Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
An alternative view on geopolitics
Published on May 19, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

Those who fear and loathe the US "hyperpower" meddling in the affairs of the middle east and elsewhere should consider a radical, alternative approach: Clean up their own messes.

The US, being a democracy, is representative of the will of its people. Americans don't want to be in the middle east. But we feel we have no other choice -- people from that part of the world keep doing everything that can to murder as many of us as possible. And their *stated* reasons (as opposed to imagined reasons invented by anti-american left wingers) are nonsensical and ridiculous.

So the radical plan would involve this: The people of the middle east getting rid of the terrorists within their borders themselves. You don't have American citizens individually running aroung the world commiting terrorist acts. You don't think some of the victims of 9/11 would feel a little justified giong over to say Saudi Arabia and taking out his or her revenge?  We don't do that because we actively discourage that kind of behavior.

Perhaps the people of the middle east, instead of blaming the west in general or the United States specifically should instead look inward and clean up their own mess. Get rid of their despotic rulers. Stop tolerating the death cults around them. Stop applauding terrorist acts. Feel some outrage when someone cuts the head off an innocent civilian in the name of their religion. And just in general, clean up their act.

Because if they don't, sooner or later, someone else will.

on May 19, 2004
Good points. I have yet to see a American terrorist squad head over the Saudia Arabia and blow Mecca to kindom come.
on May 19, 2004
Interesting points. Perhaps german people should have lynched Hitler, so the russians and allies didn't have to come all the way. Like all things, problems are subjective. And let's never forget that some nations excel in creating problems in other countries, so they can solve them later.
on May 19, 2004
IN order for this to happen, the world would have to see the Middle East for what it is, a collective area with millions and millions of self-aware, intelligent human beings that have the ability to see right from wrong. As it stands, though, world perception is that the Middle East is filled with poor downtrodden folks who don't know any better than to blow people up and really shouldn't be held responsible for their actions. We somehow differentiate between the nation and the citizens. The citizens are the nation.

I believe that the only way to make the citizens take responsibility for their leaders and their terrorist organizations is to impose that responsibility on them with reprisals on the national level. Lebanon is a terrorist state, and when they allow Hizbullah to launch missiles into Israel, it should be Lebanon, not Hizbullah that is focused upon. When Saudi Arabia learns that exporting their well paid terrorists instead of crushing them will bring about their own doom, then maybe they will take care of the Bin Ladens before they can be made.

When you attack terrorist organizations, you are attacking the tail of the snake. The head is the middle-upper class social leaders who condone and finance terrorist organizations. The body are the millions upon millions that support terrorist attacks at the polls or in the voting booth. Those people must be made to fear punishment for their role in the wasteland that is the Middle East.
on May 20, 2004
Here! Here!

Your biggest opponents, however, would be your corporate allies in the GOP, number one, and their allies, such as the House of Saud, who represent the financial continuity of 'terrorism', now that the CIA has partially withdrawn from the business.

You make democratic suggestions; all democrats(small 'd', mind you)cannot help but agree.
on May 21, 2004
Does this mean Brad that you'd stop any US company meddling in the middle east?

Does this mean that you'd allow them sell oil at any price they wanted?

Not a chance. The US may be happy to tell people to fix their own mess, but only so long as it does not damage US economic interests.

on May 21, 2004
Paul you have an outstanding point! That would be the only time America wouldnt do anything... because we have too much interest over there and though I will admit that I dont like teh idea of terrorist running around... I think in away its a problem now that we are over there then before... because as before... sure they were there but it was a small time buisness... but now that Bush decided to jump in it... now its all over the news and our prices for fuel and other things have seemingly sky rocketed because of it... just as they had in 90. I think we really need to get down to a game plan that stops all this fucking in teh bush and get it over with