Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on December 31, 2007 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

Twilight of the Arnor raises the stakes.  I really don't like the concept of nerfing. If someone is too powerful, then I tend to like to correct this by making everyone else subsequently more powerful.

Those of you who have played the beta so far can attest that if the civilizations from Twilight were to go up against the same civs from Dread Lords that the Twilight civs would utterly destroy the Dark Avatar civs.

But what we're working on right now is just going to be so much fun in this next beta as we begin to get into serious balancing.

I am starting to think that we may not make the date we want. I really want to have adequate time to work over the AI.  I've learned a lot of new tricks and strategies over the last few months and it's going to take quite a bit of coding to incorporate these ideas into the game.

I will give you one spoiler: The base speed for ships is now 2 instead of 1. I did this so that some civilizations (notably the Arceans) could have a negative speed ability (so they move at the same speed as below).

I also wanted to move things along a little bit to support the Immense sized galaxies.

Also, when you're playing these betas, you absolutely, positively must let us know if you run into any out of memory issues.  In fact, if you really want to help us, play the game in a window and keep the task manager open (ctrl-shift-esc) and look at the galciv process.  If it grows beyond 1.5 gigs then we have a BIG problem and you should look to sending us your saved game so that we can profile it.  The whole 2 gigabyte limit on process memory is going to be a big deal in PC gaming.  As someone who desperately wants to play games in which there might be 10,000 ships and 10,000 planets, it annoys me to have to deal with these kinds of limitations. 

Anyway though, there's just so much cool stuff in this expansion pack to play with. We're having a really fun time with it.  I'm working on the Thalans tonight (yea, New Year's Eve but I'm partied out ). 

The Thalans are the most interesting civilization in the game. If you get Twilight, you absolutely must spend some quality time with the Thalans (especially since they're going to be a major factor in GalCiv III someday).  They have significant unique tech trees that depend on your choice of good, neutral or evil (i.e. xeno ethics is really important with them).  It also means that a lot of their techs won't show up by default on the tech tree until after you pick a ethical path.

Incidentally, be sure to read a lot of the back story on the Altarians which are slipped into the tech descriptions.  There's preview info on our fantasy strategy game that's in development in there. (I am dying to talk about the fantasy strategy game, it has, and I kid you not, the most advanced 3D engine for strategy games that has ever been developed. Smooth transition from a whole world down to an individual leaf. And while it uses lots of DirectX 10 goodies, we're doing a lot of special coding so that it looks amazing on DirectX 9 and the whole game brings new meaning to the concept of modding -- the modding engine is PART of the game and we are using it to build the game ourselves and we use it to submit content into the master database which the game then uses -- and so will players who want to come up with really cool stuff).  The fantasy strategy game is really the kind of thing that strategy gamers usually don't see because only an insane indie game company would make a turn based strategy game like this -- i.e. the kind of technology and budget usually only seen in high end RPGs or first person shooters but instead used to cater specifically to strategy gamers. You'll see what I mean when the time gets closer.

Anyway, good times ahead. I think Twilight of the Arnor is the work I'm most proud of since getting into game development.  I just hope people enjoy all the next text and subtle tweaks.  12 unique civilizations to play with mean 12 different cultures to explore.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 01, 2008
I am really looking forward to TA, but I'm willing to wait.

Stardock, ilu.
on Jan 01, 2008
Yeah, I'd have to go with 2 1gb cards. Or I could just upgrade my comp in a year or two...

Hopefully I'll have the decent paying job by then...

on Jan 01, 2008
Is it most likly that the Thalan are the main civ in the Galciv III campaign.
on Jan 01, 2008

Wait... hold on...

'e's right.

The release date is, really, quite irrelevant. Technically, from my perspective, the game is already out, I've shelled out the money, I'm playing it, I'm loving it... but there's an active development team adding new features and making it even more awesome. Absolutely no complaints from me.

Question: with this base speed increase, does that apply to Terror Stars?

I mean to say, most of us who want TA have already preordered, 'cause you get betas and it's cheaper.

