Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

A black professor (on CSPAN) today suggested that the only solution for African Americans is to exterminate all the white people on Earth.  Not in jest.

It will be interesting to see what the reaction is.

on Nov 30, 2006
Actually, that was back in 2005. It got back in the limelight because of the micheal richards thing. I wrote something on it a couple of weeks ago when I found out that the black men insulted by him were trying to get money.

I think the guy is a nut, but because of his politics can't be deemed such by his peers. You can follow his decline in the speech where he talks about how he distanced himself more and more from what he perceived to be methods of control, or overt attempts to kill him by white people, be it food or tobacco, or whatever. To me it sounded more like someone sinking further and further into a paranoid delusion.
on Nov 30, 2006
I guess to put a finer point on it, I don't think this makes people as angry because the guy doesn't seem to really represent anyone. To me, it's like getting angry about Ted Kazinski's manifestos, I just can't bring myself to care what they think.

P.S. did anyone else wonder at how he's got the world divided between black people and white people? While I was listening I was wondering where the billions of Chinese and Indian people fit in to this big global machine meant only to kill black people...
on Nov 30, 2006
While I was listening I was wondering where the billions of Chinese and Indian people fit in to this big global machine meant only to kill black people...

Well they say the Chinese are the Jews of the East, so I suppose they're white. Indians can look slightly black, so I guess that's them sorted. Islanders and Malays are easy - they even style themselves as black.

There's something entertainingly nutty about these kinds of 'thinkers'.
on Nov 30, 2006
Further evicence that we shouldn't silence extremists.  We should let them speak out and expose themselves for what they really are.
on Nov 30, 2006
People of this ilk are the true "haters" of the world. Right up there with Hitler and his hatred for the Jews, and Islam in their hatred for the infindel.
on Nov 30, 2006
INdeed he is a nut case.  But what about the ones clapping?
on Nov 30, 2006
He's a crank, and for the ones who were clapping I supect that they were clapping as they were entertained, not that they truely respected or believed in that idea. Even if they did, they are the minority, and that just another one of the ways people refuse to accept treating each other equally is the way to go.
on Nov 30, 2006
on Nov 30, 2006
Lame video David.
on Nov 30, 2006

that video wasn't nice! Shame!
on Nov 30, 2006
On second viewing, the video's excellent. I get now.
on Nov 30, 2006
But what about the ones clapping?

Again, I maintain the solution - Strangelove style. Nuke the whole damn world. Just let me get myself and twenty hotties in the shelter first, with one hundred year's worth of supplies . . .

I think this sounds like an audacious, wonderful solution. See you all later - I'm still short five girls for my requisite twenty, gotta go recruiting . . .