Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Which AI is the best?
Published on January 17, 2007 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

In beta 2, the AI was able to start using all the new features.  But post beta 2, i.e. the builds that aren't publicly available, the serious AI work starts going in.  And that's where tons of AI analysis, vs. AI gaming, AI vs. AI gaming, and so forth really gets going.  Getting the AI better at using transports, better technology handling, etc. are all very important.

Of course, to do all that, the AI bugs in beta 2 have to be fixed too (such as accidentally nulling of military prioritizing leading to researching of defensive techs but not offensive technologies -- i.e. slow researching of weapons).


The Setup: Drengin AI vs. Terran AI vs. Torian AI vs. Altarian AI

The Map: equally balanced for all sides

The results:

Game #1: Drengin Empire wins.

Final designs:




Drengin dominates. However, no capital ships appear -- even though they have the tech. Still poor handling of transports.

Other AI faults noticed: Lack of Morale buildings on planets. Spotty technology research. Spotty use of galactic resources.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 17, 2007
Posted January 17, 2007 02:19:23

WOW! Do you ever sleep?

BR, Iztok
on Jan 17, 2007

Oh, the night is still young.

Another game:

Better results. New adaptation code to have the AI players be more likely to graduate from Frigates to capital ships depending on their logistics strategy.

on Jan 17, 2007
The thumbnails don't show for me, but the pictures show up when clicking on them.

Good to see you working on the AI (once again ), I'm really looking forward to play Dark Avatar (didn't have the time to try out the beta, just had a few peeks) when it comes out.
on Jan 17, 2007
Better results. New adaptation code to have the AI players be more likely to graduate from Frigates to capital ships depending on their logistics strategy.

Hello everyone!
This sounds very good Draginol.
I've been tring out the expansion, and besides that it looks great, it has given me new interest in the game.
The only thing I noticed that was a bit disappointing is that AI was always concentrating in small ships, soon giving me a big advantage. (I've only tried up to challenging so far -- so it may be related...). Anyway, good to see you noticed it and are working on it. And I was also glad to see the AI balancing its ships with defenses, which would certainly help if only they were a bit bigger ships

Otherwise it is really looking very good and playing very well, despite the beta stage. It is very encouraging
on Jan 17, 2007
Um....I just realized that your RSS feed hasn't updated since December 21 - and so I've missed every post since then. 8( Any idea when it might get fixed?
on Jan 17, 2007
Draginol, I'm glad to see confirmation that you can set up a group of AIs to play each other for testing.

But you didn't make any mention of map size, which in turn made me wonder if it is still too rescource-intensive for you to test the largest games (huge map, abundant everything, 9 rivals) this way.
on Jan 17, 2007
Well, I know for sure that a huge map with nine rivals and massive armadas seriously slows down my many units to calculate positions for!

But I do does one start an AI vs. AI War anyway? I don't recall that being a feature you can choose at game start...developer-only feature?
on Jan 17, 2007
how does one start an AI vs. AI War anyway?

hmm I recall there being a mod out there that had this as a "feature" a bit like the Borg in roguelikes...
on Jan 17, 2007
But I do does one start an AI vs. AI War anyway? I don't recall that being a feature you can choose at game start...developer-only feature?

There might be a command switch we could all use, but I doubt anyone other than the devs would want to. I can just as easily imagine an in-house app that makes the GCII executable believe a human is pushing its buttons.

Well, I know for sure that a huge map with nine rivals and massive armadas seriously slows down my machine

It's been several years since I worked in an office with devs, but unless things have changed drastically, they have "bleeding edge" hardware and know how to bandage the oozy spots. Unless you're among the most well-funded and hardcore of gamers, your machine should be a clear weakling when compared to whatever Draginol is using for this AI v. AI stuff.

on Jan 17, 2007
Hopefully not (or at least not ALL the time), as I know IIWD (If I Were Draginol) I'd be very frustrated to discover that I'd crafted the most sophisticated, powerful, adaptive AI ever, but I had to give it a frontal lobotomy in order to get it to run on a customer's PC.
on Jan 17, 2007

It's been several years since I worked in an office with devs, but unless things have changed drastically, they have "bleeding edge" hardware and know how to bandage the oozy spots. Unless you're among the most well-funded and hardcore of gamers, your machine should be a clear weakling when compared to whatever Draginol is using for this AI v. AI stuff.

I'm doing most of this on my home machine. It's not even a dual core!

on Jan 17, 2007
I'm doing most of this on my home machine. It's not even a dual core!

Well now, that's either spooky in terms of Stardock's collective coding skill or disappointing in terms of how much you're currently able to invest in automated testing. And I'm not given to either/or views on things

Semi-seriously, though, this quote from Draginol makes me wonder whether the next Stardock beta (NotMoM2?) might include a way for willing folks to donate idle processor time to test case scenarios. I never joined the SETI project that works along these lines, but I surely admired both their tech and their attitude.
on Jan 18, 2007

Having the AI play itself takes little CPU power. Really!

I just hit a few keys and walk away and come back.

on Jan 18, 2007
I bet the hard part comes in being able to track everything the AI has done over time. With even 4 AI players keeping everything they do over time straight would be very tough!
on Jan 26, 2007
Daft question perhaps...

How do you get your "Starship Intelligence Report" screenshots, I've seen them time and again in these reports and, gorram it, I want to do it too

Is it an obscure key combination or a developer only tool?

Any info appreciated.


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