Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
An eloquent summation
Published on October 20, 2006 By Brad Wardell In Republican

Helen Valois has an excellent article about what "Cut and Run Conservatism" is.

Now that Rush Limbaugh has chosen to demonize conservatives acting as conservatives instead as as Republican sheep, he may discover that outside his ditto-head bubble that there are many out there unimpressed with his rhetoric.

Valois writes:

And just what is a "cut-and-run conservative"? From what I can tell, this label applies to anyone who holds the (to Rush) illogical opinion that Republicans ought to behave like Republicans, and that if they don't, there isn't much use in voting them into office again. There are evidently — gasp! — voters who want their elected representatives to represent them, and who refuse to declare the mere holding of an office on the part of someone whose use of that office is despicable a "victory" in and of itself. Even among those who chuckle at the EIB Network's clever parodies, there are apparently some people who don't consider the ideological suicide currently being committed by American culture to be a laughing matter after all. And despite being made the butt of that network's jokes myself, I am proud to declare myself one of them.

I vote for politicians who represent my views. In a representative democracy such as ours, that is the way I'd prefer to see things function. It would be interesting if Rush consideres conservatives who go to the poll but vote for a write-in candidate or a conservative third party candidate as being "cut and run" conservatives.

I also think Rush's choice to reuse the "cut and run" slogan to demonize conservatives is ultimately going to weaken the more serious issue of politicians and citizens that actually do want to "cut and run" from Iraq.

Luckily for Rush, he's on the wrong side of history. Just as the "Buy American or else" nonsense was going on in the 80s -- demanding we buy American cars no matter how crummy they were -- failed and we ended up with better cars, he should be thankful that principled conservatives will help, in the long run, to keep the party from disolving into the next Whig party.

Rush may be a great broadcaster, but he's no historian.

Read Valois's excellent article bottom of this blog.

Update: David Bernstein of Volokh Conspiracy is one too! (and gasp, also sees 1992 as a GOOD example)

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 20, 2006

The only thing I can't understand about republican conservatives who want to vote for someone other than a republican is (and I know this doesn't apply to all of them), the concept that "the republicans need to be taught a lesson." 

I'm one where the spectre of "Speaker of the House Pelosi" would be motivation enough for me to vote Republican in the House election.  To me voting to "teach the Republicans a lesson" would be much like cutting the break line on your kid's car to "teach them a lesson" about the importance of car maintenance.

Other that that, I'm a firm believer in voting your conscience.  You vote for the person who best fits your concept of who should fill that position.

Someday (maybe) we'll have a House and Senate where the members get to represent the people of their district and their state.  Unfortunately, we don't have that at this time, and voting in protest doesn't mean a thing.  We don't vote for individuals, we vote for seats.  We don't vote for representation, we vote for party percentages.

The problem isn't the parties, the members, or the voters... or more to the point, the problem isn't either of them, it's all three.  Until the stranglehold the parties have over the system is broken, it doesn't matter who we vote for... the letter after their name is ALL that matters.

on Oct 20, 2006

The reason the "teach them a lesson" view is prevalent is that not all of us live in fear of a Democratically controlled house. Especially since history shows (1992) what happens when the the Republicans get a bit of a shock.

Conservatives live in confidence that their principles resonate with the majority of voters and so can regain congress any time Republicans (or whoever) bother to start behaving with principles again.

on Oct 20, 2006
You guys are loosing the argument. Rush's point is clear if you just listen. Anyway, I'm not here to convince you further but spend more time convincing ppl around me to VOTE. Finally, I found this website via Rush radio program. Take care.
on Oct 20, 2006
You guys are loosing the argument. Rush's point is clear if you just listen.

The argument is non-existent, or at best one-sided; Limbaugh seems interested only in misunderstanding, hyperbole, and name-calling. Hardly traits worthy of the so-called standard bearer of conservatism, these. And hardly the basis of a good counter-argument.

Anyway, I'm not here to convince you further but spend more time convincing ppl around me to VOTE.

That's just it. No one here needs convincing. Cast your eye around the place and you'll find, I think, that Brad and others have made it clear that we'll ignore the stench under our noses and vote. We just, among other things, don't see American civilization being utterly undermined by a Nancy Pelosi or a Jack Murtha.

You know, it's funny. Rush once held the same view about Bill Clinton, that the civilization and the nation could and would survive one man. Wonder what happened to his once-lucid view of such things....
on Oct 20, 2006

You guys are loosing the argument. Rush's point is clear if you just listen. Anyway, I'm not here to convince you further but spend more time convincing ppl around me to VOTE. Finally, I found this website via Rush radio program. Take care.

I will be voting. And the candidates I'm voting for happen to be Republican. But I don't feel compelled to vote for Republicans simply because they hav ean (R) by them.

I *have* been listening, I've not had much choice in the matter given the pummeling. Rush feels we MUST vote for the (R) becauase the Democrats will ruin the country if they get in power. To which I say hogwash. The Democrats aren't "evil". They have their share of kooks but as I've seent his week with the onslaught of ditto-heads, the right has its kooks too.

on Oct 20, 2006

The reason the "teach them a lesson" view is prevalent is that not all of us live in fear of a Democratically controlled house. Especially since history shows (1992) what happens when the the Republicans get a bit of a shock.

