Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?
Published on October 13, 2007 By Draginol In Politics

One of the things that I find maddening about the American left is its penchant for saying something is bad or that something should be done and then sitting back and doing nothing themselves about it.

Whether the case be health care (where they simply expect other people to pay for their "compassion") or more notoriously, global warming.

The United States produces (for now) the most CO2 on the planet.  Eventually China will catch up (who isn't govered by Kyoto incidentally - and people wonder why the US rejected it) and far surpass the US in CO2 emmissions because environmentalism is just a catch phrase there.

So do you believe CO2 from humans is primary causing global warming? And if so, do you think it is a life threatening thing?

Then morally, aren't you obligated to do something about it? Right now?

  1. Commuting to work more than 10 miles one way.  One third of our CO2 emissions come from driving.  It's not the gas mileage that's the problem. Nobody likes to talk about our dirty little secret: Americans drive too much.  If you're driving more than 20 miles a day, you're part of the problem. Quit it. Move closer to your job. Don't say you can't. You can. You just don't want to.   If CO2 generated global warming is really a global crisis, how can you sit back and do nothing?
  2. Get rid of your air conditioner. Electrical Power for homes represents nearly 40% of our CO2 emissions. Eliminate that second refrigerator. Get rid of the outdoor lights. Get rid of that dryer. Don't take baths, shower instead.  Don't say you can't. You can. If it's the difference between life and death, you certainly can. Quit watching TV. A typical TV uses far more power than a typical computer.  You may not want to but if global warming is the end of the world, it's the least you can do.
  3. No more long distance vacations. Whether you're driving (which is worse) or flying, there's no justification for driving or flying to a vacation destination. Not if lives are on the line.

If you truly believe that human produced CO2 is the root cause of global warming and that it will result in the deaths of millions, then how can you possibly not do the above 3 things?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 14, 2007
Daniel, great tip. I do happen to live in the desert, though, and an empty lot is well, pretty darned empty, with the exception of the occasional rattler, cactus, or mesquite bush.

See ya..
on Oct 14, 2007
Daniel, great tip. I do happen to live in the desert, though, and an empty lot is well, pretty darned empty, with the exception of the occasional rattler, cactus, or mesquite bush.

funny thing with deserts. you just have to add water.

examples utah, isreal, sinah.
on Oct 14, 2007
If you understood the principle of carbon-credit market, you would not say that. The idea is exactly that: buy credits, and the "polluting responsability" will be shifted to the seller.

I'm not stupid, cikomyr, but I thank you for condescending to me all the same.

Is it wrong to pollute the environment, or not? If it is wrong, it makes no difference whether someone has purchased a billion carbon credits, or none; the damage has been done. What you are suggesting is that the wealthy and the privileged have a right to live as wasteful gluttons while the poor need to live like crap because we can't afford the carbon credits. Ironic, considering your position as "championing the poor".

What you're saying, cikomyr, is we can have as many Three Mile Islands, as many Exxon Valdez oil spills as the companies want to long as they pony up the dough, it's all good. Frankly, that position is FAR MORE repugnant than the position of not doing anything!
on Oct 14, 2007

Sometimes I think I'd be better off in that mountain monastery of mine. Its so much quieter there. On the other hand, if I were there, I wouldn't be here talking with you.

I am glad that you are here to converse here. For we are all better off in the sharing.

on Oct 14, 2007
If you understood the principle of carbon-credit market, you would not say that. The idea is exactly that: buy credits, and the "polluting responsability" will be shifted to the seller.

This is, I'm sorry to say, the most idiotic explanation (excuse) I have ever read. I can not believe someone actually excuses creating more pollution. Maybe we should come up with a murder credit too, then we can shift the murder resposability to the sellers.
on Oct 15, 2007
Reply By: So Daiho Hilbert
People really need to evaluate the message and not misplace so much energy on the personality.

That’s exactly right, Al’s credibility on this issue is irrelevant. Is anyone here actually basing their opinion on climate change causes and what if anything should be done about it on what Al Gore says? He’s not a climatologist; he doesn’t understand climatology any better than we do. We should base or opinions on what the people in the specific field of climatology are telling us. I should think the GW skeptics would be pleased he doesn’t have better credibility.

People with power and influence can serve a very valuable service to the community if they chose by raising awareness on important issues. Even if they don’t truly believe the issue they’re spreading, their motivations are irrelevant unless they are the source of the issue, I don't think Al Gore discovered global warming.

on Oct 15, 2007
Double post
on Oct 15, 2007
Al’s credibility on this issue is irrelevant.

i am getting tired of the left saying do as i say not as i do. or having their flunkies say it for them.
on Oct 15, 2007
If it is such of a weakening to america, then why most the european countries that managed to mee Kyoto's accords actually have a better economical health than America?

Which European country has a better economical health than America?

on Oct 15, 2007
Al’s credibility on this issue is irrelevant. Is anyone here actually basing their opinion on climate change causes and what if anything should be done about it on what Al Gore says? He’s not a climatologist; he doesn’t understand climatology any better than we do.

So if I go around screaming about global warming and using other peoples research to prove it, can I get a Nobel Peace Prize as well? Hell I would deserve 2 of them since I won't be using private jets, I create way less CO2 than he does and I waste less energy than he does.
on Oct 15, 2007
then why most the european countries that managed to mee Kyoto's accords actually have a better economical health than America?

1 kyotos accords were designed to punish the country with the leading economy at that time.

2 the country with the leading economy at that time is the same country with the leading economy at this time.
on Oct 15, 2007
global warming=slow down american economy so that the rest of the world can catch up.
on Oct 15, 2007
So if I go around screaming about global warming and using other peoples research to prove it, can I get a Nobel Peace Prize as well? Hell I would deserve 2 of them since I won't be using private jets, I create way less CO2 than he does and I waste less energy than he does.

This is not the first time they've given one of these away to someone who didn't deserver it.
on Oct 15, 2007
Which European country managed to meet Kyoto's accords?
on Oct 15, 2007

Is it wrong to pollute the environment, or not? If it is wrong, it makes no difference whether someone has purchased a billion carbon credits, or none; the damage has been done. What you are suggesting is that the wealthy and the privileged have a right to live as wasteful gluttons while the poor need to live like crap because we can't afford the carbon credits. Ironic, considering your position as "championing the poor".

Bingo!  Buying carbon credits does nothing to reduce your output.  It is like Buying Indulgences.  You can still sin as much as you want, as long as you have enough money to salve your soul.  Same thing here.

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