One of the ongoing issues people who want to discuss the nature of Islam or other cultures is that inevitably, someone will come on and accuse everyone else of being "racists". The goal of calling people racists is always the same -- to prevent a given topic from being discussed.
I am not a racist. But I don't really care if people think I am. If someone wants to think I'm some sort of bigot because I'm not a fan of Islam then I'm perfectly okay with that. The reason being, I only care about the opinions of people who matter to me. And the opinions of dumb people don't matter to me at all. Someone who thinks a culture and a race are interchangeable is not someone whose opinion I value.
Personally, I find racism not just loathsome, but foolish. If you discriminate people based on their race, you are missing out. As an evil capitalist, I wish there was more racism because it would give me, since I'm not racist, an economic advantage by allowing me to hire even better talent. But racism isn't nearly as widespread as most people think today. I can't imagine any company not hiring someone because of the color of their skin these days.
But culturalism is a different matter. If race is the hardware, culture is the software. And I think some cultures are inferior to others. I'm a culturalist. I don't like Islam whether it is practiced by caucasians, arabs, or africans because I think, as a whole, it promotes violence.
While researching for this article, I found an article (linked at bottom) that talks about this issue. Different cultures achieve different levels of achievement and prosperity.
Now, some people might argue that who are we to say that those are measurements are valid measurements of what one society "better" than another. Insomuch as they are also probably the same people who would argue that living in mom's basement until they're 40 doesn't mean that person is a failure. I mean, we wouldn't want to be judgmental right? 
I happen to be a big fan of western culture. It has created relative wealth and propserity and freedom for its citizens. While it's not perfect and has a checkered past as it has evolved, looking at where it is today I can say "Not bad."
But when trying to come up with tangible solutions to complex problems, it's not helpful when people start equating racism with culturalism. If we're not willing to stand up for our own culture, then we deserve what we get.
Culture is something we choose (though most people are not aware that they're choosing). Race is something we're born with genetically. And like hardware, no matter how good it is, if you put inferior software on it, you'll end up with a poorer experience.