Need we remind the "teach them a lesson" crowd how many decades it took for the republicans to get control of the House back?  If history shows us anything it's that Republicans are willing to "teach them a lesson" while democrats just laugh their butts off, as they retain control.  "Teach them a lesson" is the best thing to happen for the democrats since LBJ and Nixon.

Conservatives live in confidence that their principles resonate with the majority of voters and so can regain congress any time Republicans (or whoever) bother to start behaving with principles again.

Let's see if your logic holds water.  Conservatives refuse to vote at all... Liberals win.  Conservatives choose to vote 3rd party... liberals win.  Conservatives choose to vote democrat... Liberals win.  yeah, sounds like the conservatives have the liberals on the run now!


How's this for a better plan.  Conservatives quit whining about not being represented by the current Republicans and get out and promote Conservative candidates in the primaries.  If the conservatives have the numbers and clout they claim, then they should use it for more than just sound bites and completely meaningless protest votes. 

If conservatives want to be represented then they have to earn that representation.  Conservatives here at JU tell me, how many hours have you spent actively supporting a conservative candidate?

Whining and feigning indignation is cheap and easy.  If conservatives can't get their candidates elected in primaries, then what good are they?


on Oct 21, 2006
We just, among other things, don't see American civilization being utterly undermined by a Nancy Pelosi or a Jack Murtha.

Careful there, you "don't" speak for "everyone" here.
on Oct 21, 2006

Need we remind the "teach them a lesson" crowd how many decades it took for the republicans to get control of the House back?  If history shows us anything it's that Republicans are willing to "teach them a lesson" while democrats just laugh their butts off, as they retain control.  "Teach them a lesson" is the best thing to happen for the democrats since LBJ and Nixon.

Republicans didn't lose control of the house for 40 years due to a "Teach a lesson". Feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.

We live in the age of new media. That has changed everything.

on Oct 21, 2006
We just, among other things, don't see American civilization being utterly undermined by a Nancy Pelosi or a Jack Murtha

let's see, Pelosi, who has no other goal in life than endless allegations to impeach a president who will be history before she even gets her gavel warm. And Murtha, who's great vision is to move the troops to Okinawa, where they will (according to him) stand ready to assist Iraq's new security forces if things fall apart.

If that is ok with you Brad then sure, live out your protest vote fantasy. No, civilization as we know it won't end, but if you think the Republicans ignored conservative ideals, what place do you think they'll have in a Pelosi House?

By all means, vote your conscious. Don't vote Repubican if that is what your conscious dictates, but please give a more mature reason. Conservatives should be on the cutting edge. You should be poised to help as many like minded candidates take seats in Washington as you can. From where I sit though, all the Conservative movement is doing is painting "Speaker Pelosi" on the door. Are you really just throwing in the towel of the conservative voice, hoping that the country wakes up for the next time around?

If that is all there is to conservatism, the liberals deserve to take back the House and the Senate, and the Conservatives deserve to munch on the scraps they chose to feast on.
on Oct 21, 2006
Moronic spam removed by moderator.
on Oct 21, 2006
Man, the dittoheads are motivated, huh? lol...

The fact is until the parties fear us, they won't obey us. When they don't want us to exert authority over a particular candidate right now, all they have to do is deny us a choice in the primaries. I, like Brad, don't think it is time for change right now, but I most certainly believe every single major Republican in Congress has been a traitor to their constituents and needs to go.

The best way to attack a politician is in the pocketbook. The parties lose their coffers they lose the ability to make war. The problem is, the interests that vye against us for the votes of Congressmen are also the ones filling their pockets.

So, until we get real finance reform, the only way we can attack the party is by voting for the other one. Again, I don't think this is the election for it, but if this one isn't a wakeup call for Republicans the next one should be a night of the long knives.
on Oct 22, 2006
I have heard both sides of the argument. As a life long conservative, I think its time for a SERIOUS lesson in FISCAL

A misbehaving child should be disciplined ... before it gets out of hand. Heres hoping Pelosi and her crew take over the house ... maybe then some brakes can be put on this mess.

Better the government do NOTHING ... than continue to make things worse

the time for the lesson is a few weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Oct 22, 2006
I have heard both sides of the argument. As a life long conservative, I think its time for a SERIOUS lesson in FISCAL

A misbehaving child should be disciplined ... before it gets out of hand. Heres hoping Pelosi and her crew take over the house ... maybe then some brakes can be put on this mess.

Better the government do NOTHING ... than continue to make things worse

the time for the lesson is a few weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In your wildest wet dreams!
on Oct 22, 2006
>In your wildest wet dreams!

We had a townhall meeting about this very subject a few weeks ago. The general concensus agreed with me. In fact, no less than
12 people at my place of employment are taking OFF FROM WORK that day to make sure we HELP teach that lesson!!!

enough is enough ... we need real conservatives ... not liberals in conservative clothing ... spending like theres no tommorow
on Oct 22, 2006
Heres hoping Pelosi and her crew take over the house ... maybe then some brakes can be put on this mess.

Pelosi, Howard Dean, The ACLU, Planned Parenthood, the Labor Unions, Gun Control Inc, Act Up, Earth First, Michael Moore, Cindy Whatsitsname, PETA, George Sorros, Air America, GLAD, The Kyoto Protocol, Every Illegal Alien, and every other liberal group in America thank you for your support.

The ironic part is, the conservatives who helped Pelosi and Reid gain leadership of the House and Senate will complain the loudest about what they do once they get it. And I will laugh in your short-sighted faces.
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