has a great article outlining just how bad this current Immigration bill in the senate would be for the United States.
The most detrimental point of it is that it would immediately legalize the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country by giving them "Z-Visas".
As someone who has spent thousands of dollars trying to get a handful of visas for skilled labor, it's quite an outrage to see the government about to hand out free visas to people who broke our laws. It's simply unbelievable.
But more than that, it would be a disaster for the United States in the long-run as low-skilled labor tends to pay little in taxes but still can reap the benefits of our social safety net. On top of that, as anyone who has recently been to the American South West (or Miami for that matter) can tell you, hispanic immigrants not only actively resist assimilating but many of them are openly hostile to the United States and see the American Southwest as belonging to their native country.
Read the whole article below and contact your senator to make sure they know you do not support this bill.