Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The next technology
Published on February 10, 2007 By Draginol In Welcome

If you have a JoeUser blog you can mirror your blog on right now.

To do this follow these instructions:

1) Go to

2) Sign in with the same UserID and PW you have on JU

3) On the right you'll have a "Create personal page". Click on it and follow instructions

4) You will now have a personal page that has the same content as your JoeUser blog. 

When you go to your personal page, there are blue tabs that let you go through various options for it.



Visually, a future JU would look nothing like what you're seeing. But feature, speed, reliability wise, it'll be very similar.  You'll be able to put up pictures and customize the site visually how you'd like and a host of other things.

You'll have immense amounts of data to look at if you want, a friends list, a diary, etc.

Example of some of the stats from Frogboy:


Here's my photo gallery:

JoeUser will be able to piggy back on this kind of technology in the coming months. The main change you'll see will be in speed and reliability.  JU's speed has increased substantially since the bad old days but it is still a frankenstein monster of code underneath that is flakey and unreliabile.

I often find myself writing JU articles from WC because it's such a smoother experience. They show up here the same way.

on Feb 10, 2007
I really like the idea of being able to customize more.

New looks might take some getting used to (as I had to do with the new forums), but if it makes the experience here more pleasant, then I'm for it.
on Feb 10, 2007
I like the nested quotes in the forums.  But they dont follow over to the regular JU.  I gather that will be one of the changes?  Lookin good!  Keep Zoomba chained to the desk, but I will send some money to buy him an ice cream a week.
on Feb 10, 2007
I like the cross-over, I'm going to start using wincustomize more . . .

Thanks Brad!
on Feb 11, 2007
I like the customize ideas too!

I've been on Wincustomize and like the new look!
on Feb 11, 2007
It won't allow me to create a personal page because there is numbers in my nickname i.e. my e-mail. How do I fix that?
on Feb 11, 2007
Speaking of site upgrades, I think the thing you added to tell people why there's no comment box sometimes is just great. I bet you get more new user registrations from that one feature just by giving them that link to register.
on Feb 14, 2007
A nice upgrade would be to fix your RSS feed....
on Feb 14, 2007
Unfortunately, it says I have to change my nickname to create the WC site, because my nick contains characters that are no longer valid. Guess I'll be missing out on all the fun.
on Feb 14, 2007
It won't allow me to create a personal page because there is numbers in my nickname i.e. my e-mail. How do I fix that?

If it's because of numbers in your email, that seems odd. It's pretty hard to create an email addy anymore WITHOUT numbers!
on Feb 14, 2007
Mine complained about the period in my nickname Dr.Donald so I changed it to DrDonald and it was OK. Then again I might be the spurious character here.

(very old mainframe computing "joke" - very geeky)
on Feb 14, 2007

Mine just said it uses characters that are no longer valid. It didn't specify.

on Feb 14, 2007
Mine just said it uses characters that are no longer valid.

Mine too. I'm wondering if maybe at WinCustomize you don't use your e-mail as your User ID, so the existence of the @ causes issues.
on Feb 14, 2007
Mine's working now. It may just be a glitch. Try back later/
on Feb 14, 2007
Well, I got the account change info and it appears my name is too long. I'm really not keen on changinc my nickname for the purpose of mirroring the blog, frankly