Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A solution for health care insurance
Published on October 6, 2007 By Draginol In Democrat

The far left in the United States are outraged that Bush vetoed the bill that would have provided "free" health insurance to minors.

When these discussions get going, I am always amazed that the obvious solution isn't taken: Start charities that provide health insurance to the "needy".

It wouldn't be that hard to do.  Those who really feel strongly about paying for health insurance for other people could donate to these charities. Then, those who wanted said health insurance would send in their past year's tax return along with proof of children and then be given health insurance for that child. 

These kinds of charities already exist for people who have a random illness like cancer, breast cancer, childhood diseases, etc.  So what is the difference?  The difference from my limited research is that most of these charities and their fund raising are performed by conservatives (particularly religious conservatives). 

As was documented in the excellent book "Who really cares" American liberals have replaced concrete action with political belief.  To them, posting a blog or protesting or some other symbolic but ultimately futile gesture is the same as actually doing something.

For this reason, American liberals are much more inclined to support federal government provided projects for the needy because it takes the burden of having to do anything to back up their political beliefs.  The sacrifice and effort is transferred to other people (typically people who disagree with their views and are hence demonized by the left even as those they demonized are, as a practical matter, the ones actually doing the doing).

It is a pity conservatives aren't more inclined to step up and ask "Why not start a charity?" when an advocate of a socialist policy starts railing for some new government welfare program.  After all, the left routinely says "Why don't you volunteer for the military?" when a conservative supports US foreign policy.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Oct 09, 2007
We have only a couple of choices, really - 1) application of some rational thought process to arrive at a determination of which individual(s) would most benefit, or 2) a lottery. Americans are already quite comfortable letting people get rich by accident, so maybe a lottery would the true 21st century American way.  
on Oct 09, 2007
Strangely enough, a lot of people who get rich by accident then get poor fairly soon after, I'm assuming by accident.

I think a lottery with buyable tickets and perhaps extra tickets for those with the most need would be the fairest lottery. Then people could blame God for not getting a transplant!
on Oct 09, 2007
This is not true liberals have donated almost a billion dollars to a charity over the last seven years. The charity took the money and gave it to disadvantaged people around the country. The charity was run exactly the way they want the government to run all do gooder programs. It is just that it was administrated poorly because they did not have enough money to make it work. The same problem the liberals claim ended the Soviet Union, which they say would have worked if they had more money. This charity was called Air America. This is why liberals don’t have any faith in charities.

I mean think of the three million dollars a year they gave to the host of Air America and never thought that he should take a pay cut until the charity went bankrupt. Now he is running for the senate so he could help his favorite charity, himself.

On the other side of the coin even with high taxes conservatives have donated almost 100 billion dollars in the same time time period and those charities have produced results.
on Oct 09, 2007
If money doesn't come into play when organ recipients are chosen, would someone explain to me why that notorious drunkard, David Crosby, warranted not one, but TWO liver transplants?

Melissa needed a qualified sperm donor - greater good & all that.  
on Oct 09, 2007
Because he's such a great guy, ya know?
on Oct 09, 2007
Okay this is several comments ago and slightly off topic, but Gid, I'd really be interested in seeing if those quotes hold up if you really try to get insurance. From my personal experience, they seem exceptionally low. When I first moved to DC, I was working in a restaurant and uninsured so I got my own insurance -- despite just being for me, a healthy 25 y.o. at the time, it cost me $263 a month. That allowed me 2 doctors visits a year and, if I remember correctly 50% copay after my $1000 deductible. There was a daily maximum payment of $4000. When I ended up in the hospital for a same day emergency surgery, I ended up paying more than $10K out of pocket -- and that was only because I negotiated with the hospital -- the original bill was for $25K.

I don't know if universal coverage is the right answer, but I do know that something needs fixing in the health care world. Don't quote me on it, but I think I read somewhere that health care costs are the number one reason for bankruptcy in America.

Also, (regarding the article), how do you know the politics of the folks starting charities? It is not like they have to list it I'm curious. While I know you've written about conservatives donating more money to charities, I'd be interested in seeing if anyone has researched who donates more time (ie, volunteers more).
on Oct 09, 2007
Gah. I'm still not kissing cacto's aussie ass on main street because the challenge was issued to him, not Noumenon.

So there's nothing to gain by my continuing to bid on a donkey on Australian E-Bay?
on Oct 09, 2007
For the life of me I don't understand why she thought she was getting a good deal with that, the man's a regular toad.

Since it sure wasn't for the sex, I'm guessing she liked his music & figured his progeny would be musically inclined. A pure crap shoot of course(ugh, pardon the pun), as his progeny are just as likely to be alcoholics or junkies as successful musicians.  
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