Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
And other Simpsonian thoughts..
Published on October 17, 2006 By Draginol In Republican

In an episode of The Simpsons, Marge asks Homer "If I died, would you be sad?" and Homer responds "I dunno, woudn't be happy."

That's pretty much how I feel about the Republicans.  If the Republicans lose congress, I won't be happy about it. Not at all.  I think that the Democrats plan for America is a bad plan.  Democrats tend to worry more about intentions rather than results. 

What I am saying is that:

1) IF Democrats do win, it won't be the end of the world. Our life, as we know it, will not come to and end.

2) Republicans in congress and those in the future running for congress will not forget any time soon that they can't ignore the concerns of their constituents.

Yes, Conservatives hold elected officials to a higher standard. So what else is new? But so what? Every day in business I operate with a host of restrictions that others don't operate on.  But in the long run, who really benefits? The guy who's dishonest and lazy or the guy who is scrupulous and hard working?  Show me a successful entrepreneur and I'll show you (nearly always) an honest, hard working person. 

It is, after all, a tenet of conservatism to acknowledge that people are not equal in capability.  The law should be set up so that everyone has an equal opportunity for success but we don't want enforced "equal" results. People should be allowed to go as far as their ability will take them.

So is it really a shock that we would hold our elected officials to higher standards? 

But it's not the same thing as being happy or pleased if the elected officials that we lean more towards are defeated by politicians who share nothing of our political philosophies.

on Oct 17, 2006
LOL, how DAAAAARE you question the party!!! TRAITOR!!!!

People are so funny. Politicians aren't Republican and Democrat first, they're POLITICIANS first. They will do whatever they can get away with to further their own interests, and having voters that refuse to question them just because they are of a particular party is self-destructive.

Republican (or Democrat) voters who give their party a pass in the interest of partisan hate are ignoring a worse enemy... REAL traitors. They ignore people who go to Washington to serve the interests of their constituents and then ignore their values and wishes. Naive of me to think that way?

Probably, but it really doesn't have to be that way, and the response you are getting from some Republicans is a good example. The really sad part is we DON'T HAVE TO LET DEMOCRATS WIN TO THROW THE BUMS OUT...

All we have to do is haul our asses up during the primaries. Many of the Republicans saying they are tempted to vote Democrat could just friggin pick a different primary candidate. Oh, no though... two elections would be all confusing...
on Oct 17, 2006
I read an article, recently, about a Democrat candidate who does everything he can to show peoples he is a REAL conservative.

I wonder, how far does the Party Allegiance (right spelling?) streches about laws? If the Republicans try to vote a law, can some Republicans vote for, and some against, Democrats doing the same?

And if they do, what is the difference between a Republican Candidate who says he is conservative, and a Democrat candidate who says he is conservative? If they are both going to vote for the same laws...?

(while I agree with the economical-conservative view of life, I disagree with their moral values. And on some topic, would like to see a little more liberalism, because want it or not, sometimes companies go too far, and we need some boundaries)
on Oct 18, 2006
I will be glad when they lose so you self-righteous extremists learn your lesson. You will learn you are a minority. You will learn you had friends. You will feel so good for teaching those rascals the life-lessons you picked up in the business world about virtue being its own reward. They'll come running back to you, don't worry. And you'll still make sure they lose by endorsing all your lame bourgeouis ideals.
on Oct 18, 2006
I will be glad when they lose so you self-righteous extremists learn your lesson. You will learn you are a minority. You will learn you had friends. You will feel so good for teaching those rascals the life-lessons you picked up in the business world about virtue being its own reward. They'll come running back to you, don't worry. And you'll still make sure they lose by endorsing all your lame bourgeouis ideals.

who are you talking to?
on Oct 18, 2006
I will be glad when they lose so you sel-righteous extremists learn your lesson. You will feel good for a while that those rascals are getting a taste of the lame wisdom you picked up in the business world that virtue always pays in the long term. Then you will realize you are a minority. Those who run back to you will lose on your narrow, bourgeouis agenda, but just as self-righteously as you. You will cry and beg us to forgive your childishness.
Oh, am I fantasizing and rationalizing? Yes, that won't happen. You won't learn your lesson. And neither will the Republicans. They will simply move further left and adapt to the changing America that is leaving you behind. But you won't learn - you'll have your virtues and self-righteousness to console you. You will feel even more sanctimonious the more isolated you become. You won't apologize. I guess its not really a strategy - it's just empty hopes of a self-absorbed, vindictive petty person.
on Oct 18, 2006
who are you talking to?

Just one of those loony liberals I spoke of on your blog. They dont know the answer, so cant answer you either.
on Oct 18, 2006
I will be glad when they lose so you self-righteous extremists learn your lesson.

And if they don't? Does that mean you'll shut-up finally?
on Oct 18, 2006
"I will be glad when they lose so you self-righteous extremists learn your lesson. You will learn you are a minority. You will learn you had friends."

... lol ...

The same "friends" that said that same things during the Reagan era, during the 90's, etc., etc. Someday maybe filth like that poster will learn that friendship transcends political affiliation...