Just a day after getting into an on-air debate on the day-time TV show, "The View" with co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie has announced she's leaving the view immediately.
On the show, Rosie accused American troops in Iraq of being terrorists. "655,000 Iraqi civilians have died. Who are the terrorists?" Rosie, a stranger to reality, fabricated a number that has no backing anywhere to tar our troops. Hasselbeck, who is the lone conservative on the show, asked her to clarify.
In a lengthy heated exchange Rosie called Hasselbeck a coward not responding to the questions of critics of the war (how does one respond to an idiotic, out of her mind nut job who makes up facts and believes fringe conspiracy theories?). Hasselbeck retorted "What's cowardly is not answering ones own rhetorical questions."
Rosie examplifies the bully - stand up to them and they fall apart. But more accurately, Rosie is typical of the American far-left -- as soon as they're faced with opposition that forces them to back up their looney positions they flee.
I never watched The View. My wife used to until Rosie came on and turned it into a crazy left-wing talk show. But I certainly am glad that the show will no longer be such a ready vehicle of crazy left-wing rantings.
Good for Elisabeth Hasselbeck for standing up to Rosie. I wish she'd done it sooner. And thanks for her demonstrating once again that far-left loonies tend to crumble when faced with resistance. The intolerance of the left strikes again.