So... the release date is kinda' arbitrary: you'll keep releasing betas until then, and you'll likely release updates afterwards. Therefore, as long as you release betas, I couldn't care less.

In fact, the current beta is at a bug and playability level that most released games only aspire to anyway. So, rock on, Stardock.
on Jan 02, 2008
Please take your time. I agree with the majority. Go polish the game and make us happy!
on Jan 02, 2008
The fantasy game's a TBS, not an RPG.

Like HOMM?

on Jan 02, 2008
Yet another vote for "take as long as you need to make it right". I haven't preordered and I haven't played the beta. I'm still lovin' DA and have plenty of time and late nights to waste on that! Keep up the good work guys and gals!
on Jan 02, 2008

The fantasy game's a TBS, not an RPG.

Like HOMM?

If HOMM is your only experience in that genre, you should really lokk of you can somehow get (and play) Master of Magic. That is IMO the best fantasy TBS there was, although I admit that my judgement might be heavily biased by nostalgia. In its time, it was superior to HOMM though.

MoM is to the fantasy genre what MoO 2 was to the space genre.
on Jan 02, 2008
And the fantasy game will probably be pre-ordered immediately if it will be anything like the old Baulder's Gate or Morrowind/Oblivion.

The fantasy game's a TBS, not an RPG. And sins has already been in public (preorder) beta for a while now.

Cool, thanks. As for Sins, I'll need to play the demo first before ordering as I'm not a RTS fan so I'll need to check it out first.
on Jan 02, 2008
I am also in complete agreement with taking your time on the release of TA .I am looking forward to seeing the improvments unfold in the proper balancing of this expansion!!!!You have also made me excited to be a PC owner again in the idea of a turnbased fantasy stategy game in the likes of (MOM and fantasy general).Now if someone would make a world war one flight sim that will play on my 64 bit operating system that could horror of horrors out do the red baron. I can hardly wait to hear more on the fantasy stategy game .
on Jan 02, 2008
These time frames will hardly move us far away from the Holocene, which is the latest Geological Period. Carry on the good work, and no rush. We know that rushing is bad, for the most part. And good to hear that the next project is turn based as well.

on Jan 02, 2008

I'm seriously considering moving the date back quite a bit actually in order to concentrate on this more.

The rest of the team would still move onto the fantasy strategy game but the fleshing out of the civilizations and the AI is the part I do on the game and I wouldn't be doing on the new game for awhile.

With Sins of a Solar Empire coming out in February, it would mean moving the date back to March, however if we decided to do that.

I'd rather it be June than cutting corners on the AI.

Plus it gives the dev team a break from GC2 so that when they come back for the NEXT GC2 expansion (really hoping you'll do more) they will be full of new ideas.

Happy new year all!!
on Jan 02, 2008
TA, in its pre-release version, is already better than a vast majority of release-version games on the market, so I would have no problem waiting a little longer for Stardock to really finish it off properly. What's another gaming award between friends, anyway?   
on Jan 02, 2008
It would be a little ridiculous to have all new tech trees without the accompanying AI to take advantage of it.So if you need the time while losing part of the team to the new fantasy game,by all means you should take it.I hope the new tricks you have learned will really help to make each race unique.Any hints as to what that will be
?Would be nice tp know what 2 months will give us.
on Jan 02, 2008
Also, when you're playing these betas, you absolutely, positively must let us know if you run into any out of memory issues. In fact, if you really want to help us, play the game in a window and keep the task manager open (ctrl-shift-esc) and look at the galciv process. If it grows beyond 1.5 gigs then we have a BIG problem and you should look to sending us your saved game so that we can profile it. The whole 2 gigabyte limit on process memory is going to be a big deal in PC gaming. As someone who desperately wants to play games in which there might be 10,000 ships and 10,000 planets, it annoys me to have to deal with these kinds of limitations.

i will start doing this. i have a question, however.

i've already been noticing some, well, sub-par AI behavior, and there are also discussions about balance occuring. so far i haven't posted much about it because i figure your primary focus right now is getting the tech trees and game mechanics finished. should i be doing that, or should i start reporting concerns about AI and balance now?
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