If you have a JoeUser blog you can mirror your blog on WinCustomize.com right now.
To do this follow these instructions:
1) Go to www.wincustomize.com
2) Sign in with the same UserID and PW you have on JU
3) On the right you'll have a "Create personal page". Click on it and follow instructions
4) You will now have a personal page that has the same content as your JoeUser blog.
When you go to your personal page, there are blue tabs that let you go through various options for it.
Example: http://frogboy.wincustomize.com
Visually, a future JU would look nothing like what you're seeing. But feature, speed, reliability wise, it'll be very similar. You'll be able to put up pictures and customize the site visually how you'd like and a host of other things.
You'll have immense amounts of data to look at if you want, a friends list, a diary, etc.
Example of some of the stats from Frogboy:
Here's my photo gallery:
JoeUser will be able to piggy back on this kind of technology in the coming months. The main change you'll see will be in speed and reliability. JU's speed has increased substantially since the bad old days but it is still a frankenstein monster of code underneath that is flakey and unreliabile.
I often find myself writing JU articles from WC because it's such a smoother experience. They show up here the same way.