Ever notice that anti-americans usually have no idea how hypocritical they sound?
Anti-Americans use words like "alleged" or "assumed" to qualify evil deeds done to Americans. But even the most far-out theory or assumption of something an American has done wrong is taken as a literal fact.
And they wonder why so few people in the mainstream have any respect for them.
Bad things don't need to be qualified. If you do a bad thing, it doesn't matter where you're from. There can be extenuating circumstances, but it doesn't change the bad thing.
Zealots have the problem in that they can't see straight. They see one side as ultimately evil and the other side totally justified.
Limbaugh, who exuses despicable abuse of Iraqi POWs by a handful of American soldiers and contractors is an example on the right. There are plenty of examples on the left where the events of 9/11 and other atrocities done to Americans is swept under the rug so that they can fixate on some particular american misdeed or blow it up to gigantic proportions.
Most zealots, in my experience, are people who are out of touch. Sometimes due to their success (Limbaugh) or their failures (check out an anti-war protest sometime to see the carnival of losers). They have lost any sort of attachment to objective reality.