In an episode of The Simpsons, Marge asks Homer "If I died, would you be sad?" and Homer responds "I dunno, woudn't be happy."
That's pretty much how I feel about the Republicans. If the Republicans lose congress, I won't be happy about it. Not at all. I think that the Democrats plan for America is a bad plan. Democrats tend to worry more about intentions rather than results.
What I am saying is that:
1) IF Democrats do win, it won't be the end of the world. Our life, as we know it, will not come to and end.
2) Republicans in congress and those in the future running for congress will not forget any time soon that they can't ignore the concerns of their constituents.
Yes, Conservatives hold elected officials to a higher standard. So what else is new? But so what? Every day in business I operate with a host of restrictions that others don't operate on. But in the long run, who really benefits? The guy who's dishonest and lazy or the guy who is scrupulous and hard working? Show me a successful entrepreneur and I'll show you (nearly always) an honest, hard working person.
It is, after all, a tenet of conservatism to acknowledge that people are not equal in capability. The law should be set up so that everyone has an equal opportunity for success but we don't want enforced "equal" results. People should be allowed to go as far as their ability will take them.
So is it really a shock that we would hold our elected officials to higher standards?
But it's not the same thing as being happy or pleased if the elected officials that we lean more towards are defeated by politicians who share nothing of our political philosophies.