I've taken vacations in the past but never anything like the vacation I'm on. It's pure duration. Even when I've gone to Disney World, it's been a 5 or so day trip with 2 of those days traveling.
But this year, for the first time since I've had a company, I've taken a serious vacation -- 10 straight days (2 of them traveling). What a difference a few extra days can make.
I don't know about you, but for me, the first 72 hours of a vacation are spend decompressing. It's as if all the tension and stress come pouring out during that time. Only after those 72 hours am I really ready to start building back up my state of mind.
While I have traditionally worked on average 55 hours a week (40 to 50 in the nice weather months, 60 to 80 in the winter months), I don't consider myself a workaholic. I just enjoy what I do. But having had some time to relax, I can really feel my focus and drive returning.
That said, I think next year I will try for a 12 to 14 day vacation and see how that works.