Nations assembly,
pulled out a vial and stated that Saddam had WMD. Those are pretty big lies--and they cost lives!

It is only a lie if you do not believe it to be true.
on Oct 02, 2006
Yes Doc, but it is the truth if you can see no further than your nose.
on Oct 02, 2006

Reply By: adnauseamPosted: Monday, October 02, 2006
Yes Doc, but it is the truth if you can see no further than your nose.

as I notice when outmanauvered with the TRUTH you folks just pretend not to see the reply.

on Oct 02, 2006

Yes Doc, but it is the truth if you can see no further than your nose.

There was a world of myopic people back then, including most of the UN.

on Oct 02, 2006
" He probably did. But, putting it in context, there are lies and bigger lies. Colin Powell and, by mandate, George Bush, sat in the United Nations assembly,
pulled out a vial and stated that Saddam had WMD. Those are pretty big lies--and they cost lives!"

Oddly any real, qualified attempt to prove that statement hasn't come to the same conclusion. Such is usually the case with faux-liberal mythology.
on Oct 02, 2006
Here is a transcript of the interview in question. Yes, it is on a liberal, progressive site, but if people like they can probably find the same transcript on a site whose content they are more likely to trust: Link

Draginol said:
But Clinton strenuously argued that he had done "everything in his power" to get Bin Laden...

Draginol uses the phrase, "everything in his power" an additional time in the post as well, to hammer home the point.

Try as I might, I just don't see where Clinton says anything like "everything in [my] power". I do see a contrite and humble "I tried and failed.", but nothing even aproaching the hyperbole directly attributed to him.

It is pretty easy to accuse someone of lying if one fabricates their statements, but I just don't see the point. The tone of this post is one of setting the record straight, so to speak, but it is actually just more misinformation for the non-reality based community to forward to each other's emails.

As I said, I don't see the point in discussing imaginary statements and events, but Draginol comes close to making some valid points. I wish only that the supporters of the current administration would parse the statements of the sitting president about issues relevant (in that they are happening right now) to today with as much scrutiny as they do that of a president long since out of office making statments about attitudes a nearly a decade ago.

Did any Republicans specifically call President Clinton "obsessed" with binLaden? Well, maybe they didn't use that exact word, but Clinton wasn't quoting anyone in particular.

Like when Draginol put "everything in his power" in quotes and implied that someone actually said that -- that is an example of of a "flat out lie", and not just an exaggeration.

For Republicans did indeed ridicule and fight tooth and nail efforts by Clinton to stop bin Laden and other madmen. Like when
Rep. Jim Gibbons said. "Our reaction to the embassy bombings should be based on sound credible evidence, not a knee-jerk reaction to try to direct public attention away from his personal problems." Link

(I use quotes here in the traditional sense, meaning that that is something this "ELECTED" republican actually said.)

Or how about this CNN article from 1998, headlined, "President wants Senate to hurry with new anti-terrorism laws" Link
Edited Excerpt:
"We need to keep this country together right now. We need to focus on this terrorism issue," Clinton said during a White House news conference.

ut while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-terrorism measures.
The president emphasized coming to terms on specific areas of disagreement would help move the legislation along. The president stressed it's important to get the legislation out before the weekend's recess, especially following the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park and the crash of TWA Flight 800.

"The most important thing right now is that they get the best, strongest bill they can out -- that they give us as much help as they can," he said.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, emerged from the meeting and said, "These are very controversial provisions that the White House wants. Some they're not going to get."

Hatch called Clinton's proposed study of taggants -- chemical markers in explosives that could help track terrorists -- "a phony issue."

"If they want to, they can study the thing" already, Hatch asserted. He also said he had some problems with the president's proposals to expand wiretapping.

So, here we have Republicans resisting anti-terror legislation, to the point of calling aspects of it "phony", and in a particular irony having problems with expanded wiretapping.

And Time magazine Link never uses the term "battle plan"--they prefer "strategy paper"--but I doubt, as Draginol puts it, "This came as real news to" those intrepid reporters. Draginol also states that whatever plan Clinton was referring to was "drawn up in 1998" but I believe Clinton's actual words were more along the lines of, "After the Cole (rr here, the Cole was bombed in 2000), I had battle plans drawn to go into Afghanistan, overthrow the Taliban, and launch a full-scale attack search for bin Laden."

So we are reduced to an opinion on how many pages constitutes "comprehensive". But seeing as Draginol just makes up his facts, why would I respect his opinion?

Tell you the truth, Draginol, I'm pretty fucking disappointed.

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