Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
An eloquent summation
Published on October 20, 2006 By Brad Wardell In Republican

Helen Valois has an excellent article about what "Cut and Run Conservatism" is.

Now that Rush Limbaugh has chosen to demonize conservatives acting as conservatives instead as as Republican sheep, he may discover that outside his ditto-head bubble that there are many out there unimpressed with his rhetoric.

Valois writes:

And just what is a "cut-and-run conservative"? From what I can tell, this label applies to anyone who holds the (to Rush) illogical opinion that Republicans ought to behave like Republicans, and that if they don't, there isn't much use in voting them into office again. There are evidently — gasp! — voters who want their elected representatives to represent them, and who refuse to declare the mere holding of an office on the part of someone whose use of that office is despicable a "victory" in and of itself. Even among those who chuckle at the EIB Network's clever parodies, there are apparently some people who don't consider the ideological suicide currently being committed by American culture to be a laughing matter after all. And despite being made the butt of that network's jokes myself, I am proud to declare myself one of them.

I vote for politicians who represent my views. In a representative democracy such as ours, that is the way I'd prefer to see things function. It would be interesting if Rush consideres conservatives who go to the poll but vote for a write-in candidate or a conservative third party candidate as being "cut and run" conservatives.

I also think Rush's choice to reuse the "cut and run" slogan to demonize conservatives is ultimately going to weaken the more serious issue of politicians and citizens that actually do want to "cut and run" from Iraq.

Luckily for Rush, he's on the wrong side of history. Just as the "Buy American or else" nonsense was going on in the 80s -- demanding we buy American cars no matter how crummy they were -- failed and we ended up with better cars, he should be thankful that principled conservatives will help, in the long run, to keep the party from disolving into the next Whig party.

Rush may be a great broadcaster, but he's no historian.

Read Valois's excellent article bottom of this blog.

Update: David Bernstein of Volokh Conspiracy is one too! (and gasp, also sees 1992 as a GOOD example)

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 22, 2006
I do see an upside to it though, maybe most will vote for a 3rd party candidate and the whole 3rd party movement will get something out of it. My guess is though, most will just refuse to vote at all, so they will be waisting their vote and their voice.
on Oct 22, 2006
>My guess is though, most will just refuse to vote at all, so they will be waisting their vote and their voice.

thats if all the votes are "counted". if diebolds shitty/hackable machines dont do their "magic".
i never understood why anyone would NOT want a paper trail. whats to lose, if you really want a fair count? when you use an
ATM it spits out a receipt.

same with verifying identification ... whats to lose if you really want a fair count?

the point is BOTH parties are bullshit ... and we are being asked to choose from a list of people ALREADY chosen for us.
"manufactured consent"

its gonna be an interesting november
on Oct 22, 2006
We had a townhall meeting about this very subject a few weeks ago. The general concensus agreed with me. In fact, no less than
12 people at my place of employment are taking OFF FROM WORK that day to make sure we HELP teach that lesson!!!

enough is enough ... we need real conservatives ... not liberals in conservative clothing ... spending like theres no tommorow

You just keep on telling yourself that. Townhall meeting aside, their opinions while as valid as anyone elses, are NOT the entire country!
on Oct 22, 2006
lol, man, when times gets tough you can see who does and doesn't have character. It's funny how people suddenly become exactly what they've ridiculed Democrats for being. The next time any of these drones laughs at the people of Massachusetts for blindly voting for Ted, someone needs to ask them what the Dems there should do. Should they be traitors, or should they waste their vote?

The real traitor is the person who puts someone they know to be unqualified or dishonest in office just because he has a (R) by his name. I condemn Democrats for doing that when it is Mollahan, or Crack Smoking Mayors, or Mr. $100k in the freezer, and I'd be a hypocrite if I turned around and behaved that way myself.
on Oct 22, 2006
>You just keep on telling yourself that. Townhall meeting aside, their opinions while as valid as anyone elses, are NOT the
>entire country!

dude, its over.
Ill be back on here after Nov 7th so we can settle.

Even the White House, is BRACING for what will be a decisive loss of congress and a deserved one.
personally, I prefer the two parties be abolished, but the lesser of those two evils will be spineless Dems in the house,
hypocritical Repubs in the senate.

Hell, I say give both to the Dems, let them focus on domestic issues ... I care about America, NOT whats going on outside
her shores
on Oct 23, 2006
>You just keep on telling yourself that. Townhall meeting aside, their opinions while as valid as anyone elses, are NOT the
>entire country!

dude, its over.
Ill be back on here after Nov 7th so we can settle.

Even the White House, is BRACING for what will be a decisive loss of congress and a deserved one.
personally, I prefer the two parties be abolished, but the lesser of those two evils will be spineless Dems in the house,
hypocritical Repubs in the senate.

Hell, I say give both to the Dems, let them focus on domestic issues ... I care about America, NOT whats going on outside
her shores

I'll "try" to remember to come back to this thread after the election! And AIN'T over till the fat lady sings!
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