I've read some articles recently by digital distribution advocates that think that retail is no longer necessary for PC games.
I find that notion ludicrious. Any MAJOR title of note today needs to be at retail. A lot of people won't buy games digitally. An expansion pack is one thing. But any major title looking to become remotely mainstream still needs to be at Best Buy or EB and GameStop. Perhaps someday that won't be the case but as long as people can buy their games at their local store, buyers will continue to view games released at retail as being class A and games that are only available on-line as class B (whether fair or not).
To use an analogy, think of digital-only releases being the equivalent to releasing a movie on DVD. What is the perception about movies that are initially released on DVD instead of theaters?
This past summer, Stardock announced that it was going to start publishing third-party titles. We would be very selective in this (And we've received dozens of promising games from developers looking for a publisher). And when we say publisher, we mean selling the game in every channel that gamers might have access to - at the store and digitally.
Where things get confusing are the third-party games that we sell on TotalGaming.net. We don't publish those games. Those are games that we distribute - a key difference. Things like TotalGaming.net, Steam, GameTap, etc. are distribution channels.
If I developed a game and my publisher intended to only sell it at one store I would have a real problem with that. TotalGaming.net is one store of thousands. If you have a game that you are selling on-line, then TotalGaming.net is a great place to put it because we have access to millions of people. But if we're publishing a game that's a whole different thing.
The only modern PC game we've published is Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords. That is a game that is currently available (even 8 months after release) at nearly every retailer in North America AND available on-line at places like Amazon.com and countless other places AND available digitally at totalgaming.net. Our job as a publisher is to make sure gamers can get the game as easy as possible.
Digital distribution is an important tool but it is just one tool in a set for a publisher.