Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Nerd Time Machine Fantasy #125
Published on May 13, 2004 By Draginol In Sex & Romance

Like most nerds or at least pseudo-nerds I have fantasized about being able to go back in time, knowing what I know now, and right wrongs.

Over time, the fantasy has gotten increasingly less tempting.  The first problem came after I got married. I didn't want to do anything that might cause me not to meet and marry my wife. After I had children, I realized that the whole fantasy was really doomed because even if I could go back in time and make sure to meet my wife at the right time, I would never be able to have the exact same children I have since even a nanosecond later I'd have different results.

Like I said, I'm a nerd. Which part is the nerdiest is subject to debate: Having the fantasy at all or trying to resolve the time stream issues of wife/children as if this entire scenario were somehow plausible in the remotest sense.

Of course, now that I'm "rich" I'm told I'm just eccentric but let's be real, I'm a geek.  Relatively speaking, I'm ultra-cool now compared to how I was when a teen (which is, after all, the origin of these kinds of time travel fantasies to begin with).

Still, there are so many things I wish I could go back and change. Not the least of which is how I dressed. Picture this: short sleeve sweatshirts that were one size too small on someone who was very very thin. It goes down hill from there.

But the example that inspired me to write this was the wrong I did to my first girl friend. Her name was Sherry Blankenbaker.  Almost literally the girl next door. We had been "going together" (remember that term?) for over 2 years. She was beautiful. Nice. Kind. Gentle. But she also had parents who were very very protective (and in hindsight, for good reason). They wouldn't let her date. Not even to a dance.

What's worse, she went to a private religious school.  So you can picture this: I'm a 15 year old geekoid with this beautiful girlfriend who doesn't, as far as people can tell at school actually exist. I might as well been the kid that says "Oh yea, I have a girlfriend..she's in Canada!" 

We had hoped that when she turned 16, her parents would let up a little. Let her go to the dance. Something. Anything. But no, they still refused to let her go anywhere public with me. I don't think her parents had anything against me in particular (though they were certainly less restrictive with her future boyfriends). They just didn't want to let their daughter have too much freedom to get into trouble. 

We broke up for rather selfish reasons that I still feel bad about. It's not that I wish we had stayed together, gotten married had kids. Rather, I feel ashamed that I was so shallow. We were each other's first loves so to speak and after yet another time of her getting in trouble for sneaking off to see me we broke up.

But that's not the reason for the time-travel scenario per se. It's not that I thought we were meant to be, but rather by breaking up with her when I did, it ultimately led her to meeting the guy she ended up marrying who I knew, even then, was bad news.

That's because I knew this guy better than she did and knew him before they'd met.  They met through the BBSes (think of websites but available only in a local phone area). BBSes that I had introduced her to.  I knew this guy was bad news and I also knew how well he could pretend to be a nice guy. 

Now, maybe he's changed (it's been 17 years). He might be a great guy now for all I know.  But I knew then he wasn't and I never really warned her. I was too afraid of interfering when I should have told her.  I'm told they had a couple of kids and later divorced.  I don't know the exact details but if that's the case, I feel responsible for that since I could have warned her.  The guy was, at the time, so loathsome that the normally gentle T-man (who is the real power behind JoeUser, I'm just his front man, his lackey, his pawn who pays the bills ) actually wanted to do bodily harm to him. And believe me, she could have found any guy she'd wanted to (once her parents let her off the leash).

I don't know where things have gone since then with her. I lost track of things in our old neighborhood years ago. I was good friends with her brother and her younger sister was, in my opinion, had a gifted level of intelligence. Just one of those things where you think you should visit, and if you don't visit for long enough, it gets increasingly awkward to pop in.

So that's one wrong I would right. To set things up so that Sherry would have been on the path to find her real Mr. Right earlier. Or at the very least, help her avoid Mr. Wrong.  I wasn't her Mr. Right but I was the boy next door. The boy who should have been her friend.

on May 13, 2004
I have said it before, I will say it a gain... Hindsight is a bitch...

Great article, I really enjoyed it

on May 14, 2004
This could be the premise for all kinds of literature and culture, eh? Everything from a Steven King style novel to a "Leave It to Beaver" remake with a twist. Oddly compelling, given all the nerdiness everywhere. Regret is one of the universals, isn't it?
on May 14, 2004
Like I said, I'm a nerd.

It is wondeful that minority groupings can feel pride at being different. Many years ago they would have faced unrelenting bigotry, God bless the British Empire for creating freedom!
on May 14, 2004
I have to say that I think this is an everyperson fantasy. What if I could go back? What would I do different? What would my life be like now if I had made different choices? But you are right we can't go back and if we could we would lose what we have now. I wish I could go back and go to college right after high school. I wanted to go but my parents weren't supportive and I didn't have enough determination to see it through myself. But if I had most likely I would not be married to my husband and I definately wouldn't have these unique kids and I wouldn't want to wish them away.

As far as your high school girlfriend, it probably wouldn't have made a difference anyway. I mean if you told her this guy is a jerk usually it just makes them defensive and cling to them more. It seems like that's something people have to figure out for themselves.
on May 14, 2004
You're not the only one who thinks of going back in time and thinking of the exact moment when things took a turn for the bad/good. I've been doing that really often nowadays. But that is what life is about .. you would be a different person if you didn't go through all these experiences or made bad decisions and .. grown as a person. It all sounds corny as hell, but it's actually true.
on May 16, 2004
I think the moral of the story was lost on some readers and I apologize for not being clearer. I did not want to go back in time to be with this person, but rather, to do the right thing and warn her that the person she did end up marrying was, at least at the time, a bad guy.

on Aug 30, 2004
Children do have a way of cementing your position in the time stream, don't they?

Regret about the past can evolve into conflict in the present. Give it up. My experience: you can never go back. After many years of separation, I had the chance to strike up a relationship with a similar "first love" and she turned out to be a controlling you-know-what. Yes, I know that you're NOT saying you wanted to go back and 'be' with that person BUT the very fact that your lack of a warning to her bothers you so much suggests otherwise, at least at some level. Own up to it and put this behind you.

I'm not saying that I'm immune to 'revisiting' past relationships. The very fact that I'm here writing this is the result of a search for another person who's last name is 'Blankenbaker.' Life by Google, eh? Not that I'd have anything to do with her I'm just curious to see what's going on in her life as I have been about several past girlfriends (there are many who I could care less about, believe me). A hunky surname helps along with some level of activity in the electronic domain. Just tried to find your 'Sherry;' no hits, sorry.

Hope this was somewhat insightful for you.
on Aug 30, 2004
Yep I've done the 'If I could go back in time scenario.....' which pretty well became an impossibility when I met my partner and we had our son.......
you just can't risk it can you....?
And it's admirable that the one thing you would do is change it so someone elses life would be happier..... that is very selfless of you, Draginol.