So what exactly could the Republicans do to help win back the support of its base on a wide scale?
Here are a few things:
#1 Promose to bring fiscal responsibility back. Over at Instapundit, you can see Glenn Reynolds Pork busting. A lot of the pork is being done by Republicans. The infamous "bridge to nowhere" is but one example. When I hear things like "The deficit has been cut in half" it makes my skin crawl. Yea, because corporate taxes were up due to companies like ours paying through the nose. It had nothing to do with any sort of budgetary restraint. CUT spending some. Heck, just slow down the rate of increasing on spending and I'd be happy.
#2 Secure the borders. Good job that at the 11th hour house Republicans started to make some headway in actually doing this. Yes, it is a problem that the Republican President favors a quasi-amnesty plan but it took way too long to get this going. But at least they're finally starting to take this more seriously. Pass it before the elections.
#3 Corporate Tax cuts. One thing that would help American companies would be to decrease the taxes corporations have to pay. As a business owner, I can tell you how obnoxious it is to have my company taxed and then get taxed again when I get paid (C corporation). Heck, I'd be happy with a cap on medicare taxation. Talk about a waste.
#4 Draw a line in the sand on prescription drug coverage. The issue isn't whether every American should have health insurance. The question is whether the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should be responsible for providing these kinds of services. The answer (from conservatives) should be NO. It is not the role of the federal government to provide health insurance, housing, or food. The Soviet Union (and Cuba) provided those kinds of things. Governments are not effective at doing those sorts of things.
#5 Additional tax cuts. Eliminate taxes entirely for those who make less than $30,000. It represents a trivial % of what the government takes in anyway. I realize that's not an entirely conservative point of view (i.e. everyone should pay equally but then again, any % based tax system isn't truly equal either). But any individual in the United States can live on $30,000 a year easily. That's $15 an hour. So we simply don't tax people on the first $30,000. Then we lower taxes across the board for everyone else.
#6 CUT SPENDING / BALANCE BUDGET. Tax cuts in the long term bring more revenue (up to a point of course). In the short term, we would still need to cut spending. The Department of Education is a huge pig of waste. The Teachers Unions do more harm to the education of our children than any other organization I can think of. We'll get to that next. But in the meantime, make a definitive case to balance the budget and start paying off some of the debt in the near term.
#7 REAL "Progressive" EDUCATION. Allow people to send their kids to other schools. Make schools compete for funding. In the near term, I can live with the fact that people have to send their kids to public schools (my kids do). But let parents send their kids to other public schools if the school they're child is at doesn't meet their needs. I pay high property taxes which help pay for my local school so I do understand there's some pain in someone paying a lot smaller amount, but I think you'd find most conservatives to be willing to let those who pay less in property taxes still send their children to better schools (as long as locals had first shot at filling available seats) in order to see some competition in our school system.
#8 GET THE FREAKING ENERGY POLICY PASSED. It's 2006 and we still haven't opened up that tiny patch of ANWR up for exploration despite the fact that it's a desolate wasteland and will increase supply. Create incentives to drill in the gulf of Mexico (Before China and others get there first) and elsewhere. As individuals, conservation is good. My next home I hope to design so that it's partially off the grid. I'd buy an electric car in a second if I could find a production one (My commute is 6 miles each way). But our government should be focusing on increasing the supply of inexpensive energy.
Feel free to add to the list...