In beta 2, the AI was able to start using all the new features. But post beta 2, i.e. the builds that aren't publicly available, the serious AI work starts going in. And that's where tons of AI analysis, vs. AI gaming, AI vs. AI gaming, and so forth really gets going. Getting the AI better at using transports, better technology handling, etc. are all very important.
Of course, to do all that, the AI bugs in beta 2 have to be fixed too (such as accidentally nulling of military prioritizing leading to researching of defensive techs but not offensive technologies -- i.e. slow researching of weapons).
The Setup: Drengin AI vs. Terran AI vs. Torian AI vs. Altarian AI
The Map: equally balanced for all sides
The results:
Game #1: Drengin Empire wins.
Final designs:
Drengin dominates. However, no capital ships appear -- even though they have the tech. Still poor handling of transports.
Other AI faults noticed: Lack of Morale buildings on planets. Spotty technology research. Spotty use of galactic resources.