Those who fear and loathe the US "hyperpower" meddling in the affairs of the middle east and elsewhere should consider a radical, alternative approach: Clean up their own messes.
The US, being a democracy, is representative of the will of its people. Americans don't want to be in the middle east. But we feel we have no other choice -- people from that part of the world keep doing everything that can to murder as many of us as possible. And their *stated* reasons (as opposed to imagined reasons invented by anti-american left wingers) are nonsensical and ridiculous.
So the radical plan would involve this: The people of the middle east getting rid of the terrorists within their borders themselves. You don't have American citizens individually running aroung the world commiting terrorist acts. You don't think some of the victims of 9/11 would feel a little justified giong over to say Saudi Arabia and taking out his or her revenge? We don't do that because we actively discourage that kind of behavior.
Perhaps the people of the middle east, instead of blaming the west in general or the United States specifically should instead look inward and clean up their own mess. Get rid of their despotic rulers. Stop tolerating the death cults around them. Stop applauding terrorist acts. Feel some outrage when someone cuts the head off an innocent civilian in the name of their religion. And just in general, clean up their act.
Because if they don't, sooner or later, someone else will.