While the HD-DVD group canceled some of their press events due to the defection of Warner Bros to Blu-Ray, HD-DVD has a pretty significant presence.
There seems to be no shortage of HD-DVDs currently available on the show floor as my blurry picture makes clear.
The CEA announced awhile back that over 30% of American households own an HDTV. With approximately over 60 million HDTV sets sold, the demand for high-definition video is growing. Thus far, both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD have sold pretty abysmally. There are a lot of reasons for this such as people wanting to wait until there's a standard format, they don't necessarily see enough of a visual difference to justify the expense. And there's a lot of obnoxious copy protection involved limiting compatibility (play that new Blu-Ray movie DVD in your new Blu-ray DVD drive on your new Dell and you may find they don't always work).
One of the more interesting sights (literally) has been the 120hz 1080p sets. There really seems to be a visual quality difference based on the refresh rate that is independent of the resolution.