Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Hi Ho the watich is dead!
Published on May 25, 2007 By Draginol In Politics

Just a day after getting into an on-air debate on the day-time TV show, "The View" with co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie has announced she's leaving the view immediately.

On the show, Rosie accused American troops in Iraq of being terrorists. "655,000 Iraqi civilians have died. Who are the terrorists?" Rosie, a stranger to reality, fabricated a number that has no backing anywhere to tar our troops.  Hasselbeck, who is the lone conservative on the show, asked her to clarify.

In a lengthy heated exchange Rosie called Hasselbeck a coward not responding to the questions of critics of the war (how does one respond to an idiotic, out of her mind nut job who makes up facts and believes fringe conspiracy theories?). Hasselbeck retorted "What's cowardly is not answering ones own rhetorical questions."

Rosie examplifies the bully - stand up to them and they fall apart.  But more accurately, Rosie is typical of the American far-left -- as soon as they're faced with opposition that forces them to back up their looney positions they flee. 

I never watched The View. My wife used to until Rosie came on and turned it into a crazy left-wing talk show.  But I certainly am glad that the show will no longer be such a ready vehicle of crazy left-wing rantings. 

Good for Elisabeth Hasselbeck for standing up to Rosie. I wish she'd done it sooner. And thanks for her demonstrating once again that far-left loonies tend to crumble when faced with resistance.  The intolerance of the left strikes again.

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on May 26, 2007

I love that Rosie basically ran away from the show after the incident, ending her run a few weeks early.

It must hurt to have co-workers not defend your looniness and U.S.A. bashing.

I might actually be able to watch an episode of The View now.   Might.  Not definite, but at least I've moved to 'might' from the former 'no way in hell' position.

on May 26, 2007
One must remember that not ALL members of the left are as extreme as the radicals, just as those on the left need to remember that not all conservatives are "kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out" either. Extremists on either side make life hard on those who have educated and researched opinions.
on May 26, 2007
Extremists on either side make life hard on those who have educated and researched opinions.

Wonderfully spoken, Lotherius.
on May 26, 2007
I didn't see this news until late last night. This is typical as was already said. When a far-left loon like Rosie is actually asked to prove their ridiculous statements, they seem to have a fit and run away. The problem is, Rosie's views that Sept. 11 was an "inside jobs" and other nonsense she speaks is not just limited to the "extremists" of the left.
on May 26, 2007

"Another Myth is how many casualties {non Combatant} Iraq has had. Some crazy left wingers love to throw out numbers as high as 600,000 with no proof of course. Where the United Nation, no friend to America has civilian casualties around 12000."

A quote from the body of my article on "how lies become well known "facts"

Thank you rosie for proving my point.

thank you brad for disproving rosies.

on May 26, 2007

It is much like the debates I've had in person. I'll be at a family (or friends) get together or whatever and there will be some very vocal and loud left winger spouting off utter nonsense and as soon as they're challenged they become belligerent and start to use phrases of "Don't I have a right to my belief?" or get incredibly emotional and hysterical about it.

Whenever one of these people get challenged on the facts or made to clarify their insunuation they collapse.  Rosie got called on her insinuation that American soldiers were terrorists and in response has run away.

on May 26, 2007
Well doH!

Isn't that why they're called 'extremists' in the first place?
That's also why Rosie was referred to as "far" left loonie.  She wasn't just referred to as a liberal.  As for the show without Rosie, I don't have all that much hope that they won't just replace her with another far left loonie.  Matter of fact, it might be worse if they find one that is nicer and easier to like than Rosie ( not a difficult task).
on May 26, 2007

My Brother whom I love dearly is one of those that love to spout "facts" with nothing to back him up, out of love 99% of the time I just smile, nod my head and say nothing, or look at colleen and grin.

But that one % of the time I go clean off and just say calmly, "jack, Where are you getting this information from?" and right away he gets defensive, "WHAT? i HAVE TO PROVE THINGS TO YOU?" still calm I utter NO brother, I just want to educate myself {trap jack lookout} anyways the subject gets changed, I let it go, because he is not willing to hear anything that belies his belief system.

on May 26, 2007
double post, sorry.
on May 26, 2007

I only have one thing to say to Rosie.

Google it!

on May 26, 2007 puts civilian casualties in Iraq somehwere between 64,333 and 70,471. What's a few hundred thousand added deaths between friends?

Rosie's nothing but a tool.
on May 27, 2007
C'mon Gid...she just added a zero. Maybe she's not good at math.

I don't support Rosie by any means, but what if she had made the statement with the correct figures in place? Would the "Who are the terrorists" comment have had a little more validity? The number of Iraqis killed or wounded is still substantially more than American and other coalition forces combined.
on May 27, 2007
The number of Iraqis killed or wounded is still substantially more than American and other coalition forces combined.

Ummm, we aren't killing the civilians. Iraq is embroiled in a civil war.
on May 27, 2007
I didn't say we were killing Iraqis.
on May 27, 2007
C'mon Gid...she just added a zero. Maybe she's not good at math.

ok, so multiplying casualty counts by ten isn't unethical? OK, let's talk about the 30,000 killed on 9/11!
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