The Iraq Study Group report is finally out.
It's a bit surprising in a few areas. First, it doesn't suggest that the US needs to exit immediately but rather that over the course of the next year the US should transition to a more supporting role of training Iraqi forces. Then, after that, the troops should come home -- ready or not.
It also advocates talks with Iran and Syria. James Baker makes the case that the US had regular talks with the Soviet Union for 40 years even though their stated objective was to wipe us out.
But the part that really struck me was the analysis of the Iraqi government. They unanimously concluded that the Iraqi government is just incompetent. So incompetent that they have serious concerns of whether it will be capable -- given any amount of time -- to effectively govern the country. They have good intentions but lack the capability to governm.
I have to say I support everything I've read about the report so far. To me, this 3 year disaster should have ended 2 years ago. Our goal was to eliminate the regime of Saddam Hussein. That was accomplished 3 years ago.
Why are we still there? It's not our job to make sure Iraq is turned into a Jeffersonian democracy. I get the reaosn they want to. I even support a reasonable effort. But 3 years? If the Iraqis can't get their act together soon, then tough.
The options for the US aren't merely either a Jeffersonian democracy or a terrorist state. The option isn't even something in between. We toppled a fairly powerful regime in a matter of weeks with few combat deaths. The US should have a policy of knocking down regimes that support terrorism and represent threats to the United States. It should not be our policy to spend year after year trying to rebuild these countries unless it's demonstratably in our best interest.
This time next year, the troops better start coming home -- or at least out of Iraq.